满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Helen was not good at her work last term...

Helen was not good at her work last term, but now she works ________.

A. more carefully           B. more careful

C. much careful             D. much carefully


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:海伦上学期的工作不好,但现在她工作更仔细了。副词修饰动词works,排除B,C;现在与上学期相比,应该用比较级的形式。故答案为A。 考点:考查副词的比较级用法。  

The father wished the twins to be doctors, but ________of them liked to study medicine.

A. both           B. none        C. either          D. neither



My uncle has two children, a son and a daughter. The son is ______ English teacher and______ daughter is a nurse.

A. a, the       B. an, the      C. the, a    D. an, a




In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic "What makes a good neighbour”.(以‘‘怎样才是个好邻居”为题,写一篇60-120个词的短文,标点符号不占格)




Answer the questions   (根据短文内容回答T列问题):

    These days, people with serious heart problems can have a heart transplant - in other words, another heart is put into their body to replace the heart with problems.

    Christiaan Barnard was the surgeon (外科医生) who performed the first human heart transplant operation. Barnard was born in 1922. in his native South Africa. He studied medicine at the University of Cape Town and graduated in 1953. Then he went to the USA and studied at the University of Minnesota. He returned to the University of Cape Town in 1958 to teach surgery. No one knew very much about him- but in 1967, he became world-famous.

   On 3 December. Barnard transferred the heart of a 25-year-old woman into the body of Louis Washkansky, a 55-year-old grocer. Unfortunately, Washkansky died 18 days later. Barnard did a second transplant, on 2 January 1968. for a man called Philip Blaiberg - this was a lot more successful. as Blaiberg lived for over 1 8 months after the operation.

    Barnard was not the usual picture of a surgeon. Young and handsome. he spent as much time in nightclubs as he did in operation rooms. He met the Pope(教皇)in Rome and President Lyndon Johnson in the USA. He knew many beautiful film stars of the time, but all three of his marriages failed. He also performed free surgery on hundreds of very sick people

    ⑤He died in September 200l, aged 78.

1.When was Christiaan Barnard born?

2.In which two countries did he study'?

3.What did Barnard do at the University of Cape Town in 1958?

4.How long did Philip Blaiberg live after his heart transplant?

5.What does paragraphtell us about Barnard? Answer in one sentence.

6.What kind of person do you think Barnard was? Give your reasons.



Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):

    “Moi, Sofia!"  "Terve, Aleksi!” That's "hello" in Finland(芬兰)And that's how students and staff g 1. each other at this Finnish school. Students call their teachers by their first names. Anna Hansson has gone to this school since first grade, so she knows everybody Anna shouts "Moi" to her schoolmates as she arrives at 7:45 in the morning

   At her school. Anna and her classmates d  2.  , along with their teacher, what their weekly aims, tasks and activities will be. Students work at their own pace. They don't always study together. Some may be in their home classroom. Others might be in a workshop, where they ' re learning by actually doing. Today, Anna's group is working on a magazine in the workshop.

   Anna and her classmates don't learn by memorizing facts.  3., they work together to gather information. They ask their teacher for help whenever they need to. The class is active and busy, but the teacher is in full control and doesn't have to tell students to behave. Parents are welcome at the school and volunteer in workshops and evening classes.

   After 90 minutes, students have a break for 30 minutes. Soon. it's lunchtime! In Anna's school. students get free hot m  4. every day. Today's lunch is everybody's favorite - meatballs and mashed potatoes. It is served with salad, bread and milk on the tables with flowers in vases.

   Chores have always been part of the school life. All students do chores. which i  5.  taking care of plants, collecting trash, recycling, and composting. Students help in the library and in the kitchen.

    School is o  6.  between 12 noon and 2 in the afternoon. Most parents work, so city officials have built outdoor playgrounds and two buildings for younger students to do homework or play indoor games while waiting to be picked up. For o   7.  students. there are clubs and hobby groups.

They can study languages, learn to play instruments and do arts and crafts.



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