满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-Would you please help me clean the clas...

-Would you please help me clean the classroom?    -           .

A. I have no time  B. My pleasure

C. Thank you       D. With pleasure


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--请你帮我打扫教室好吗,比尔?--当然可以,愿意效劳。A. I have no time 我没时间。B. My pleasure我很荣幸;别客气;非常高兴为您服务,不用谢;别人对你进行感谢时的回答语。C. Thank you 谢谢你;D. With pleasure愿意效劳。是别人请你帮忙时的回答语。所以选D。 考点:考查情景交际。  

No matter     you do, you must do it well. No matter      break the rule, he must be punished.

A. what, who B. who, who

C. what, what  D. who, what



She used to     a bus to school, but now she is used to    to school.

A. taking, walk    B. take, walk

C. taking, walking  D. take, walking



Though the road      success is hard, you will      it.

A. of, succeed B. to, succeed

C. of, make    D. to, make



Boys and girls, you can make your      a partner.

A. decide choosing      B. own decisions choosing

C. decide to choose     D. own decisions to choose



We can’t find a partner      .

A. to practice English    B. to practice English with

C. practice English       D. practice English with



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