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书面表达 请你以 A Trip to Wuxi为题写一篇短文,包括以下要点: 1...


请你以 A Trip to Wuxi为题写一篇短文,包括以下要点:

1. 上周末你和家人一起乘长途车去了无锡;

2. 你们已经来无锡两次了;最近几年变化很大;你们在那呆了两天;

3. 第一天你们乘公交车去南禅寺(Nanchan Temple)而且在那吃午饭;饭后去锡惠公园(Xihui Park),在那儿划船,爬山;傍晚去太湖广场(Taihu Square)放风筝,拍了许多照片;

4. 第二天,你们步行去市中心购物,给亲戚买礼物;

5. 你们玩得很开心。希望……(自由发挥至少1点)

要求:1. 文章内容须包括所有要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 词数80个左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,

My family and I went to Wuxi by coach last week.______________________________








A trip to Wuxi Wuxi is a beautiful city. Last week, my family and I took a bus to Wuxi. We have been there twice. These years it has changed greatly. We stayed there for two days. On the first day we went to Nanchan Temple by bus and ate lunch there. After lunch we went to Xihui Park . We went boating and climbed the mountain there. In the evening we went to Taihu Square to fly a kite. We also took a lot of photos. On the second day we went shopping and bought some gifts for relatives. We had a good time. We won’t forget the meaningful experience. We hope we will come here next holiday. 【解析】 试题分析:本次作文为话题类作文,要求以A trip to Wuxi为题写一篇短文。写作要点已经列出,要求明确,故要完成写作任务,务必把各要点表达清楚。 写作亮点:本篇范文成功地完成了写作任务,要点全面,结构连贯。本文应用了很多短语使得文章很生动,例如Last week, my family and I took a bus to Wuxi. We stayed there for two days. On the first day.一般现在时态、一般过去时态、一般将来时态的应用更使得短文表述更准确Wuxi is a beautiful city. Last week, my family and I took a bus to Wuxi. We won’t forget the meaningful experience. We hope we will come here next holiday. 准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。总之,该文是一篇不错的短文。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  

完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,在答卷相应的横线上填写答案。


Mr. Li_______ _______ ___________ ______  three years ago .


The roller coaster ________ _____ ________ ________ and was really exciting.


It _______________________________________________________________ him last time.


He’s _____________________________________________________ already.


The two _______________________________________each other.


My uncle with these office workers ____________________________________________twice.




1.-Where have you been? Your mother ___________(wait) for you in your office for too long.

2.We can never catch up with the fashion because it ____________ (change) all the time.

3.—I called you several times this morning, but you didn’t answer.

—Sorry, I _______________ (play) tennis the whole morning.

4.From time to time, I _________(feel) the wind on the balcony when I lived in the old flat.

5.---What can we use computers for? ---_______(send) emails.

6.The life he has been used to __________(be) different in the future.

7.When you laugh or smile, your body ___________ (relax)

8.—It must be on Channel 2. Try that.

—I _______________ (try) that. But I still can’t get anything.




1.The TV _______________ (节目) on Channel Six are all about films.

2.I always _______________ (想念) my parents after I left hometown to live in the school.

3.There will be  _______________ (采访) for the pop star this afternoon.

4.Are there any _______________ (国际的) banks in this modern town?




1.I have no _______(communicate) with the girl.

2.Broadway has been famous for its theatres since the early _________(twenty) century.

3.His grandfather has been ______(die) for three years.

4.Have these soldiers receive their _________(wife) letters?



任务型阅读  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。

A book which is still being discussed by many Americans today is “Future Shock” by Alvin Toffler. In this book the writer describes the great changes which have been made in family life because of science and industry.

In the past, when more Americans lived on farms, the typical(典型的) family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Uncles and aunts often lived nearby, too.

But now, when industry has become more important than agriculture(农业) in American life, families are becoming smaller and smaller. Industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land to move again whenever necessary. Large families can’t be moved from place to place as easily as smaller families can.

In the future, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller .The typical family may keep childless and consist only of a man and a woman. A smaller number of families may raise(养育) children. These families may raise children as their main occupation, leaving the childless families free to move from job to job. What’s more, these child-raising families may raise other people’s children in addition to their own.



The book


Future Shock


Alvin Toffler


1.          life has been changing greatly in America.




Typical family



Living places


In the past

Parents, many children, grandparents uncles and aunts


On the2..

At 3.   _____.

A man, a woman and a child for most families

In or around the workplace

In the future

A man, a woman without a

4.      for many families

In or around the workplace


People are required to move from place to place easily because of the development of both 5. __________ and industry



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