满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Lisa, what do you think of the job of b...

—Lisa, what do you think of the job of being a nurse?

—In my opinion, it ____ be difficult sometimes though it seems easy.

A. should            B. can

C. must              D. need


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查情态动词的用法与辨析。句意:--丽莎,你认为护士这份职业如何?--在我看来,这份职业可能有时候会很困难尽管它看起来很容易。Should应该;can能够,可能;must必须; need需要。根据句意以及后者的回答,可知选B。 考点:情态动词  

-I’ve decided to compete in the race, but I’m afraid I won’t be the best.

-____. You never know until you try.

A. Enjoy yourself         B. Go for it

C. Take it easy           D. Take your time



—No words are strong enough to express our thanks for your coming.


A. It’s a pity.       B. It’s my pleasure.

C. With pleasure.       D. Never mind.



Stop smoking, Joe! You _____ yourself if you keep on doing it like that!

A. will kill            B. have killed

C. kill                 D. killed



My mother used to make breakfast for _____ every morning, but now I do it myself.

A. mine           B. my

C. I                D. me



Dave really likes driving. I think being a _____ is just right for him.

A. doctor              B. teacher

C. farmer              D. driver



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