满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。

The Dickensons lived on the eastern coast of America and the three boys,Carl,Simon,and little Ben loved the water. The elder brothers usually helped their dad on his farm and took care of their little brother.

There was an island off shore in the distance. One Saturday the two elder brothers decided to go there for an adventure. When they were leaving,their father said,"Boys,I have to go to town and I want you to take care of Ben. You can carry him together but be careful!"Although they thought Ben was too young to take risks,they still took him.

When the three arrived at the shore,they were lucky to find an old rowboat with oars(桨)。Carl and Simon took turns to paddle(划桨)the boat.

Suddenly they noticed the old boat leaking slowly. Carl asked them not to worry and said that they could empty water when they got back. But as the boys neared the island,they struck a rock hidden under the water. It enlarged the hole,more water pouring in. They were glad to be safe on shore!

How can we get back with the weight of us?"Simon wondered.

Carl answered"You row Ben across,and then come back for me. If we move fast,it won't sink with only two. "Simon agreed.

The boys started to explore the island. It was flat with many trees. In a couple of hours they had gone all around the island,but when they headed for their boat,they were shocked!Their boat was bumping against trees. The tide was coming in!The island was disappearing!

The boys took a rock and tried to fill it into the hole but they only made it worse because of the old wood. Carl thought a minute"Simon,you take Ben as fast as you can. Then run for the house and see if Dad can come to rescue me. I can climb a tree or something that will give me maybe another hour. "The brothers hugged. Then Carl turned the boat around,helped Ben get in and pushed it as hard as he could toward home

Paragraph 1:

Half an hour passed and only a small part of the island was above water now.


Paragraph 2:

In a few minutes,dad picked up Carl into his motorboat and hugged him.



Half an hour passed and only a small part of the island was above water now. The sun was setting; darkness was overtaking Carl. Realizing the island would be flooded, he searched around and selected the strongest and tallest tree. Exhausted and scared, he settled- himself in the trunk. Shortly afterwards, just as he was about to climb to the higher branch to avoid the rising tide, he heard a motor noise. He gazed toward home and could see a lantern flashing in the distance, then voices calling. In a few minutes, dad picked up Carl into his motorboat and hugged him. Tears streaming down his cheek, Carl cried "Thank you for your timely appearance! "On the way back, dad explained, "When I got home from town, I couldn’t find you, so I tracked you to the shore. I went back for the motorboat and then I met Simon and Ben. The rest is history. Son. I am proud of you. What you did in risking your life for your brothers was wonderful and you demonstrated at it meant to truly love someone. ’’ 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写题。要求根据文章相关内容续写两段文字。文章原文讲述了狄更逊一家住在东海岸边上的所经历的事情。详细描述了探索一座小岛的经过和结果。 续写第一段描述的是半个小时后小岛只有一小部分在水面上了。太阳下山,黑暗笼罩着卡尔。意识到小岛会被洪水淹没,他四处寻找强壮的最高大的树。就在筋疲力尽和恐惧之时,他听见了摩托艇声响。第二段续写他爸爸来救卡尔并拥抱他。泪水满襟的他听他爸爸讲述救他的过程,。

假定你是李华,你最近参加了学校组织的文学名著欣赏Appreciation of Classics)活动。请用英文给一位热衷中国传统文化的美国朋友Jack写一封信,介绍此次活动。内容


1. 活动目的:丰富校园生活,提高文学鉴赏能力;

2. 活动内容:名篇诵读与欣赏,阅读心得交流;

3. 活动体验。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jack,


Sincerely yours,

Li Hua



A lot of people make the________________(假设)that poverty only exists in the Third World. (根据中文提示完成句子)



They accused him of being__________________(偏见)against his women employees. (根据中文提示完成句子)



Their special sports talent can give them an edge in their competition for college________________(录取). (根据中文提示完成句子)



His comments appeared to_____________(矛盾)remarks made earlier in the day by the chairman. (根据中文提示完成句子)



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