满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What is your brother going to do this a...

—What is your brother going to do this afternoon Mike?

—The first thing ____________my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.

A. which   B. that   C. why    D. what


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—你的哥哥今天下午要做什么,迈克?——我哥哥下午要做的第一件事就是写一封信。句中缺少定语从句的关系词,先行词是thing,前面有序数词first,而且关系词在句中做宾语,故只能用that,答案为B。 考点:考查定语从句。  

—How soon      all the work_________?   —In a week.

A. will… finish           B. is…going to finish

C. will…be finished       D. are…going to be finished



—What were you and the old man talking about?

—He asked __________.

A. what I have been.

B. why was I staying there

C. whether I could help him

D. how can he get through the building



—Is the girl popular at school?

—Yes. Not only her classmates but also her English teacher __________ her.

A. like          B. likes        C. dislike         D. dislikes



—When accident happened you must_______________.

—Yes because losing our temper isn’t going to help.

A. cheer you up         B. let you down

C. keep your cool       D. feel down



—Bob has changed a lot!

—That’s true. That fact is that he’s___________ five kilos since he gave up smoking.

A. put up       B. put off      C. put on     D. put down



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