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短文改错 下面短文画线部分有错,把正确答案写在该行后面横线上,不得改变原句意义。...



Predict the future can be very difficult.There are so many   1.________

predictions what never came true.Before 1929,there2.________

was not sound in movies.The head of one of the biggest movie  3._______

company in the United States predicted that no one would want to see  4.________

actors to talk.Of course,he was wrong! In 1977,the head of the     5.________

biggest computer company in the United States said, No one would want 6.________

to have a computer in his and her home.  He thought that computers 7._______

would never use by most people,but most people have computers in  8.________

their homes now. We never know what will happen at the future, but we 9.________

believe we shall live a better life than before if we work hardly now. 10.________


1.Predicting 2.that/which 3.no 4.companies 5.talking 6.will 7.or 8.be used 9.in 10.hard 【解析】 试题分析:。 1.1】句意:预测将来可能是很困难的。此题考查动名词作主语,故填Predicting。 2.2】句意:这有很多不可能实现的预测。此题考查定语从句,因为先行词是predictions,故用that/which。 3.3】句意:在1929年前,在电影里没有声音。此题考查no=not any。根据句意,故填no。 4.4】句意:在美国最大的电影公司的领导预测没有人想要看演员谈话。此题考查固定短语one of+形容词最高级+可数名词的复数,根据句意,故填companies。 5.句意:在美国最大的电影公司的领导预测没有人想要看演员谈话。此题考查固定短语see sb doing sth看到某人做某事,根据句意,故填talking。 6.句意:没有人想要在他或她的家里有一台电脑。此题考查一般将来时,根据句意,故填will。 7.句意:没有人想要在他或她的家里有一台电脑。此题考查连词,or或者,根据句意,故填or。 8.句意:他认为电脑将从来不会被绝大部分的人们使用,但是绝大部分的人们在家里都有电脑。此题考查被动语态,根据句意,故填be used。 9.句意:我们从来都不知道将来会发生什么。此题考查固定短语in the future在将来,根据句意,故填in。 10.句意:我们相信如果我们现在努力学习,我们就会过比以前更好的生活。此题考查副词hard努力地,根据句意,故填hard。 考点:考查短文改错。



1.There is only a chair in the room.

There is __________  __________ a chair in the room.

2.She dont feel like walking very much today.

She _______   ________ to walk very much today.

3.Sue married  John last year.

John _______ _______  to Sue last year.

4.I dont know where I can find my dog.

I dont know _______ ________ find my dog.

5.Cant Tom make his parents happy?

_________ his parents  _______  made happy by Tom?



A    1.

B:My favorite singer is Qu Wanting.

A:Why do you like her?

B   2.       I prefer the singers who write their own lyrics.

A     3.

B:I think her songs are very beautiful. What about you?

A:Me, too.

B:Which of her songs do you like best?

A:      4.

B  5.

A: Her songs remind me of many good things.

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W:Hello,Han Lin.

H:Hello,Xiao Hua.

W: 1. 

H:I'm reading about todays newspaper.It says every week students in primary schools

have a day without homework.  2.

W:I think its great.   3.

H:Thats impossible.But after the big exam,well also have a long summer vacation

and neednt do any homework.

W:Im looking forward to it.Have you made any plans for it?

H:  4.   Im going traveling.But I havent decided where to go.

W:   5.

H:Good idea.I also hear Taiwan is a nice place.Ill think about it.Thank you for your advice.

W:Its a pleasure.

A.Why not go to Taiwan?

B.How do you feel about it?

C.What are you up to?

D.Yes, of course.

E.I wish I were still in primary school.



Have you heard of “Buy Nothing Day”? Do you think you can’t spend a coin on that day?

This holiday encourages people to stop buying thing. It began in the l990s in Vancouver, Canada.It was the idea of a man named Kalle Lasn.After working for many years in advertising(广告业),Lasn began to question the ways advertisers influenced people to buy things.

Lasn knows that people need to buy things. They have to buy things to eat,live and even enjoy life.But Lasn believes that many companies encourage people to buy far more than is necessary.He thinks it hurts people and culture.

Lasn tries to help people understand some of the false values and ideas behind advertising.The main value he fights is the idea.“You must buy more to be happy.”Encouraging people to celebrate“Buy Nothing Day”is one idea he came up with.

“Buy Nothing Day” is celebrated on the fourth Friday of every November.Lasn chose this day for a very important reason.It is one of the biggest shopping days of the year.Advertisers call this day Black Friday.

The first “Buy Nothing Day” was celebrated in Canada in 1992.Many other countries also have growing problems with too much consumption (消费). Now, over sixty different countries,including the USA,the UK,Germany, France,Japan,are celebrating“Buy Nothing Day”.

Some people doubt if “Buy Nothing Day” can really change culture.It is only one day, they say.Other people say that consumers should not just buy less,but they should buy better.These people encourage consumers to buy things made in environment—friendly ways.

But “Buy Nothing Day” does get people thinking about the negative(负面的)influences of buying too much.

1.The writer uses two questions at the beginning of the passage to_____________.

A. call readers attention to the topic

B. show how important the topic is

C. invite readers to answer them

2.From the passage,we know Kalle Lasn_____________.

A. was born in Canada

B. used to work in supermarkets

C. came up with the idea of“Buy Nothing Day”

3.What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Advertising too much.

B. Believing in false values.

C. Many companies doing.

4.Which of the following is TRUE about Buy Nothing Day”?

A. It was started 40 years ago.

B. It is on the same day as Black Friday.

C. It is celebrated on the same day every year.

5.Which opinion may the writer agree with?

A. People will feel happier if they buy more things.

B. People should buy things that are environment-friendly.

C. “Buy Nothing Day”makes a difference to people's shopping lists.



It’s important to learn things about protecting environment. Here’s a 5Rs rule for us.


If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly and then throws it away, soon we would not have any trees left. Some other things are also being wasted, and people dont know what to do with waste in big cities, so its necessary to reduce waste.


You should always think of reusing the usable(可用的) things before throwing them away. Give your clothes or things you dont use to the poor. In a family, you may pass such clothes on to your younger brothers or sisters.


Bottles, cans(罐)and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money, for example, cola cans are sent to a factory, where theyre smashed flat(压平)and smelted (熔化), and the metal things are made into new cola cans.


When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten(腐烂的)apples, you have two choice: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you should cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.


If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it instead of throwing the table away. If you want to change for better ones, its better for you to sell the old ones or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair.

1.The “Reduce” rule mainly requires us _____.

A. to use things wisely

B. to cut down many trees

C. to use paper careless

2.What’s the right order of recycling cola cans?

a. smash them flat

b. collect the used cans

c. smelt them

d. send them to a factory

A. a-b-c-d     B. d-c-b-a     C. b-d-a-c

3.The “Reuse” rule mainly requires us _____.

A. to throw away the old clothes

B. to collect waste paper and soft drink cans

C. to give the old but usable things to the poor

4.Which sentence is about the “Repair” rule?

A. When you leave a room, turn off the lights.

B. If your chair is broken, you can repair it.

C. Don’t use plastic bags.

5.The Recover rules mainly requires us ______

A. to use the good parts of things

B. to cover waste things

C. to throw away the useful parts



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