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To improve our English website, I' m writing to offer the follow suggestions. The website is main intended for us students. It is advised that larger number of photos about our school life can be provided to make it more attractive. Beside, I hope the online news are updated more often to keep us inform of what's going on in the world. Furthermore, a new section Reading Salon will be welcomed. We all love reading but we lack of a platform which we can publish reviews of the books we have read. I sincerely hope the advices above can be of some help.


1. follow→following 2. main→mainly 3.larger前加a 4. can→should 5. Beside→Besides 6. are→is 7. inform→informed 8.lack后面of删掉 9.which→where或which前加on 10. advices→advice 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要讲述作者写信提供一些改进英语网站的建议。 1.考查形容词。名词suggestions前需用形容词修饰,follow是动词,需转换为形容词following。故将follow改成following。 2.考查副词。动词词组be intended for 需用副词修饰,main是形容词,需转换为副词mainly。故将main改成mainly。 3.考查冠词。a larger number of是固定搭配,表示“大量的,许多的”。故在larger前加a。 4.考查虚拟语气。“It is advised that……”结构表示的是“建议”的意思, that后面引导的主语从句谓语动词be provided需用虚拟语气结构should do表示,为should be provided。故将can改成should。 5.考查副词。句意:此外,我希望在线新闻可以更频繁地更新,这样可以让我们一直知道世界发生了什么事情。beside是介词,表示的是“在……旁边”,根据句意,需使用副词besides,表示“此外”的意思。故将Beside改成Besides。 6.考查主谓一致。主语the online news,表示的是“在线新闻”的意思,是不可数名词,谓语动词are updated中的be动词需用单数形式is体现。故将are改成is。 7.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词inform在句中作宾补,和宾语us之间是被动关系,需用过去分词informed。故将inform改成informed。 8.考查介词。分析句子结构可知,lack在句子作谓语动词,是及物动词,后无需接介词of。故将lack后的of删掉。 9.考查关系副词。句意:我们都喜爱阅读但是我们缺乏一个平台,在这个平台上我们可以发布我们读过的书籍的评论。分析句子结构可知,句子“we can publish reviews of the books we have read”在句中作定语,修饰先行词a platform,先行词a platform在定语从句中作状语,需用关系副词where引导,关系副词where可以用“介词+which”结构代替,根据句意可知,需用介词on。故将which改成where或在which前加on。 10.考查名词。advice作为名词,表示“建议”的意思时,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。故将advices改成advice。  

    Friendship is pleasant and necessary to people's life. A man without _______ is an angel without wings, _______ life will suffer because of _______ and depression. Friendship is the mother of our soul, which will warm us when _______ occurs. We have much to _______ with our friends in life, confusion, excitement, bitterness etc. And it's great to _______ up a sincere friendship.

It _______ many special qualities to make a friend. _______ should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain a(n) _______ and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of __________ interests. This feeling of natural attraction gets us closer and closer. It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never __________ to show your kindness to your friend when he/she is __________. Love is not selfish. Love is a(n) __________ by God that we should treasure all our life. Tolerance(宽容) is the third __________ part in friendship. There is no doubt that we are __________ persons. This personal difference may __________ disagreements between us in every aspect of our life. Don't just think about ourselves. Try to tolerate him/her in an easy mood. Saints(圣人) are not perfect, __________ those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication.

Understanding, __________ and tolerance are the first three essences that come to a sincere friendship. Other qualities are also __________ such as thoughtfulness, trust and __________. Remember, friendship is your spirit's guard, treasure it.

1.A.classmates B.partners C.competitors D.friends

2.A.who B.whose C.that D.which

3.A.loneliness B.responsibility C.independence D.friendship

4.A.injury B.hurt C.wound D.ache

5.A.argue B.connect C.share D.consult

6.A.give B.keep C.put D.hold

7.A.takes B.costs C.spends D.pays

8.A.Recognizing B.Interests C.Understanding D.Patience

9.A.convenient B.natural C.peaceful D.sincere

10.A.common B.regular C.usual D.ordinary

11.A.struggle B.hesitate C.intend D.escape

12.A.in relief B.in surprise C.in trouble D.in danger

13.A.reaction B.experience C.thought D.quality

14.A.exciting B.necessary C.meaningful D.effective

15.A.similar B.contradictory C.different D.dependant

16.A.intend B.lead C.avoid D.cause

17.A.let alone B.let go C.leave alone D.leave out

18.A.success B.communication C.love D.trust

19.A.developed B.listed C.understood D.concerned

20.A.patience B.comfort C.ease D.safety



    It's good to have a healthy sense of what ' s dangerous

What good is fear?

Fear is a tool that the brain uses to keep the body safe. 1.. Faster heartbeat and breathing send more blood and oxygen to the muscles so they are ready when they’ re needed. Stress chemicals can make a person more alarmed. 2.. We keep a close eye on babies because they don' t understand what might hurt them. As babies grow, they learn what’ s unsafe, and their brains store those memories. Then their brains use fear to warn them of dangers.


Experiences can lead to long-lasting fears that may stop a person from trying new things. We're born with the ability to feel fear, but a lot of what we're afraid of is learned. “Being afraid doesn't mean you're weak. ”Dr. Kerr says. 4.. And your brain doesn't want you to have it again. If a dog bit someone, that person might feel afraid of all dogs. Other people may have no special fear of dogs but may be afraid of other things, such as heights, snakes or spiders.

How to feel less afraid

Many people have beaten their own fears. Here's one method: Instead of listening to their imagination, they learn the facts about anything that seems scary. 5..

A.Too much can be harmful

B.Our memories also help protect us

C.For some people, choosing to be scared can be fun

D.Knowledge can help a person feel less afraid

E.It urges a person to hide, run away, or defend oneself

F.Understanding the fact gives me a sense of confidence

G.A long-lasting fear can mean you've had a bad experience



    Sony has a new device for anyone who's ever wished they could carry their air conditioner on hot summer days.

Called Reon Pocket, the small, lightweight machine slides into the upper back pocket of a specially designed T-shirt. Controlled with a smart phone app, it's capable of heating or cooling the wearer via the Peltier effect, a thermodynamic (热力学) principle widely used in refrigeration.

The Reon Pocket comes out of Sony’ s startup acceleration program, and Sony is currently crowdfunding (众筹) the device. Supporters can choose from a few different packages, if they want multiple T-shirts for instance, but a basic one including the device and one shirt costs 14, 080. There's a catch, though: Sony only has plans to release the Reon Pocket in Japan at present.

The target audience is mostly businessmen who have to wear a suit in the summer, though the company says it will judge its wider relevance based on the crowdfunding results. Right now, though, the T-shirts available come in men's sizes, small, medium, or large.

The device is not really for all- day use so much as moving between air-conditioned or heated areas, such as travelling to work. The battery takes around two hours to charge and lasts about 90 minutes.

In a blog post from Sony's startup accelerator, Yoichi Ito, a project leader on Reon Pocket, said his team started thinking of ways to combine technology with fashion. Reon Pocket was the result. Japanese buyers looking to battle the record heat this summer will have to wait, though. If the crowdfunding is successful, deliveries of the device are scheduled to begin in July 2020.

1.Which of the following can be used to describe the new device?

A.Portable. B.Widely- used. C.Plain. D.Energy- saving.

2.What does the underlined word “packages” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Sets of T-shirts. B.Sets of programs. C.Sets of services. D.Sets of items.

3.What can we infer about the new device from the passage?

A.Only businessmen can have free access to it. B.The fundraising affects its popularization.

C.Its special design makes it sell well in Japan. D.It can be rechargeable with a long life battery.

4.What's the author's purpose of writing the text?

A.To popularize modern conveniences. B.To combine technology and fashion.

C.To introduce a new electric device. D.To raise money for a good cause.



    In a nation of schools typically named with sensible acronyms (首字母缩写词) or after the names of dead Frenchmen, 63 seems a strange title for an institution of higher learning. But then, Xavier Niel's new technology academy hardly aims to be conventional.

Niel, a friendly telecommunications manager with several billion euros to his name, set up the Paris campus this year to provide programming classes.

Its very name is something mysterious: In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the science-fiction novel by Douglas Adams, the number 63 is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

There are no lectures—the college achieves its teaching goals by combining an extreme form of “student-to- student learning” with project-based learning. Students can only find “friendly organizers" wearing T-shirts instead of lecturers. No degree will be awarded, nor must incoming students, ages 18 to 30, be high school graduates. 63 is tuition-free and has sought to attract students from the country’s poorest neighborhoods.

The school breaks with the conventional methods, and Niel believes it will produce graduates who are more creative, more employable, more diverse and more useful to the weak French economy as a result.

There were 20,000 applicants this year to enter 63. In the end, just 900 were admitted to the three- year program.

The school will teach problem-solving, its creators say. Some educators call this unworkable. To provide students with “recipes” is hardly enough, said Pierre Baylet, an administrator at the Institute Mines Telecom, a telecommunications school. “You have to teach them to cook!” Baylet told the education magazine I' Etudiant.

Still, some public officials have welcomed it, especially those who are concerned with the state of the economy.

Similar methods are used by other private universities, including Epitech, the programming college formerly led by Nicolas Sadirac (63's director) and generally considered France's best. But annual tuition there and at similar institutions runs into several thousand euros.

Corentin Denos, 18, said he would need to find a “suitcase full of money” to afford that. He scored high, survived the month long camp in Paris and was admitted by 63. The academy might strike some as “a bit strange”, Denos said. “It fits me perfectly.”

1.What do we learn about the name 63?

A.It honors a dead Frenchman. B.It was given by Douglas Adams.

C.It is from a traditional university. D.It comes from a number in a novel.

2.Which of the following is an unusual feature of 63?

A.It is run by public officials. B.It has no teachers.

C.It gives students no assignments. D.It is hugely expensive.

3.How did Pierre Baylet seem to look at 63?

A.It was creative. B.It forgot to teach cooking skills.

C.It wouldn't succeed. D.It shouldn't offer students recipes.

4.What did Corentin Denos say about colleges like Epitech?

A.He considered their tuition fees too high. B.He didn't like their teaching methods.

C.He dreamed of going to such colleges. D.He thought they were a bit strange.



    My youngest son has a severe form of Autism (自闭症). Even though he is in his twenties now he still has the mind of a small child. Things I find silly delight him and little changes that wouldn't bother me at all bother him greatly. Most of the time he is happy but there are also times when he can be terribly upset. He will tear up things and cry for no reason. It always hurts me to see him suffer this way especially when there is little I can do to help.

This morning was particularly trying for him. He broke a new shirt and cried on and off for an hour. Finally he calmed down. I was still feeling stressed, however, and tiredly sat down at my computer to see if I could get a little work done. As I was turning it on, I heard my son laugh for the first time all day. I turned my head and saw him standing directly under the glass angel hanging from our ceiling fan. The light from our house lamps seemed to shine brightly all around him like a halo (光环). His eyes lit up as the little angel swung gently above his head.

At that moment my heart opened. I could see that the miracle was reminding me that my son was more than his Autism. I instead saw the shining soul within. I saw the love and light of his spirit and knew he was here for a purpose. My eyes watered and I appreciated this minor miracle and gentle reminder of his love for all of us.

Miracles are all around us, but we can't always see them with our eyes. We often have to see them with our hearts. Keep your heart open to them then. And let yourself be the miracle you were meant to be!

1.What can we learn about her son from the first paragraph?

A.Nothing can bring joy to him. B.He is always lost in his own world.

C.Any help from his mother is in vain. D.His upset arises from obvious reasons.

2.What does the underlined word “trying” mean in paragraph 2?

A.Terrifying. B.Embarrassing. C.Exhausting. D.Annoying.

3.What makes his mother grateful to him?

A.His burst of laughter. B.His changeable emotions.

C.His soul full of love. D.His eyes full of curiosity.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Miracles come in moments. B.A mother's love never changes.

C.Autism calls for public concern. D.Communication comes from hearts.



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