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短文填空 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整...



either, child,around, too, work,sit,but,many, he,something, open, have

One day Tom went out to look for work. He went from place to place,   1. could not find a job. In the afternoon, he came to a factory. He went into the office building and   2. the door of a big room. There he saw a fat man   3.  at a desk.

"What do you want?" the man asked. "I am looking for work," answered Tom. "Any kind of work?" he man asked. "Any kind of work,please. I am strong, you see," Tom said.

The man looked at Tom for a long time and then he said,"We have got enough workers. We want no   4. . Get out. "

Tom turned 5.  .When he was going to the door, the fat man said, "Look,do you see the man over there" He pointed to a man outside the window. "I give 6.  five dollars a day. I will only give you four dollars a day. Do you want his job? He is getting old. Of course, I won't give you five dollars a day. I can only give you four dollars a day. "

For a long time Tom said 7.    . He thought of his wife and   8.  . But that worker had his wife and children,   9.  . Finally Tom said,"No, I won't want the job. "Tom was right. He didn't want to take the bread out of another   10.  mouth.


1.but 2.opened 3.sitting 4.more 5.around 6.him 7.nothing 8.children 9.too 10.worker’s 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是汤姆在求职中的故事。汤姆出去找工作,但是到处都找不到,一天,一位老板问他是否愿意是更低的工资抢去一位老人的工作,汤姆思考再三拒绝了。他不想要抢走别人嘴里的面包。 1.but句意:他从一个地方到另一个地方,但是不能找到工作。虽然尽力到处找了,但是找不到工作。表示转折,用but。故填:but。 2.opened句意:他进了办公楼,打开了一个大房间的门。进楼,然后开门。开:open,描述过去,用一般过去时态,故填:opened。 3.sitting句意:他看到一个胖子坐在桌子旁。胖子坐在办公桌旁,坐:sit。看到某人在做某事:see sb. doing sth。故填:sitting。 4.more句意:我们有足够的工人,我们不再要了。因为工人够了,所以不再要了,不再:no more。故填:more。 5.around句意:汤姆转身。根据语境可知,被拒绝的汤姆转身离开。转身:turn around。故填:around。 6.him句意:我给他一天五美元。指问外的那个男士,他,作宾语,用宾格。故填:him。 7.nothing句意:很长一段时间内,汤姆什么也没有说。汤姆难以决定,思考时一句话也没有讲。故填:nothing。 8.children句意:他想着妻子和小孩。由下句:But that worker had his wife and children(那位工人也有妻子和小孩)前后表达的内容相一致,故填:children。 9.too句意:但是那位工人也有妻子和小孩。他有,那位工人也有。肯定句句子末尾的“也”:too。故填:too。 10.worker’s句意:汤姆是对的,他不想要拿走另一位工人嘴里的面包。那是另一位工人的工作,抢走他的工作,就是从他的嘴里抢走面包,工人的:worker’s。故填:worker’s。 考点:短文填空。


Linda Edwards was full of happiness because her lost cat Spas was returned to her 12 years after he went missing!

Spas went missing in 2002 and Edwards looked for him every day for three months. She searched all around her town and even wrote letters to some newspapers for help. But she was never able to find him. At the end of the three months,her search stopped.

But someone recently discovered a dirty, thin stray(流浪的;走失的)cat in the street and took him into West Flamingo Animal Hospital. The people working in the hospital checked the cat and were sure enough that his name was Spas and he belonged to Linda Edwards!

"An old lady found the cat on Sunday and brought him here. We scanned(扫描)his microchip(微芯片)and we were able to find out his owner. The cat, whose name is Spas, has been missing for 12 years! " said a doctor.

It is a way to recognize pets by scanning their microchips if the stray animals belong to anyone who could be missing them. It also allows animal services to know if the animals have a family waiting for them. Linda was very thankful that she had Spas taken the microchip and was so excited to get him back!

"I have a second chance to play with my cat," she said. "This would never have happened if there were no microchips. "

1.Who took the cat to the animal hospital?


2.How did the animal hospital know the owner?


3.If you have a pet,will you have your pet taken the microchip? Why or why not?


















1.I'm       ['terәbli] sorry. I had no idea you felt that way.

2.I have the honor of       [intrә'dju:siŋ] to you Mr. Smith.

3.一 What did you do last night,Lily?

一I continued       (开展)on with my study of red-crowned cranes.

4.John and Mary sat at       (对面)ends of the table to each other.

5.He had a real       (知识)of animals, birds and flowers.

6.Let's go somewhere and feed our       (胃)first.

7.All 140 guests were brought out of the building       (安全)by firemen.

8.一How are the local people after the water flood?

The government has provided them       things they need most.

9.一Little Mary lost her parents in a car accident, leaving her an orphan(孤儿).

一It       us all deeply to see how she lived.

10.Mary's father likes travelling all over the world.

But he is unable to travel much       of old age.



"What's the name of our neighbor? I can't remember right now. " Have you ever heard your grandparents ask questions like this sometimes? Usually, we think that older people's memory becomes bad because their brains get weak. But now a team of scientists at the University of Tubingen in Germany has a new idea.[

"The human brain works slower in old age," says Michael Ramscar, the lead scientist. "But only because they have stored more information overtime. "

The findings are based on a series of computer simulations(模拟)of learning and memory. Scientists let the computers read a certain amount of words and learn new things each day. When the computer "reads" only so much, its performance on cognitive(认知)tests is similar of a young adult. But if the computer learns the experiences we might encounter over a lifetime, its performance is similar to that of an older adult.

Often it is slower, but not because its processing capacity has declined. Rather, increased "experience" has caused the computer's database to grow, giving it more data(数据)to process-which takes time. This is similar to old people. Imagine a person knows two people's birthdays. Another person knows the birthdays of 2000 people, but can only match the right person to the right birthday nine times out of 10. Can you say the first person has a better memory than the second person?

1.The writer uses a question at the beginning of the passage to         .

A. invite the readers to answer the question

B. attract the readers' attention to the topic

C. show how weak older people's brains are

   D. tell the readers the latest findings about brains

2.According to the research, why do old people forget people's names easily?

A. Because they have a very poor memory.

B. Because they are too old to remember things.

C. Because their brains become weaker than before.

D. Because they have stored too much information.

3.Where would this passage most probably appear?

A. In a magazine.   B. In a story book.

C. In an ad.        D. In a guidebook.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Do old people have a bad memory?

B. Scientists' new findings on brains

C. Human brain's processing capacity

D. Which is better, the old or the young?



Parents are busy today. Sometimes they have to leave their children at home alone. For children, it is important to know how to keep themselves safe when they are at home alone. If you are one of them,what should you do? Let me give you some advice.

When you arrive at your home, you should check the doors and windows first. If they are broken, it says someone must have entered. If so, wait outside and tell your parents or the police. If everything appears normal,you should go inside and lock the door quickly. If something seems strange inside, you should ask your neighbour for help and call the police.

If someone knocks at the door, you should identify the visitor before you open the door. This can be done by saying, "Yes, who is it?" You can also look through the peephole to see if you know the visitor. If you don't know the person very well, don't open the door.

You should not allow strangers to enter the house or give out any information about your family. You should be polite when you talk with the stranger, but remain behind the closed door. If the visitor wants to speak to your parents, you should say that the parents can't come to the door at the moment and offer to take a message.

1.The passage is written for            .

A. Parents.         B. Police.

C. Children.        D. Strangers.

2.What should children do when they find something unusual at home alone?

A. Lock the door quickly.

B. Tell their parents immediately.

C. Ask their neighbours for help.

D. Remain behind the closed door.

3.What does the underlined word "identify" mean?

A. find out who the visitor is

B. keep silent with the visitor

C. refuse to let the visitor in

D. look carefully at the visitor

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to ask for help.

B. How to talk to strangers.

C. How to be a brave child.

D. How to be safe at home.



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