满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I fell in love with Hangzhou when I went...

I fell in love with Hangzhou when I went there________the first time.

A.at                     B.with

C.for                    D.in


C 【解析】 试题分析:for the first time表示“第一次”。当我第一次到杭州时我就爱上了那里。结合句意,故选C。 考点:介词的用法。  

-----Could we go and watch the football game?

The poor woman is very worried——_________little food for______ many children.

A.Such;so               B.So;so

C.Such;such             D.So;Such



The teacher won’t begin the class ______ all the students ______.

A. until ; stop to talk        B. until; stop talking

C. if; stop to talk           D. if ; stop talking



____ do you ___ this book?    —It is very interesting.

A. How; think about         B. How; think of

C. What ;  think of         D. What; think



I can’t ______ it in English because I can’t ______ English. Can I _______ you the story in Chinese?

A. speak; say; tell         B. say; speak; tell

C. tell; speak; say      D. say; tell; speak



- When did your parents _______?

- They _______ for 20 years.

A. marry.; got married

B. get married; have got married:

C. marry; have got married

D. get married; have been married



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