满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



内容要求: 1.描述漫画内容;

2. 分析漫画所揭示的问题; 3. 提出你的看法。





4. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息。

参考词汇:pave the way

From the picture, we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet.



From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet. The son, well dressed, waves proudly in the middle while the father behind bends forward to hold the jacket and the mother in front rolls out the carpet, sweating. It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families, shouldering the hope of their parents. Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. As a consequence, children become so reliant on their parents that they have no independent thought or creative ideas. Such a situation is of great concern. In my opinion, overprotection and too much care are extremely bad for children's development. Instead of doing everything for them, parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves. Only in this way can they grow up to be independent and become truly successful. 【解析】 这是一篇图画作文。 这篇书面表达以漫画的形式讲述"以孩子为中心的三口之家,孩子是小皇帝,父母是臣仆"这一社会现象,发人深省。漫画式作文就是通过漫画提供的图像信息写一篇短文,漫画作文就内容而言,可以写观察到的内容,也可以根据合理想象适当进行发挥来补充一些内容;就表达方式而言,可以单纯地理解、说明,也可以在说明中加以描写、叙述。写好漫画作文的要求是:认真审图,确立主题,提炼要点,展开联想或发表感想,变点为句,连句成篇。要达到这些要求,我们就必须认真审图,善于利用图中人物间的关系、人物的对话、人物的活动及所处场所,以及图(表)中的文字说明和标识来提炼要点;要围绕主题展开合理的想象,切忌游离于主题展开不着边际的联想或感想。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






With time pass by, I will be 18 years old. In other words, I will be a adult. What I want to express most is certainly my appreciate. First of all, I must thank for my parents, with which care and love I have grown up happily. What’s more, I am quite gratefully to the dear teachers I had ever met. It is the teachers have taught me what should be done. Last but not least, having such many lovely friends makes my life quite meaningful and helps you realize the importance of sharing happiness and sorrow with others. I am sure that I will be better with the love given by others.



    Ten years ago, I set out to examine luck. I wanted to know why some people are  _______ in the right place at the right time, while others consistently experienced ill fortune. I placed _______ in national newspapers asking for people who felt consistently lucky or unlucky to _______ me.

Hundreds of extraordinary men and women volunteered for my _______. Over the years I interviewed them, watched their lives and had them _______ various experiments.

I carried out a simple _______ to discover whether their differences in  _______ was due to differences in their ability to _______ opportunities. I gave both the lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to look _______ it and tell me how many photographs were inside. I had  ________ placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying … “Tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $50.”

This ________ took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than two inches high. It was staring everyone straight in the face, but the unlucky people tended to ________  it and the lucky people tended to spot it.

Unlucky people are generally more ________ than lucky people, and this anxiety affects their ability to notice the ________. As a result, they miss opportunities because they are too ________ on looking for something else. They go to gatherings focused on finding their perfect partner and miss opportunities to make good friends. They look through newspapers ________ to find certain types of job advertisements and miss other types of  ________.

Lucky people are more ________ and open, and therefore see what is there rather than just what they are looking for. My research eventually showed that lucky people create good fortune via four ________. They are skilled at creating and ________ chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition (直觉), create self-fulfilling prophesies (预言) via positive expectations and adopt a “never say die” attitude that transforms bad luck into good.

1.A.never B.always C.sometimes D.seldom

2.A.messages B.activities C.reports D.notices

3.A.contact B.trust C.show D.follow

4.A.game B.adventure C.research D.contest

5.A.participate in B.learn about C.look into D.carry out

6.A.observation B.experiment C.competition D.discussion

7.A.attitude B.manner C.lifestyle D.luck

8.A.share B.spot C.create D.predict

9.A.through B.over C.for D.after

10.A.hesitantly B.carelessly C.secretly D.excitedly

11.A.copy B.message C.diagram D.introduction

12.A.pass B.miss C.notice D.misunderstand

13.A.nervous B.frustrated C.awkward D.pitiful

14.A.difficult B.dangerous C.important D.unexpected

15.A.fixed B.focused C.dependent D.strict

16.A.confident B.disappointed C.determined D.surprised

17.A.jobs B.notes C.news D.signs

18.A.reliable B.hardworking C.smart D.relaxed

19.A.goals B.preferences C.principles D.steps

20.A.inventing B.noticing C.taking D.adopting



    One of the best aspects of travel is in discovery. Whether you're burying yourself in a new culture or wandering the streets of a foreign city, you're finding new things to see and experience. Part of that discovery is in what you learn about yourself. 1..

Here are some of those ways:


Travel means new foods, cultures and places to explore. Try speaking that new language or eat a new kind of food you never knew existed. When you’re thrown outside of your normal circumstances, you’ll discover more about who you are and what you're like.

The chance to reinvent yourself

At home, people can see you a certain way and classify you into a personality type that can be hard to escape. 3.. You're free to break away from how people normally see you and reinvent yourself.

Building confidence

You've just traveled across a country, tried a new language and bargained over prices in a market. They're all things you didn't know you could do before, but you dug up a new-found sense of adventure and somehow made it work. 4.. And the more challenges you take on, the more sure of yourself you become.

Choices and organizing skills

What's the best route to take so I see all the major attractions? What's the best way to get to the next city and back so I don't miss my flight? How should I organize my itinerary (行程)? 5.. You have to organize your trip so that you have a place to stay and transportation to and from certain destinations.

A.With travel, come challenges

B.Travel is about making choices

C.Forcing you out of your comfort zone

D.Trips don't always go according to plan

E.Having time to reflect on your life

F.Travel can give you a chance to explore other sides of your personality

G.Like most experiences, travel can change you in ways you might never have expected



    Before war and time destroy more of our important cultural sites, we need to save them in 3-D digital libraries. Across 163 different countries, 1,000 natural and cultural historic places make up our most precious human heritage, which UNESCO calls World Heritage Sites.

We lose a little of that heritage every day. War, climate change and pollution have a bad effect, as do wind and rain. The $4 million a year that UNESCO spends on preservation is not nearly enough to take care of even the four dozen sites considered at approaching risk of being lost forever. Now there’s a better choice. New digital-conservation technologies let us hold on to them, at least virtually(虚拟的), through 3-D scanning, modeling and digital storage. Such projects can be accomplished through cooperation between governments, universities, industry and non-profit organizations.

To make a 3-D model, a laser(激光) scanner bounces light off an object and records the results. To reproduce every corner and opening, the scanner collects overlapping(重叠的) images from all possible angles. A computer then sews them together into one large surface image and draws lines from one point to another to create a wire-frame model. High-resolution digital cameras add color and texture. When fully put together, the models can be viewed, printed or operated.

These scans do more than preserve a memory in a database. With highly accurate measurements, archaeologists(考古学家) can find hidden passages or reveal ancient engineering tricks. School kids can explore places they might otherwise never see. And when a site is destroyed, the scans can even be used to reconstruct what was there. That has already happened for one World Heritage Site, the Kasubi Tombs in Uganda. Built of wood in 1882, they were destroyed by fire in 2010 and rebuilt in 2014, based in large part on 3-D models made in 2009. More than 100 World Heritage Sites have been already preserved as 3-D models, and conservationists are racing to record as many more as possible.

1.How does the author show the necessity for 3-D digital libraries in the first two paragraphs?

A.By listing the threats to our human heritage.

B.By introducing some damaged historical sites.

C.By quoting some experts’ views on heritage protection.

D.By explaining UNESCO’s research on World Heritage Sites.

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The function of a laser scanner. B.The reflection of light off an object.

C.The process of making a 3-D model. D.The development of 3-D digital technology.

3.What do we know about the Kasubi Tombs in Uganda?

A.It is metal-framed. B.It is still in its original condition.

C.It was once destroyed in an earthquake. D.It was reconstructed thanks to 3-D models.

4.What does the author intend to say through this text?

A.Never ignore the destructive power of war.

B.Take action to reduce pollution in historic places.

C.Take advantage of 3-D technology to keep history.

D.Invest more money to preserve World Heritage Sites.



    A new kind of rice, golden rice, may soon make its way into the world’s food supply by the year 2021, reports Science magazine.

Golden rice was actually first developed back in the 1990s by German scientists who were looking for creative ways to reduce rates of Vitamin A deficiency(维生素A缺乏症) in human body, which continues to be a major concern throughout the developing world. Beta-carotene(胡萝卜素), which exists in some plants, can change into vitamin A in our body.

In view of beta-carotene’s characteristics, German scientists tried and managed to make rice filled with additional beta-carotene, which has a strong red orange color. The beta-carotene that is added to this rice is actually what conduces to its special golden color.

To German scientists, developing this rice was meaningful. But as with all GM(转基因的) crops, some people warn that the golden rice may be unnecessary and even harmful, possibly having some environment consequences. Until now, those voices have prevented golden rice from being planted anywhere.

However, that’s about to change. Bangladesh now plans to become the first country to approve golden rice for planting. Recently, golden rice is receiving a series of tests before the final approval of Bangladesh. Tests conducted by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) found no new farming challenges with golden rice and no big differences in quality between the crop and the traditional varieties, with the exception that golden rice is more nutritious. Some other organizations are still doing tests about the environmental influences of the crop. If those results are also good, then golden rice will have received all the approval it needs to move forward with planting.

As for the future market for the golden rice, the crop will need to gain the public’s trust. And it remains to be seen whether golden rice will offer a better nutritional and economical choice compared to other sources of vitamin A, such as other vegetables where it occurs naturally.

1.What was German scientists’ main purpose of working on rice?

A.To raise its output. B.To make it look prettier.

C.To collect its beta-carotene. D.To improve its vitamin A content in our body.

2.What does the underlined part “conduces to” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Causes. B.Changes. C.Removes. D.Lightens.

3.What do BRRI’s tests show about golden rice?

A.It can hardly grow on the farmland of Bangladesh. B.It is nutritionally better than traditional rice.

C.It may do serious harm to the environment. D.It is no different from other rice in taste.

4.How is golden rice’s future market in the author’s opinion?

A.Promising. B.Worrying. C.Uncertain. D.Hopeless.



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