满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Could you go shopping with me this after...

Could you go shopping with me this afternoon?

Sorry .My money _________.I am afraid I have to wait some time .

A. has run out of    B. has run out    C. has used up     D. has given out


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-今天下午你能和我一起去购物,好吗? -对不起,我的钱已经用光了。恐怕得等一段时间。run out用完,用光。结合语境,所以选B。 考点:考查动词短语。  

Have you got ready for the exam?

Yes. But Mr Liu told us it would be _________still next week.

A. Put off        B. put away     C. put out      D. put up



What canI do to find my lost watch?

You ‘d better _________ a notice.

A. Put off   B. put in   C. put up



He_________no return when he decided to help us.

A. expected    B. asked     C. planned    D. remembered



What’s up ,dear?

I really don’t want to go to the meeting ,but I don’t see how I can _________it.

A. get back from     B. get out of      C. get away     D. get off



You don’t look well.did you see the doctor?

Yes.the doctor asked me to_________some medicine.

A. eat     B. drink     C. will     D. take



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