满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达。 根据下面表格的内容的提示,以“Changes in my homet...


根据下面表格的内容的提示,以“Changes in my hometown”为题,用英语写一篇100字左右的短文。























Changes in my hometown

Great changes ___________________________________________________________________







Changes in My Hometown In the past, my hometown was very small. People lived a poor life. The houses were old and small. Pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere. The transportation was not convenient, so few visitors came here. Great changes have taken place in my hometown. The environment has become much better. The mountains have turned greener. The rivers are clearer and the sky is bluer. There are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. People live a better life. Their houses are large and bright. Many people have their own cars. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city. I'm sure my hometown will become better and better in the future. 【解析】 试题分析:生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。写出顺序的词来表达文意更清楚。完成提示词时也要符合事实。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇短文进行了较为全面的说明,从对家乡的过去开始描述,然后转入对家乡现在的情况介绍,通过对以往的面貌与现在面貌进行对比,体现出如今人们生活的幸福与快乐。同时使用了一些固定句式和短语,如:take place发生;turn greener变得更绿;large and bright大而明亮等等为文章增色不少。使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:提纲作文。  


My name is David Smith. I am an English boy, but my 1.  (家人) are all in Beijing now. My  p  2.  work here. My father is a worker and my mother is a teacher. I have a sister but no brothers. My   3.  and I are students of a high school in Beijing. I have new friends here. They are very kind 4. /tu:/ me. I often have dinner with  t  5. . I like all kinds(种类) of   6. (食物), like Sichuan food and Hunan food. They are   7.  (好吃). I’m very glad  to  8. here. I often go to the zoo(动物园) with my friends,   9. . We’re very happy. I like China very   10. .I like living here very much.




1. —Whose ____ (photo) are these?

—They are mine.

2. —Who ____ (teach) you English this year?

—Miss White.

3. Why not ____(have) a glass of milk, Xiaoming?

4. I often have two ____ (glass)of milk and some bread for breakfast.

5.Help ____(you) to the fish, kids.




This is a photo of a family. The grandmother’s name is Harry Smith. The grandfather’s name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans.

The father’s name is Lake Smith. The mother’s name is Kate Smith. They have a son of thirteen and a daughter of fifteen.

The son’s name is John Smith and the daughter’s name is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Junior High School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a doctor. It’s a very good family.


1.Lake Smith’s parents are ____.

2.John Smith is ____ years old.

3.Kate Smith is a ____.

4.John Smith and Mary Smith are in the ____ school.

5.The family has ____ children (孩子).



I’m Zhao Kai. I have a good friend. His name is Ben. 1.  He comes to China because(因为) his parents work in China.   2. He speaks English very well, but his Chinese isn’t good. I often help him with his Chinese and he helps me with my English.  3.   He has many friends in our school. Ben often plays with his friends. 4. His favorite food is jiaozi. I often invite(邀请) him to my home for dinner. 5.  . Do you want to be Ben’s friend?


A. We help each other.

B. He comes from America.

C. So he is very happy.

D. He likes to eat Chinese food.

E. Now Ben is in my class.









Mr. Brown is from Canada. He lives in China now. He usually has bread and milk for breakfast. And for lunch, he would like fish with vegetables and some rice. Jiaozi is Mr. Brown’s favorite food and he has it for dinner. He likes Chinese food very much.


1.Mr. Brown is in       now.

A.Canada    B.China    C.England

2.Mr. Brown has       for lunch.

A.fish     B.bread    C.milk

3.Mr. Brown likes       a lot.

A.rice     B.fish     C.jiaozi

4.Mr. Brown doesn’t have       for breakfast.

A.vegetables   B.bread    C.milk

5.Mr. Brown has       meals(餐)a day.

A.2     B.3     C.4



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