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书面表达 最近,你随机调查了你校50名同学的课外英语学习现状(结果见下面图表)。...



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I have recently done a survey about how students learn English out of class.





I have recently done a survey about how students learn English out of class. Almost all students read textbooks. They think reading textbooks is the most important for English learning.More than 40 students make word cards. Some students go over their notes they have taken in class. However, only a few students ask the teachers for help. In my opinion, listening and speaking are the secrets of becoming a good language learner. We need to do lots of listening and speaking practice, such as watching English movies and listening to English songs. Also, chatting with foreigners can be helpful. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文给出了写作的提纲,在写作时要构思好文章的结构,注意要点一定齐全。句子要完整,表达准确,注意时态的变化和主谓一致。文中可适当使用一些连接词来加强文章的逻辑性。 写作亮点:这篇作文结构清晰完整,表达准确流利,要点齐全。文中有一些好的表达方式如We need to do lots of listening and speaking practice, such as watching English movies and listening to English songs. Also, chatting with foreigners can be helpful.等等。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  

任务型阅读 (有一项是多余的)

Peter lost his friend’s book, He felt very sad. Kate broke her mom’s favorite cup   1.    She was so sorry for her mistake.

We all make mistake because we’re human .And it’s not always easy to get on well with everyone all the time. Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings although we don’t do it on purpose. 2.    But we feel bad later, so we apologize.

An apology tells someone that we’re sorry for our mistakes. It’s a way to show that we’ll try to do better in the future.

Apologies are one of the tools to build good friendships and relationships. When you say “I’m sorry”, you probably feel bad because what you did or said hurt another person. 3.  you’re also saying that you respect the other person, and care about his or her feelings. Apologizing shows you have empathy(同感).

After apologizing, you might feel a little better 4.  . When you apologize in a caring way, you might feel good because you are trying to make things right again

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5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Everyone makes a mistake.

B. We should get on well with everyone.

C. we’ll try to do better in the future.

D. The importance of apologies after doing something wrong.



根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出单词的正确形式 (每空限填一词)

Around the world, people have different traditional foods to celebrate different festivals. Traditional foods also show a new year of good luck and good health.

An English Christmas dinner has a meal of turkey, and it also has pies and plum puddings(李子布丁). In_____1._____(法国), Christmas is celebrated with bread, cookies and cakes. In Germany, Christmas dessert is a cake filled with___2._____(树叶).

In southern parts of Indian, there is a three-day festival in mid-January called Pongal. It____3.____(包括) rice and a dish of rice cooked with sugar that is shared with relatives and friends.

Japan celebrates New Year with a seven-day festival. It begins from _____4.   (一月)1st. Food is prepared before the festival so people don't need to cook ____5._____(在期间) the festival. Sometimes they even go to the restaurants___6.____(在旁边) their houses. On New Year's Day, various dishes called Osechi Ryori(御节料理)are served-each dish is a wish for the New Year. So people are ____7.____(不常) absent from preparing it.

In most Asian countries, the New Year begins with the first Chinese Lunar month. Each place has its ____8.___(特别的)food to welcome the coming year. They celebrate it by____9.___(出产) lots of delicious food. Foods with lucky names are popular, such as fish, which sounds like "surplus(剩余) . From the first day of Chinese Lunar calendar, they usually give others a treat. Parents always warn the children to speak____10.___(客气地).They take an active part in celebrating the new year.




discuss   she  four  die  pronounce


1.Thanksgiving Day is coming. Its on the___________ Thursday in November.

2.The students_____________ how to enter the writing competition when the teacher came into the classroom.

3.When the old man found the poor dog, it was already____________.

4.If you read aloud to practice your_____________, it will be perfect.

5.My little sister is old enough to dress____________.





Do you have trouble taking a taxi? Have you ever heard ___1.___ Dididache? Dididache(滴滴打车),a taxi-hailing smartphone app(应用程序) which is believed to be created by Tencent, has recently___2.__(appear) in Xiamen, and more than 700 taxi drivers in the city have used the app.

The app shows the real-time locations of taxis on a map using the GPS technology and make____3.____ possible for users to hail(招呼)a taxi on their smartphones. The___4.___(use) request(要求)will be sent to the n___5.___ taxi drivers who will decide___6.___ to accept the order or not.

Taxi-hailing apps are very p___7.__ in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, having gained tens of thousands of users.___ 8.____, the citys taxi-control departments doubt its helpfulness and have said it may not be suitable for Xiamen.

The app has been criticized(指责) for disturbing market order, and creating____9.___(difficult) for passengers who do not use the app to hire a taxi. Many users complain that they are only useful when most taxis are idle(空驶),and hiring a taxi can still be challenging bad weather and rush hours. Can this app be in use for long? Technology might make a great d___10.____ to our life. Lets wait and see.



Many of us don’t pay much attention to the importance of eye care. It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.

There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, genes(基因) and aging(老化). Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eye-sight from UV rays.

Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamin A, C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly(定期的) and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition(状况) for a long time.

All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person’s eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.

1.__________ is the most important way to protect our eyes.

A.Natural eye care B.Taking medicine

C.Seeing a doctor D.Being happy all the time

2. What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?

A. Eat healthy foods.

B. Clean the eyes by using cold water

C. Wear a pair of sunglasses.

D. Have a rest after working for a while.

3.How is the passage organized?

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4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Ways of Being Healthy B.Ways of eye exercises

C.Ways of Being Happy  D.Ways of eye care



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