满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I can’t ______ it in English because I c...

I can’t ______ it in English because I can’t ______ English. Can I _______ you the story in Chinese?

A. speak; say; tell         B. say; speak; tell

C. tell; speak; say      D. say; tell; speak


B 【解析】 试题分析:say sth in +语言;speak +语言;tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事。句意:我不能用英语说它,因为我不会将英语。我能用中文告诉你这个故事吗?故选B。 考点:动词辨析  

- When did your parents _______?

- They _______ for 20 years.

A. marry.; got married

B. get married; have got married:

C. marry; have got married

D. get married; have been married



When did your father _______ your mother?

A. marry                   B. marry to

C. marry with              D. get married






There was an 1.movie yesterday. My mother gave2.enough money for two tickets. So I decided3.my best friend Lily to the movie with me. When4.in line to buy tickets, a thief stole my money. I 5.a policeman about it. The policeman helped me find the thief and 6. my money from him. I had a wonderful time 7.the film with Lily. After I got back home, I decided to write a thank-you note to policeman for 8.help. But I didn’t know how 9.. My mother showed me some thank-you 10. on the Internet. Then I wrote a thank-you note to the policeman.



The young girl sings as        as the singer.

A、good                  B、well                C、better



When I got there, they          the old people clean the house.

A、helped             B、are helping          C、were helping



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