满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Before my birth, my parents had very lit...

    Before my birth, my parents had very little knowledge about or exposure to blind people.

Like many parents, mine went from doctor to doctor trying to have my ________ restored (恢复). Finally, a doctor told my parents, “________ going up doctors. Take her home and treat her just like the rest of your children.” For a second they ________ putting me down on the seat and leaving me there. Then, my mother remembered a blind man she had known. He had led a very ________ life. He was married, had children and ________ a job. She decided if that was possible for him, then it would be possible for me.

When I went to new places and heard noises I had ________ heard before, I was ________ because I couldn’t associate the ________ with anything I recognized. My mother kept exposing me to the things I was afraid of, explaining them and making me ________ as much as possible. ________, my father was ________ me where things were in our house. He said I could not be ________ them and I must learn my way around.

When graduating from college, I was encouraged to ________ higher education. I ________ to do this because I wanted to get a job in social work. I thought in the back of my ________ that I could compete in something ________ work with the blind. Later, I heard about a job opening in the Minnesota Services for the Blind, ________ for it, and was hired.

I realize that I was ________ to have the parents I had, who taught me early in life that they had high ________ for me and that I could live a normal and ________ life.

1.A.sight B.hearing C.illness D.problem

2.A.Allow B.Quit C.Forget D.Keep

3.A.imagined B.expected C.considered D.regretted

4.A.wonderful B.formal C.normal D.special

5.A.held B.lost C.offered D.made

6.A.usually B.ever C.frequently D.never

7.A.curious B.frightened C.excited D.stressed

8.A.sound B.environment C.surrounding D.darkness

9.A.taste B.see C.smell D.touch

10.A.Therefore B.However C.Meanwhile D.Though

11.A.teaching B.showing C.explaining D.bringing

12.A.working on B.looking into C.breaking in D.running into

13.A.seek B.share C.learn D.try

14.A.refused B.reviewed C.risked D.accepted

15.A.memories B.parents C.mind D.soul

16.A.but for B.other than C.rather than D.except for

17.A.begging B.interviewed C.searched D.applied

18.A.confused B.proud C.fortunate D.discouraged

19.A.blessings B.expectations C.praises D.promises

20.A.perfect B.terrible C.unlucky D.meaningful


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者生下来就看不见,尽管如此,父母也没有放弃她,而是不断地锻炼作者去认识周围的世界。最终作者大学毕业,申请了一份盲人服务中心的社会工作。作者觉得有这样的父母是自己的幸运。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:像许多父母一样,我找了一个又一个医生,试图恢复我的视力。A. sight视力;B. hearing听力;C. illness疾病;D. problem问题。根据第一句Before my birth, my parents had very little knowledge about or exposure to blind people.可知作者是个盲人,父母找医生试图恢复作者的视力。故选A。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:别再找医生了。A. Allow允许;B. Quit停止;C. Forget忘记;D. Keep保持。根据后文Take her home and treat her just like the rest of your children. 把她带回家,像对待你的其他孩子一样对待她。可知医生是让作者的父母停止找医生,把作者带回家像其他孩子一样对待。故选B。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:有那么一秒钟,他们考虑过把我放在座位上,让我留在那里。A. imagined想象;B. expected预期;C. considered考虑;D. regretted后悔。根据后文putting me down on the seat and leaving me there可知作者的父母在听了医生的话后,有那么一秒钟,他们考虑过把作者放在座位上,留在那里。故选C。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他过着非常正常的生活。A. wonderful极好的;B. formal正式的;C. normal正常的;D. special特别的。根据后文He was married, had children可知他过着正常人的生活,结了婚有孩子。故选C。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他结婚了,有孩子,有一份工作。A. held握住;B. lost失去;C. offered提供;D. made制作。根据后文a job可推知是拥有一份工作。hold a job “拥有一份工作”。故选A。 6. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我去到一个新的地方,听到我以前从未听到过的声音时,我很害怕,因为我不能把这种声音和我所认识的任何东西联系起来。A. usually通常;B. ever曾经;C. frequently频繁地;D. never从不。结合上文I went to new places去到新的地方,肯定是听到以前从未听到过的声音。故选D。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我去到一个新的地方,听到我以前从未听到过的声音时,我很害怕,因为我不能把这种声音和我所认识的任何东西联系起来。A. curious好奇的;B. frightened害怕的;C. excited激动的;D. stressed紧张的。根据后文My mother kept exposing me to the things I was afraid of可知作者的母亲不断地让作者接触她所害怕的东西,所以此处也是听到没听过的声音感到害怕。故选B。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我去到一个新的地方,听到我以前从未听到过的声音时,我很害怕,因为我不能把这种声音和我所认识的任何东西联系起来。A. sound声音;B. environment环境;C. surrounding环境;D. darkness黑暗。根据上文heard noises可知是指听到声音。故选A。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:母亲不断地让我接触我害怕的东西,向我解释它们,让我尽可能多地接触它们。A. taste品尝;B. see看见;C. smell闻起来;D. touch接触。结合上文My mother kept exposing me to the things I was afraid of可知母亲想让作者去接触令作者害怕的东西。故选D。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,父亲给我看家里的东西都放在什么地方了。A. Therefore因此;B. However然而;C. Meanwhile同时;D. Though虽然。母亲和父亲都在帮助作者去认识周围的世界,所以母亲和父亲的行动是同时进行的。故选C。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,父亲给我展示家里的东西都放在什么地方了。A. teaching教授;B. showing展示;C. explaining解释;D. bringing带来。根据后文me where things were in our house可知父亲给作者展示家里的东西都放在什么地方了。故选B。 12. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他说我不可以碰到他们,我必须了解周围的路。A. working on致力于;B. looking into调查;C. breaking in闯入;D. running into碰到。结合后文them and I must learn my way around可知作者是盲人,父亲给作者展示家里东西的位置,是为了让作者不碰到这些东西。故选D。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:大学毕业后,我被鼓励去寻求高等教育。A. seek寻找;B. share分享;C. learn学习;D. try尝试。结合后文higher education可知是毕业后,寻求高等教育。故选A。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我拒绝这样做,因为我想找一份社会工作。A. refused拒绝;B. reviewed复习;C. risked冒险;D. accepted接受。根据后文because I wanted to get a job in social work可知作者拒绝去寻求高等教育,因为自己想做社工。故选A。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在内心深处想,除了和盲人一起工作,我还可以在其他方面竞争。A. memories记忆;B. parents父母;C. mind内心,理智;D. soul灵魂。此处是作者在描述自己选择做社工的内心想法,故选C。 16. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我在内心深处想,除了和盲人一起工作,我还可以在其他方面竞争。A. but for要不是;B. other than不同于,除了;C. rather than而不是;D. except for除了……之外。此处表示“除了……以外还……”应用other than,except for表示一种排除关系,意思是“除了什么之外,不再有……”,此处表示“除了和盲人一起工作,我还可以在其他方面竞争”应用other than。故选B。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,我听说明尼苏达州盲人服务中心有个职位空缺,我就申请了,并被录用了。A. begging乞讨;B. interviewed面试;C. searched搜索;D. applied申请。结合上文I heard about a job opening in the Minnesota Services for the Blind可知作者申请了尼苏达州盲人服务中心的职位。故选D。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到有这样的父母是我的幸运,他们在我很小的时候就告诉我,他们对我有很高的期望,我可以过上正常而有意义的生活。A. confused困惑的;B. proud自豪的;C. fortunate幸运的;D. discouraged丧气的。作者认为有很小就为自己打算、锻炼自己的父母是自己的幸运。故选C。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我意识到有这样的父母是我的幸运,他们在我很小的时候就告诉我,他们对我有很高的期望,我可以过上正常而有意义的生活。A. blessings祝福;B. expectations期待;C. praises赞美;D. promises承诺。结合上文taught me early in life that they had high可知是指在作者小时候父母就告诉作者他们对作者有很高的期待。故选B。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到有这样的父母是我的幸运,他们在我很小的时候就告诉我,他们对我有很高的期望,我可以过上正常而有意义的生活。A. perfect完美的;B. terrible糟糕的;C. unlucky不幸的;D. meaningful有意义的。结合上文live a normal and可知是指过上正常而有意义的生活。故选D。

    To reduce the spread of the pandemic (流行病), Corona Virus, our product manager has announced businesses to start working from home. For those who are working from home, dealing with this situation can be challenging. 1..

Create a work area. Your first challenge is to pick a corner in the home and create a work-space that is perfect for work from home. 2.. You can make a large coffee table as a work desk. Keep the desk neat and tidy.

3.. Get your laptop, cell phone diary in the right place. If you are in a noisy home, search for your noise cancellation headphone. Use your mouse for increased productivity. Find out who will take care of children as the schools are closed. Organize the home.

Learn technologies. It is important to learn technology for smoother communication. You can make use of Google Hangouts, Slack or other video tools for messaging. 4..

Ensure proper lighting is there. 5.. Locating the office where you receive natural lighting is the best way to increase productivity. Ensure you have enough artificial lighting arrangements.

A.Be organized

B.Create a private area

C.Here’s how you can master it

D.Certain apps can help you to organize the day

E.Find out the right furniture and ensure it is comfortable

F.These tools can help you to communicate with your co workers effectively

G.It is important to choose that corner of the home where there is proper lighting



    Short video applications are not only developing rapidly and successfully in China, but gaining more strength as people across various age groups and geographical locations are using them to kill time, record lives, and even make a fortune.

Douyin, the most popular short video app in the country, said on Monday that the number of daily active users on its app had risen to 400 million by January, 2020. That represented a whopping rise from the 250 million recorded during the same period a year ago. Such an achievement is successful, considering that the app first appeared in 2016.

People of almost all ages use the app, and they double as both viewers and content creators, the company said. For instance, those in their 50s were. more keen on creating dance-related videos and enjoyed watching video clips on wedding scenes. Those born in the 1980s liked recording childhood memories with phones and watching beautiful scenery while teenagers and younger customers were keen on videos about animes (日本动漫), comics (漫画) and cute pets.

As an emotional bond, Douyin saw 1.76 million new born babies, 180,000 college entrance exams, 380,000 graduations and 7.09 million shares, of weddings as users chose to record and upload videos of these important occasions in their life onto the platform.

With flowers increasing at high seed for top influencers, businesses are also sensing marketing opportunities. This year more marketing dollars will be given to short videos for better contact with customers and the creation of interesting content, according to Maggie Wang, president of data marketing technology firm AdMaster.

“For social marketing, it has become more important to create original content,” she said. “It’s highly likely to tum clicks into cash if the contents are to viewers’ tastes.”

1.The underlined word “whopping” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “__________”.

A.gentle B.gradual C.popular D.huge

2.What can we learn from the text?

A.Most of the people just watched video clips on Douyin.

B.People in their 30s liked watching beautiful scenery on Douyin.

C.The number of daily active users on Douyin was about 150 million in 2019.

D.The users preferred to upload funny videos on Douyin.

3.Which of the following would Maggie Wang most probably agree with?

A.Short videos will get more financial (金融的) support this year.

B.All of the users of Douyin will be given money this year.

C.The viewers will pay for the contents that are to their tastes.

D.The more videos the viewers watch, the more dollars they’ll be given.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.Douyin: An App for People to Record Lives.

B.Douyin: The Most Popular App around the World.

C.Short Videos Apps: Fast Becoming Popular in China.

D.Social Marketing: An Important Key to Business.



    Many students think about how to best spend their time while studying, But what comes before study sessions can be important too-especially if you want to improve your memory of what you have learned. There are some useful, no-cost things you can do before you study to improve your memory and learning.

Before you study, doing cardiovascular exercise (有氧运动) may help you better remember what you learn. In a 2018 study, published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, researchers found that a group of young people who did 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise remembered more words. Some studies have also shown cardiovascular exercise can help improve the memories of older people.

Location is also important for improving your learning. Some research suggests that changing where you study could help you remember more of what you study. Our memories sometimes depend on things in our environment. Researchers found that environmental context played a big part in how well people remembered words. The researchers noted that subjects who learned from a list remembered an average of 15.9 words, while subjects who learned in two different contexts remembered an average of 24.4 words.

Another way you can improve your study session is taking a pre-study test. Students often consider the test the final step to show how much they have learned. But, students need to test themselves often. Testing is one of the best ways to make yourself remember new information. In 2018, researchers found that students who took a test before learning new material did much better after studying the material. The students failed on the tests, but they were better able to remember the material than students who were only asked to read the information.

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To tell you doing exercise is good for health.

B.To introduce some good ways to deal with a test.

C.To teach you how to best spend time while studying.

D.To introduce several ways to do before study to improve your memory.

2.According to Paragraph3, how can we remember more words?

A.By studying in the same environment. B.By studying in different contexts.

C.By reading aloud when remembering words. D.By remembering the things in our environment.

3.What can we learn from the studies in 2018?

A.The students who took a test after studying the material did much better.

B.The students failed on the tests for they didn’t take a test before leaning.

C.Cardiovascular exercise helps improve the memories of both the young and the old.

D.Young people doing cardiovascular exercise remembered more words than older people.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Sports. C.Business. D.Education.



    Born in Oak Park, Illinois, on January 17, 1922, Betty White was the only child of Horace and Tess White. Indeed, while most young kids were begging their parents for pets, White said she was the lucky little girl whose parents went for a walk and would come home with a dog or a cat.

The personal passion for animals has often mixed with her professional work. She created, produced and hosted a 1971 animal show called the Pet Set, which featured both wild animals and her friends’ own pets. She also wrote the 2011 book Betty & Friends: My Life at the Zoo and even lent her voice to the animated series (动画系列) of Pound Puppies.

“I’m the luckiest person in the world—my life is divided in absolute half: half animals, half show business,” she said.

She started working with the Los Angeles Zoo in the 1960s. “My interest in zoos started early on, because my mom and dad went to the zoo often, not just to please their little girl, but because they enjoyed the experience,” she wrote in her book. She worked with the Los Angeles Zoo because she was kind of shocked that Los Angeles had such a poor zoo inside. She said, “I’ve never been one to stand outside and criticize (批评). I’d rather get inside and see what’s going on, see how I can help.”

“Zoos don’t only exhibit animals; they do a lot of wonderful protection work,” she said. “Many people have a closed mind on zoos. They think no animal should be kept in zoos. Instead, they should all be in the wild in their own habitat. Well, of course, that is a myth.”

1.White said she was lucky because __________.

A.she could often read books on animals

B.her parents often kept pets at home

C.her parents often took a walk together with her

D.she lent her voice to the animated series of Pound Puppies

2.What can we infer from the text?

A.Only wild animals performed in the show “Pet Set”.

B.White started working in a zoo several years ago.

C.Betty & Friends: My Life at the Zoo was written in 1971.

D.White’s interest in zoos was developed under the influence of her parents.

3.What did White do after seeing the Los Angeles Zoo?

A.She just stood outside to criticize.

B.She got inside and saw the animals.

C.She decided never to visit the zoo again.

D.She worked with the zoo and did something to help.

4.What is White’s attitude towards zoo?

A.Supportive. B.Indifferent (漠不关心的).

C.Hopeless. D.Disapproving.



Four International Books Every Child Should Read

Konstantin, Gerda Wagener

Written in German, this book follows a shy crocodile named Konstantin who plays the instrument in secret in the jungle. The jungle’s other inhabitants are hiding and listening to him play. In the end, the shy and lonely animal finally finds friendship through his music.

Everyone Poops, Taro Gomi

Written in Japan, this book features the introduction of the toilet habits of a range of animals before explaining that everyone has to use the toilet. Designed to teach children that going to the toilet is nothing to be embarrassed about, the book helps kids to deal with toilet training.

Pettson and Findus, Sven Nordqvist

Pettson and Findus is a series about the adventures of an old man, Pettson, and his cat, Findus, living in the countryside. These stories are beloved in their home country of Sweden. The book describes lots of funny stories which will delight any child.

The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas

The Three Musketeers was written in France in 1844. A young man named D’Artagnan who leaves home to pursue his dream of joining the Musketeers (火枪手) of the Guard. D’Artagnan isn’t accepted at first, but in the end manages to befriend three musketeers. This book is a must-read for any fans of action and adventures.

1.Which book tells of an animal who can play the instrument?

A.Konstantin. B.Everyone Poops.

C.Pettson and Findus. D.The Three Musketeers.

2.What is special about Everyone Poops?

A.It helps children to deal with toilet training.

B.It helps children develop an interest in Japanese.

C.It begins by introducing the toilet habits of animals.

D.It stresses the importance of training children in going to the toilet.

3.What do Pettson and Findus and The Three Musketeers have in common?

A.Both of them were written in France. B.Both of them were written in the 19th century.

C.They both contain adventures. D.They both tell a story about an old man.



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