满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



they   true   poor   as    instead    eye    use   change    age    both

    Thanks to the development of technology in the past few years , people now can read news on the Internet quickly . _____of holding a newspaper to read , some people prefer to get worldwide news on mobile phones , computers and so on . So , does it mean it is the ____of information technology and newspapers will be replaced(取代)in the future ?

On the one hand , many people believe that newspapers will be replaced . Online news ____in a minute but newspapers can’t . So , by taking advantage of technology , people can connect ____ with the world in minutes . What’s more , many people prefer to read electronic news _____ they think it is not only fast but also costs little . Besides , using paper means cutting trees . Reading online news can ____ protect trees and save paper .

On the other hand , some people believe that newspapers will still exist(存在)in the future . Firstly , not everyone likes to read online news since some of them think it is bad for ______ . Secondly , the development of high technology is not spread all over the world . The online services will only be ______in the developed countries , but not in some other developing or ____ countries . So , people there may still read newspapers .

In short , although it is ________ that electronic news has developed quickly in the past years , newspapers still play a certain role in our modern life .


1.Instead 2.age 3.changes 4.themselves 5.as 6.both 7.eyes 8.used 9.poor 10.true 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了随着技术的发展一些人认为网络新闻将代替报纸,而另一些人认为尽管在最近几年中电子新闻发展的很快是真实的,但是报纸在我们的现代生活中仍然扮演着重要角色。 1. Instead 2.那么,是否意味着这是信息技术时代,报纸将在未来被取代?结合句意,故填age 3.根据上文可知网上新闻很快就会变化而报纸不能,根据news不可数,故填changes 4.通过技术的优势,人们可以让自己和世界数分钟就能联系起来。结合句意及所给的词汇,故填themselves 5.还有,许多人更喜欢读电子新闻因为他们认为那不仅仅快速而且花费少,结合句意,故填as 6.除此外,使用纸张意味着砍树木,网上阅读新闻既能保护树木又能节约纸张。结合句意,故填both 7.首先,不是每个人都喜欢阅读网上新闻由于他们中一些人认为那是对眼睛有害处的。结合句意,故填eyes 8.网上服务将仅仅在发达国家使用而不是在一些发展中或者贫穷国家使用。结合句意,故填used 9.网上服务将仅仅在发达国家使用而不是在一些发展中或者贫穷国家使用。poor 10. 考点:考查科普类短文。


   I live in a city where jobs are difficult to get and finding well-paid jobs is even     . Many people have to walk a long way to work   _ they can’t even afford an old, used car.

Yesterday I    one of these people when I was driving home. A man was working down the road and trying to ask for a     from the passing cars. Two cars in front of me passed him by.   wanted to do the same but the sight of that poor man remained in my mind for quite a moment.    I drove back and give him a ride.

As I drove along, we had a conversation and I      that man was trying all his best to support his     while working a temporary(临时的)job. Every coin he had was going to     the house and the food.

But as we came close to the house he was living in, I saw his tired eyes grow     His little girl was playing in the front yard and   into her daddy’s arms as soon as he was out of the     . I was almost lost in that happy moment. I smiled, said     to them and wished them future happiness.Then I    .

That day, the journey home which used to seem so    became very short.

1.A. easier      B. harder          C.faster       D. greater

2.A. and        B. but          C. because        D. so

3.A. called      B. followed        C.saved         D. saw

4.A. ride      B. coin           C. job         D. map

5.A.He        B. I           C.They         D. We

6.A. Actually    B. Finally       C. Firstly        D. Similarly 

7.A. decided     B. hoped         C. learned       D. said

8.A. family      B. friends         C. relatives      D. partners

9.A. depend on   B. make up        C. pay for     D. take away

10.A. dry        B. small          C. dark       D. bright

11.A. climbed    B. fell             C. knocked      D. ran

12.A. bus      B.car             C. taxi         D. train

13.A. goodbye    B. hello         C. sorry       D. yes

14.A. drove off   B. sat down     C. stood up     D.walked away

15.A. boring    B. interesting     C. long          D. unusual



— I’ ve made up my mind..   —_________, it’s not necessary to discuss it.

A. In that case   B. In total

C. What a pity      D. After all



—I find magazines ________.

—So do I. I don’t really buy magazines or look through them,

A. less and less interesting 

B. more and more interesting

C. the most interesting

D. the least interesting



Peter likes pop music,but _____ his father _______ his mother likes it.

A. both; and              B. not only; but also

C. neither; nor           D. either; or



When Jack arrived, he leaned Mary ________ for almost an hour.

A. had gone                  B. had left

C. had been away             D. has been away



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