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A middle school teacher has been praised...

    A middle school teacher has been praised for going above and beyond (超出)the call of duty to help one of his students with her math homework while _____ social distancing guidelines.

One day, 12-year-old Rylee Anderson had trouble figuring out how to ____ a math problem. ________her school being _______during the disease, her parents couldn't help her with the problem. After Rylee ____ her math teacher Waba for help, he replied with some ____ on how to work out the problem. However, he could tell that she was still __ at the homework. Since Waba was ____ that his student lived just down the street from his house, he took a white ____ and went to her front door, so he could ____ his points from the outside of the glass. He then spent the next ten minutes in giving a one-on-math lesson to Rylee as she _____ from inside her home.

Waba, who has been a math teacher for 27years, told the ____ that he is a better ____ face-face than on the telephone and he thinks students can learn ____ that way.

When it seemed like Rylee finally grasped the _____, Waba said his goodbyes and headed home. Before he left, however, Rylee's father Josh Anderson ________ the heartwarming interaction (互动)and posted it to Twitter.

Although thousands of social _____users praised Waba, he later ____    it was just part of the job. "That's what teachers are _____, those smiles. That' s the ___of being a teacher and that's what we do it for ,"  Waba said.

1.A.mapping B.analyzing C.demanding D.respecting

2.A.design B.raise C.solve D.remove

3.A.According to B.In addition to C.Instead of D.In favor of

4.A.closed B.distant C.separated D.1onely

5.A.met B.visited C.saw D.emailed

6.A.orders B.scores C.approaches D.encouragements

7.A.interested B.excited C.puzzled D.shocked

8.A.aware B.concerned C.ashamed D.pleased

9.A.flashlight B.brand C.cassette D.board

10.A.draw B.show C.exchange D.motivate

11.A.took notes B.stood out C.made comments D.turned up

12.A.patient B.passer-by C.school D.press

13.A.journalist B.host C.communicator D.spokesman

14.A.longer B.better C.more busily D.more happily

15.A.chance B.concept C.evidence D.agreement

16.A.contained B.believed C.organized D.photographed

17.A.party B.group C.media D.occasion

18.A.advised B.insisted C.protested D.requested

19.A.after B.of C.against D.with

20.A.joy B.attempt C.advantage D.earning


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述疫情期间学校停课,一位数学老师主动上门并在门外通过玻璃为学生解决数学难题的故事。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一名中学老师因为在遵守社交距离指南的同时,超出职责范围帮助学生完成数学作业而受到表扬。A. mapping绘制地图;B. analyzing分析;C. demanding要求;D. respecting尊敬;遵守。根据下文“during the disease,”可知,因为疫情,这位老师遵守社交距离指南。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,12岁的Rylee Anderson不知道如何解决一道数学问题。A. design设计;B. raise提高;C. solve解决;D. remove消除。根据“ work out the problem ”可知,Rylee Anderson有一道数学题目不知道如何解决。故选C。 3. 考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:除了疫情期间学校停课,她的父母也无法帮助她解决这个问题。A. According to根据;B. In addition to除……之外;C. Instead of而不是;D. In favor of赞成。除了疫情期间学校停课,Rylee Anderson的父母也无法帮她解决这道数学问题。故选B。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了疫情期间学校停课,她的父母也无法帮助她解决这个问题。A. closed关闭的;B. distant远的;C. separated分开的;D. 1onely孤单的。根据上下文可知,学校因为疫情关闭停课。故选A。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在Rylee给她的数学老师Waba发邮件寻求帮助后,Waba回复了一些解决这道题的方法。A. met遇见;B. visited参观;C. saw看见;D. emailed发电子邮件。根据“he replied with some 6 on how to work out the problem. ”可知,Rylee给她的数学老师Waba发邮件寻求帮助。故选D。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在Rylee给她的数学老师Waba发邮件寻求帮助后,Waba回复了一些解决这道题的方法。A. orders订单;B. scores得分;C. approaches方法;D. encouragements鼓励。根据on how to work out the problem.可知,收到Rylee的邮件之后,数学老师Waba通过电子邮件回复了这道题目的解决方法。故选C。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不过,他看得出来,她对家庭作业还是很困惑。A. interested有趣的;B. excited激动的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. shocked震惊的。根据下文数学老师Waba到Rylee Anderson家讲解这道数学题目,可知,数学老师Waba了解她还有困惑。故选C。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为Waba知道他的学生就住在离他家不远的街上。A. aware知道的;B. concerned担心的;C. ashamed感到惭愧的;D. pleased高兴的。根据“he took a white 9 and went to her front door,”可知,数学老师Waba知道他的学生住的地方。故选A。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他就拿了一块白板走到她的前门,这样他就可以从玻璃的外面展示他的观点。A. flashlight手电筒;B. brand商标;C. cassette盒式磁带;D. board木板。根据“so he could 10 his points from the outside of the glass.”可知,数学老师Waba带了一块白板以便给Rylee Anderson讲解题目。故选D。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他就拿了一块白板走到她的前门,这样他就可以从玻璃的外面展示他的观点。A. draw画;B. show展示;C. exchange交换;D. motivate激发。根据his points from the outside of the glass可知,这里指数学老师Waba用白板通过玻璃给学生展示他的观点。故选B。 11. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:接下来的10分钟里,他以一对一的方式给Rylee上了数学课,而Rylee则在家里做笔记。A. took notes记笔记;B. stood out突出;C. made comments发表议论;D. turned up出现。数学老师Waba用白板讲解,Rylee Anderson做笔记。故选A。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Waba当了27年的数学老师,他对媒体说,与打电话相比,他更善于面对面交流,他认为学生可以通过这种方式学习概念。A. patient病人;B. passer-by过路人;C. school学校;D. press媒体。根据“Although thousands of social 17 users praised Waba, he later 18 it was just part of the job. ”可知,这里指数学老师Waba接受媒体采访。故选D。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当了27年的数学老师,他对媒体说,与打电话相比,他更善于面对面交流,他认为通过这种方式学生可以学得更好。A. journalist记者;B. host主持人;C. communicator传播者;交流者;D. spokesman发言人。这里指数学老师Waba更擅长面对面交流。故选C。 14. 考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:Waba当了27年的数学老师,他对媒体说,与打电话相比,他更善于面对面交流,他认为通过这种方式学生可以学得更好。A. longer更长的;B. better更好的;C. more busily更忙的;D. more happily更快乐的。根据前文better 可知,数学老师Waba认为面对面交流的方式学生能够学得更好。故选B。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Rylee似乎终于掌握了这个概念时,Waba说了再见,回家了。A. chance机会;B. concept概念;C. evidence证据;D. agreement同意。最后Rylee终于掌握了这个概念。结合常识可知,数学很多都是关于概念的。故选B。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,在他离开之前,他的父亲Josh Anderson拍下了这段温暖人心的互动,并把它发布到了Twitter上。A. contained包含;B. believed相信;C. organized组织;D. photographed拍照。根据“and posted it to Twitter.”可知,数学老师Waba离开之前,Rylee的父亲拍下这段视频。故选D。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管成千上万的社交媒体用户称赞了Waba,但他后来坚称这只是他工作的一部分。A. party派对;B. group群;C. media媒体;D. occasion场合。这里指社交媒体的用户纷纷称赞这位数学老师。故选C。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管成千上万的社交媒体用户称赞了Waba,但他后来坚称这只是他工作的一部分。A. advised建议;B. insisted坚持;C. protested抗议;D. requested要求。根据 it was just part of the job.可知,数学老师Waba坚持认为这只是他工作的一部分。故选B。 19. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:这就是老师们所追求的。A. after之后;追赶;B. of关于;C. against反对;D. with和……一起。be after追求。为学生服务,这是所有老师所追求的。故选A。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是当老师的乐趣,这就是我们做老师的目的。A. joy喜悦;B. attempt尝试;C. advantage优点;D. earning所得。根据 those smiles可知,这就是成为老师的喜悦与乐趣。故选A。

    The topic of money is often seen as a difficult area by adults. There is so much to learn and so much to control. That's the main reason why a lot of adults are in debt. As with anything worth learning, the best and most well-received knowledge comes to us when we're children. 1.

Start your kids saving money from a very early age, and it will become a habit, a normal, even an easy thing to do. Make saving a fun and positive experience. 2.  Show kids how you are saving your money too. Just as adults become strong and successful with goal setting, kids benefit from setting their own goals, too. 3.

The first step in raising generous children is teaching them how to give to others. We ask our children to share toys with one another as they are young. It's even more important as they grow older that we teach them selflessness and how to give back to their community.4.

You might not think you have to teach your kids how to spend money, but this is the one area where most people's money problems stall. Teaching your kids how to spend their money wisely is very important. Teach your kids the value of items, how much things cost and how to buy only what they can afford. 5. However, don't be afraid to let them make the final choice.

A.Be a good role model

B.You should think about what to give.

C.Instruct them in their spending decisions.

D.Children should be taught to earn money.

E.Make sure that they see you giving to those in need.

F.Let's begin with the concept of saving, sharing and spending.

G.Consider having two kinds of saving:  short-term goals and long-term goals.



    When people travel abroad, they may get the anxiety and feelings of surprise and confusion(困惑) felt when they have to operate within a different cultural and social environment. Besides, maybe when they come back to their own country, they will meet the reverse cultural shock. There is no doubt that people are experiencing cultural shock. So, what is cultural shock? And what causes cultural shock? We interviewed John Robb, Cristal and Jim about their feelings of facing cultural shock abroad.

John has been in China for 24 years. In his opinion, he thinks people wail a long time to make decisions in China. And in his culture, they usually make most decisions far in advance. So, that's a big difference.   

Cris has been in Australia for 2 years. He thinks people from different countries speak different languages. And he usually speaks English with them. In learning, there are many people who are willing to communicate with him about different regional cultures. Australians eat more meat and high-calorie foods. And some raw vegetables go with their diet.

Jim has been in Britain for 7 years. He liked that freedom very much at first in Britain And he traveled to a lot of places and met a lot of people. But over time he found he had to say goodbye to them. Therefore, he became sad little by little. After wandering for a long time, he really looked forward to finding a sense of belonging.

As John said, " Every culture does things differently. So, you have to learn the new ways. ” Facing differences, the most important thing is to make changes. After staying in China, John enriched his experience, learned to think about his future and wanted to open a new life. After studying in Britain, Jim became independent, sensible and learned many life skills.

1.Which is one of the feelings of culture shock?

A.Being sorry. B.Being homesick. C.Being free. D.Being puzzled.

2.How is Jim's experience of culture shock different from John's and Cris's?

A.He stayed abroad for the longest time. B.He experienced the reverse culture shock.

C.He was the one who felt homesick, D.He was the youngest among the interviewees.

3.What's the author's attitude towards John's experience of culture shock?

A.Pessimistic. B.Doubtful. C.Supportive. D.Shocked.

4.What's the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The conclusion of culture shock. B.The introduction to culture shock.

C.The cause of culture shock. D.The process of culture shock.



    Chiang Mai has just been named the top city in Asia as well as ranked (排名)second for the World's Best Cities in the readers' survey of Travel + Leisure World's Best Awards 2016. The influential magazine also ranked Bangkok at No. 5 in Asia and No. 14 in the world.

Readers were asked to judge Asian destinations on various factors (因素)including the local culture, food. shopping and landmarks as well as the friendliness of the people and overall value for money. The cities were then ranked out of 100 will Chiang Mai scoring 91.25 . The city was praised by the Thavel + Leisure readers for its " peace and quiet" and "popular restaurants, historic temples and large markets” as well as for all the conveniences of a major city. Bangkok had a score of 88.96 and was praised for its arts scene and fashionable hangouts.

Yuthasak Supasorn, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand TAT said, "Chiang Mai has always been popular with local and international tourists, so it's good to see that the city is receiving more international favorable receptions. The lovely weather and attractive culture make Chiang Mai a wonderful retreat the whole year round, and as it's a food and arts centre, there's always something to enjoy in the city as well as adventures in the surrounding hills."

Chiang Mai has also been ranked highly on a recent list of best cities or digital nomads (数字游民)—people who work online and do not need to be tied to an office. The Nomad List ranks the best cities based on living costs, Internet speed t weather, safely and more than 50,000 other data (数据)points.

1.According to Travel + Leisure, Chiang Mai ranked___ in Asia.

A.No.1. B.No. 5. C.No. L4. D.No. 100.

2.What do the readers base on in ranking the cities ?

A.The variety of cultures. B.The beliefs in money.

C.The way of making friends. D.The number of destinations.

3.What can we learn about Chiang Mai horn Yuthasak  Supasorn's words?

A.The local people are friendly. B.Il's Asians most popular city.

C.It's a world tourist attraction. D.There're adventures downtown.

4.What is the passage most probably?

A.A speech. B.An advertisement.

C.A scientific journal. D.A news report.



    An average but an extraordinary charitian, Matel Dawson gave away $ 1.3 million to charity over his lifetime.

Born the fifth of seven children in 1921 , Matel Dawson learned the value of hard work at a young age. He left school in the ninth grade to help support his family. By the time he was eighteen, Dawson had moved to Detroit in search of a better job. In those days, the North held better prospects for an African American man. He quickly landed a job with Ford Motor Company where he worked until he retired at the age of eighty-one.

Although never receiving much education, Matel Dawson valued higher education as a key to success for students of all races and backgrounds. Over his lifetime, Dawson donated over $ 600, 000 to Wayne Stale University alone. In 1996 he received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from WSU, a sign to recognize his contribution to the university.

Although, at one time, he owned a large house and nice cars, Dawson lived a more modest lifestyle. He drove a used car and moved into a small apartment. He used to work seven days a week and put in overtime. After retirement, he stayed active at People's Community Church, where he had been a member for decades. Additionally he enjoyed the company of his daughter and grandson.

Dawson, exceptional generosity serves as a model for nontraditional charity. His contributions show that one need not be a millionaire or live like one to give away over one million dollars and to make a lasting change on the lives of fellow citizens.

1.Why was Dawson offered a job in Detroit quickly?

A.Because of his hard work. B.Beause of his past experience.

C.Because of his background. D.Because of his political stand.

2.How was Dawson's life after his retirement?

A.Rich. B.Hard. C.Poor. D.Simple.

3.What does the underlined word “decades” in the fourth paragraph mean most probably?

A.A short time. B.Many years. C.All life. D.Retirement time.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.An Average Man, a Great Charitian B.Matel Dawson's Retirement Life

C.Matel Dawson Changed People's Life D.A Great Life and an Honorable Dealth



    New sneakers (运动鞋)designed for nurses and doctors

The Nike Air Zoom Pulses were developed and tested alongside healthcare workers. The new sneakers address several important workplace challenges of a hospital environment.

Nike's developers applied materials that were easy to wipe and clean. And the shoes are comfortable, supportive and safe in a busy environment.

The world's first wearable vegetable garden

Designer Aroussiak Gabrielian has created a wearable vegetable garden that can hold dozens of different crops.

Gabrielian s project consists of a vest covered with fabric (纤维)onto which microgreen seeds (种子)are directly placed. It takes about two weeks for the seeds, watered by using the wearer's urine (尿液),to become grown.

Boats built with wasted plastic bottles

A young student from Cameroon has cleaned up city's pollution by turning plastic bottles into boats.

He had taken shelter from a storm when he saw several plastic bottles floating on some passing floodwaters. He then built a boat from plastic bottles collected from around the town. To the surprise of the fishermen on the shore, Ebone's boat worked like a dream.

Segway's newest self-balancing vehicle

Named as the S-Pod, Segway's newest self-balancing vehicle, the new egg-shaped two- wheeler is meant to let people sit while they effortlessly visit campuses (校园),theme parks, airports, and even cities.

It is powered by basically the same gyroscopic (陀螺)self-balancing technology as a traditional Segway. But it is driven by leaning forward, backward, and to the sides, and is controlled using a joystick on the right side of the seat. It will allow for quick changes in direction even while stopped.

1.What do these four passages have in common?

A.The designers are all teenagers.

B.The designers are all students.

C.They are all newly invented things.

D.They are all linked with environment protection.

2.Which may doctors and nurses find the most appealing?

A.The Nike Air Zoom Pulses.

B.Gabrielian's wearable vegetables.

C.Boats built with wasted plastic bottles.

D.Segway's newest self-balancing vehicle.

3.What do fishermen think of the boats built with wasted plastic bottles?

A.Shameful. B.Amusing. C.Familiar. D.Incredible.



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