满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

(2013山东济宁)The earthquake in Ya’an left__...

(2013山东济宁)The earthquake in Ya’an left________people homeless

A. two thousands

B. thousands of

C. two thousands of

D. two thousand of


B 【解析】thousands of是固定搭配,意为“数以千计的;成千上万的”。  

The baby panda died from a serious___________ and everyone felt very sad.

A. illness    B. ill    C. be ill    D. is ill



It has his name on the cover of the book. It must belong __________ Jill.

A. at    B. in    C. of    D. to



There is______ science museum in my city. ______ science museum is very big.

A. a ; A    B. a; The    C. The; A    D. the; The









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English Club



I love reading. At the age of 6, I could read Harry Potter, a difficult book for a 6-year-old, but I 1.(enjoy) it all the same. It soon became clear that spelling for me was not difficult and I had a wide vocabulary. This is one way I got from reading 2. such a young age.

3.(I) advice for you as English learners would be to read the English novels which you have often read 4. your mother language. Reading novels is a great way of 5. (improve) your vocabulary and spelling without knowing it as you are absorbed(全神贯注的) in the story. You know the story well, so it’s 6.(usual) easy to follow it in English even if you don’t understand every word.

This is anther way of basic point: it’s not necessary 7.(understand) every word. If you understand the 8.(mean) of the sentence, each word is not necessarily important. Quite often, if a word is used several 9.(time) in a text, you’ll gradually get an idea of what it means. Have 10. try. If you love reading you could open up a whole new world of literature.



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