满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hundreds of years ago,a Roman army came ...

Hundreds of years ago,a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots,a brave people,loved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland,but there were too many Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.

One night,the leader of Scots marched (行军) his soldiers to the top of a hill. "We will rest here tonight,my men,” he said. "Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die."

They were all very tired,so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they were very tired as well and also fell asleep one by one.

The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hillside,taking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more,the war would be over. Suddenly,one of them put his foot on a thistle(蓟,一种植物). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment,they were on their feet and ready for battle. The fighting was hard but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out (消灭)the Romans and saved their country.

The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.


1.Hundreds of years ago there was a war between ________.

A. Roman army and North England

B. Roman army and the Scots

C. England and Scots

D. a brave people and the Scots

2.At first it looked as if the Romans would win because ________.

A. the Scots were not brave

B. the Roman army was so strong

C. the Scots did not have a good leader

D. the Romans had the support from the Scottish

3."We must win or we will die." What the leader of the Scots said means ________.

A. they were sure to win

B. they couldn't escape from death

C. they would win and then they would die

D. they must try hard to win, otherwise they would be killed

4.The Romans climbed up the hill quietly because ________.

A. they didn't want to wake the Scots

B. they wanted to reach the top

C. they wanted to catch the four guards first

D. they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle

5.The people of Scotland made thistle their national flower because ________.

A. it is a beautiful plant

B. it is fresh and lovely

C. it had so many sharp needles all over it

D. it was the thistle that helped the Scots to win the battle


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文介绍了罗马人到苏格兰侵略,苏格兰人在蓟的帮助下消灭了罗马人,拯救了苏格兰的故事。 1.B细节理解题。根据Hundreds of years ago,a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland.可知,数百年前,一个罗马军队和苏格兰发生了一场战争。故选B。 2.B细节理解题。根据They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland,but there were too many Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win. 可知,他们很难把敌人赶出苏格兰,因为有太多的罗马人了,比较强大,故应该选B。 3.D句子翻译题。句意:我们必须赢,否则我们就会死。意思是他们必须尽最大努力,否则就会被敌人杀害。故选C。 4.4】A细节理解题。根据The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hillside,taking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots.可知,罗马人没有睡着。他们迅速聚集在山脚下。他们慢慢地爬上山坡,不出一点声音。一步一步地接近苏格兰队。他们是为了不吵醒苏格兰队。故应该选A。 5.5】D综合理解题。这篇短文介绍了罗马人到苏格兰侵略,苏格兰人在蓟的帮助下消灭的罗马人,拯救了苏格兰的故事。故选D。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。


Once upon a time, there was a spider ______ the name Anansi. He knew that he was very clever but he also knew he wasnt wise(英明的). He didnt like this, but he didnt know ______ . One day he had an idea. He went around the village with a basket and asked each person ______ him some of their wisdom(智慧). The people laughed at Anansi because they knew that he needed wisdom the most. ______ each person put a bit in his basket and wished him good ______.

Soon his basket was ______, but Anansi was worried that his neighbors might be jealous(嫉妒) of his wisdom and take it ______ him. He decided to hide it at the top of a tall tree. When he had tied the basket to the ______ part of his body, he tried to climb the tree, but it was too difficult. He tried again and again ______ success(成功).

Then his son walked ______. What are you doing, Father? He asked and Anansi told him. Why dont you ____the basket on your back instead? His son said.

Anansi put the basket on his ______ and climbed the tree easily, but he wasnt happy. I walked all over the village and collected so much wisdom ______ I am the wisest person ever, but my baby son is still ______ than me. Take back your wisdom! He said. And he threw the basket of wisdom into the air and went home. And thats ______ wisdom went all over the world.

1.A.with           B. and             C.have           D.had

2.A.to do what     B.what to do       C.how to do     D.what to do it

3.A.give           B.gave           C.to give       D.given

4.A.Because        B.But             C.If             D.So

5.A.lucky          B.unlucky          C.luckily       D.luck

6.A.fulled         B.full             C.fill          D.filled of

7.A.to             B.in               C.from           D.away

8.A.back           B.inside          C.beside         D.front

9.A.not            B.with            C.didnt       D.without

10.A.by            B.pasted          C.passed        D.pass

11.A.carry        B.to carry        C.carried        D.carrying

12.A.head          B.back             C.front          D.face

13.A.to            B. so             C. that          D.and

14.A.wise          B.wisest          C.wisdom         D.wiser

15.A.why          B.where            C.what         D.how




如今,随着亚健康的人越来越多,更多的人开始关注健康。你认为怎样才能保持健康呢?请根据提示以“How to keep healthy”为题,写一篇英语短文来简单说一下保持健康的方法。








How to keep healthy

Everyone wants to be healthy, but do you know how to keep healthy?




(A) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。

M: Maria   T: A taxi driver

M: I see that there are many Olympic mascots (吉祥物) in your car.

T: Yes. 1.__________________________________________ And I’m really excited about the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.

M: Me, too. I also read many books about Olympics.

T: Really? 2. ________________________________

M: Yes. It was named after the place where it was first held.

T: 3.__________________________________________

M: A Frenchman named Baron de Coubertin. This question is a piece of cake for me.

T: 4.____________________________________________

M: The father of the modern Olympic Games.

T: 5.____________________________________________

M: He once made a speech on the Renaissance(复兴) of the Olympics”.

T: Well, you are really an expert.

What did people also call him?

Who started the modern Olympics?

Do you know why people named it Olympics?

When did the ancient Olympics start?

I’m very interested in the Olympic Games.

What did he do to recreate the modern Olympics?

Where do you come from?





Many of you have been bilingual talents (双语人才)” for years. We are not talking about English, but your local dialect (方言) and putonghua.

Zhang Yaoyi, 14, from Shanghai, is such a talent. “When I was very young, I spoke the Shanghai dialect at home, but putonghua in school,” she said.

China encourages students to speak putonghua in classrooms. And students find it natural to speak putonghua even during class breaks (休息).

A report in 2011 showed that only 60 percent of Shanghai students could fully understand their local dialect. Many people are worried. “The local culture is dying if a dialect is no longer popular,” said a famous teacher. “The most vivid (生动的) words and expressions are all born of dialects,” he added. Zhang Yaoyi agrees with it. She finds it strange to use putonghua for some words.

Some cities have taken action to save dialects now. Since 2008, some primary schools in Guangzhou have asked students to speak the Guangdong dialect one day a week. Starting from this year, 20 Shanghai kindergartens have encouraged children to speak their dialect during breaks.

However, protecting dialects doesn’t mean saying no to putonghua. Dialects are just part of a multi-cultural (多元文化的) society.

1.What did Zhang Yaoyi speak at home when she was very young?

She spoke the         .

2. How many Shanghai students could fully understand their local dialect according to the 2011 report?

There were         .

3. What is the famous teacher worried?

He is worried that         .

4.When did the primary schools in Guangzhou begin to ask the students to speak their dialect?

In         .

5.What is the passage mainly about?

It’s about         .





refuse     sleep     whenever     regret     examination

smoke     worry     pain     Germany     fever

Once a 1.   came to a doctor with many different problems. He sometimes had a

2.   in his head and sometimes had a low3.   . What’s more, he felt tired4.     he walked. He couldn’t sleep well during the night so he felt 5.   all day. The doctor gave him some 6.   carefully and found nothing wrong with him. At last, the doctor wanted to examine his lungs, so he asked him to take an X-ray, but the man 7.   .

He thought there was nothing wrong with his lungs, because he never drank or8.   . In the end, the doctor said, “You must have done something wrong. Tell me what’s 9.   you, or I can’t help you.” The man admitted (承认) he cheated his mum out of some money. He10.   doing that all the time. Then the doctor let the man write to his mum and return the money. As soon as the man put the letter into the postbox, he felt well at once.



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