满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Could you please tell me ________ the...

---Could you please tell me ________ the History Museum?

---The day after tomorrow, I think.

A. when will you visit            B. when you will visit

C. when would you visit           D. when you would visit


B 【解析】句意:--请你告诉我你什么时候能参观历史博物馆吗?--我认为是后天。 本题考查宾语从句的用法,注意用陈述语序,根据下文的时间状语可知用一般将来时。故选B。  

---Look, this sweater is beautiful .


A. Why not trying it on

B. why not try on it

C. why not try it on

D. why not trying on it



With the money _______ he saved when he was young, he could go on with his education.

A. what    B. who    C. this    D. That



We believe that these mountains ______ with trees in a few years’ time.

A. are covered         B. will cover

B. C. will be covered  D. are covering



Most kids hope __________ their time at school..

A. not waste    B. to not waste

C. not to waste   D. to waste



Don’t worry! The firefighters will ______ the fire as soon as possible.

A. put out     B. put away    C. put up      D. put off



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