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If you are planning to take a trip acros...

    If you are planning to take a trip across the United States and are eager for a hotel here are four economic ones for you to choose from

Motel 6 Downtown

Neighboring the Golden Gate Bridge it's one of the most popular motels in San Francisco with enough free parking spaces

Check in 3 00 p m with passports and credit card

Check out before 12 00 noon

Price for 1 night per room 140 for two adults free of charge for two children

Pets not permitted in

Tel 77345984

The Opera Inn

Located in the art district it's close to the Opera House with chances to take part in various cultural activities

Check in 4 00 pm with passports and credit card

Check out before 11 00 am

Price for 1 night per room 179 for two adults free of charge for one child No extra bed

Pets not permitted in

Tel 77345244

Amsterdam Hotel

Located in downtown San Francisco it's a clean and tidy cheap hostel with only eight minutes' walk to the Chinatown

Check in 300 p m with passports and credit card

Check out before 10 00 am

Price for 1 night per room 106 for two adults free of charge for two children

Pets not permitted in

Tel 72346654

Van Ness Inn

Neighboring the blue sea it has a quiet beautiful environment It's a best choice for those who are tired of the noisy downtown

Check in 1 00 p m with passports and credit card

Check out before 11 00 am

Price for 1 night per room:﹩118 for two adults,﹩5 for one child

Pets not permitted in

Tel 72346664

1.Which do you choose if you want to enjoy free parking

A.Motel 6 Downtown

B.The Opera Inn

C.Amsterdam Hotel

D.Van Ness Inn

2.How much should a couple with a child pay to stay in Van Ness Inn for two nights





3.What is this passage intended to do

A.To introduce hotels' rules

B.To attract more customers

C.To compare the prices

D.To promote the local tourism


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四家经济型旅馆的相关信息。 1. 细节理解题。根据Motel 6 Downtown部分 中的Neighboring the Golden Gate Bridge, it's one of the most popular motels in San Francisco with enough free parking spaces.(该旅馆毗邻金门大桥,是旧金山最受欢迎的汽车旅馆之一,有足够的免费停车位)可知,想要免费停车服务的游客可以去Motel 6 Downtown,故A项正确。 2. 细节理解题。根据Van Ness Inn部分中的“Price for 1 night per room:﹩118 for two adults,﹩5 for one child”(每个房间一晚的价格:两个成人118美元,一个孩子5美元)可知,一对夫妇带一个孩子住两晚的价格是(118+5)×2=246美元,故D项正确。 3. 推理判断题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段“If you are planning to take a trip across the United States, and are eager for a hotel, here are four economic ones for you to choose from.”(如果你正计划去美国旅行,并且想入住一家旅馆,这里有四家经济型旅馆供你选择)可知,本文主要介绍的是四家经济型旅馆的相关信息,文章的目的自然是吸引更多的顾客前来入住,故B项正确。


1. 对此活动的认识;

2. 个人优势;

3. 你的计划。




Dear Sir/Madam,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词;

删除: 把多余的词用(\)划掉;

修改: 在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改5处,多者(从第6处起)不计分。

You might have ever been crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize, or you would love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest. Or maybe you wanted to make more friends and lack the confidence to talk to people you don’t know. You needn’t worry about situation like these if you have good social skills. And they are easy learn. It helps if you do a little advance planning.



    Passing through the Atlanta airport one morning, I caught one of those trains that take travelers from the main terminal(主航站楼)to their boarding gates. Free, _______ and cold, the trains run back and forth all day long. Not many people consider them fun, but on this Saturday I heard _______.

At the front of the first car - looking out of the window - were a man and his son. _______ most people on the train were white, dressed for business trips or vacations, the father and son were black, dressed in clothes that were just about as _______ as you can buy.

“Look out there!” the father said to his son. “See that pilot? I bet he’s walking to his plane.” The son extended his neck to look.

As I got off, I _______ something I’d wanted to buy in the terminal. I was _______ for my flight, so I went back and saw that the man and his son had _______ too. I _______ then that they hadn’t been heading for a flight, but had just been riding the train.

“I want to ride some more! This is fun!”

“If not _______, all right,” the father __________, and when a door opened, we all got on.

“Where are all these people going, Daddy?” the son asked. “All over the world, Some are leaving for __________ destinations or arriving at the ends of their journeys.” __________, the father and son shared each other’s company.

Here was a __________ who cared about spending the day with his son and who had come up with this plan on a Saturday morning. It doesn’t cost a cent, yet it is the most __________ thing in the world.

The train __________ speed, and the father pointed something out,and the boy laughed again.

1.A.boring B.strange C.exciting D.broken

2.A.music B.noise C.scream D.laughter

3.A.Although B.While C.When D.As

4.A.traditional B.inexpensive C.attractive D.long

5.A.completed B.needed C.remembered D.refused

6.A.eager B.late C.lazy D.early

7.A.hesitated B.worried C.returned D.regretted

8.A.promised B.realized C.praised D.witnessed

9.A.tired B.upset C.harmful D.costly

10.A.imagined B.relaxed C.replied D.added

11.A.extra B.distant C.rewarding D.curious

12.A.Gratefully B.Disappointedly C.Luckily D.Excitedly

13.A.father B.passenger C.mother D.pilot

14.A.outstanding B.comfortable C.valuable D.interesting

15.A.went off B.set out C.aimed at D.picked up



    Spring is finally here, and it’s a great time to get outside and get dirty! 1.. This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. And it also gives us many health benefits.


Gardening connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect time to socialize with your neighbors. Gardening can greatly strengthen a person’s sense of community and belonging, and thus loneliness is far away from you!

Benefit children

Gardening is a great activity to do with children. It gets families outdoors and off computers, televisions and other electronics.

3.. Children can learn about nature and wildlife. Gardening can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It can also help them understand the limits of natural resources and the importance of using them carefully. Relieve stress

4.. A study by researchers in the Netherlands found that gardening may reduce the stress level in the brain. In the study, the researchers gave 30 gardeners a difficult, stressful task. Then the gardeners were asked to recover by either gardening outdoors or reading indoors for 30 minutes. Both activities led to lower stress levels. 5.. Also, those who gardened reported that their good moods returned fully. The readers found that their bad moods only got worse.

A.Reduce loneliness

B.Improve family relationships

C.Gardening can be a great teacher

D.Gardening is popular in many parts of the world

E.Gardening may also help you feel calm and happy

F.However, the decreases were stronger in the gardening group

G.Gardening can also give you the feeling that you have done something good



    Facebook has released new research findings suggesting social media can harm mental health when used in certain ways.

Facebook’s director of research, David Ginsberg, wrote the report along with social psychologist Moira Burke. The research suggested that social media users who spent a lot of time only reading information - but not interacting with others — reported feeling worse afterward. Users who had interaction during the experience reported having better feelings. It said it is not just social media use that can affect a person’s well-being. Rather, it believes both good and bad effects can result from how the service is used.

A study by Carnegie Mellon University suggested positive results for increased interaction. It found people who sent or received more messages and comments reported better improvements in social support, depression and loneliness. Facebook said these improvements were even greater when the interactions took place with close friends and family.

Facebook’s founding president Sean Parker - who no longer has ties to the company - accused the social media service of using methods that “exploit human psychology”. This development model, Parker claims, created an addictive system to keep people on Facebook for long periods to seek “likes” and comments from others to make them feel good.

Former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya said the problems are being fueled by the basic need of people to seek ongoing feedback from others, leading to the pleasure chemical dopamine (多巴胺)being released in the brain, he added.

Cal Newport is a professor of computer science at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. He urges everyone to consider quitting social media - like he has - and he provides steps for helping people do this.

1.What does the Facebook research tell us?

A.Social media always make people feel bad.

B.People spend too much time on social media.

C.More interaction in social media makes people feel better.

D.Social media users spend more time reading than interacting.

2.Why is the study by Carnegie Mellon University mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A.To introduce a different study result.

B.To compare different research findings.

C.To expose links between the two studies.

D.To support the Facebook research finding.

3.What’s Sean Parker’s present attitude toward social media?

A.Objective. B.Critical. C.Enthusiastic. D.Uninterested.

4.With his words, Chamath Palihapitiya explained ________.

A.why people become addicted to social media

B.how Facebook was first founded

C.why Parker gave up his company

D.what’s the future of social media

5.What do you think will follow the end of this text?

A.The process of his research on social media’s effects.

B.Newport’s suggested tips to help people quit social media.

C.Why Newport urges everyone to consider quitting social media.

D.Newport’s unpleasant experiences with social media like Facebook.



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