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A computer program has been used to pred...

    A computer program has been used to predict how people are feeling when they type.

In a study participants were asked to type a particular phrase and the program then estimated if they were happy, sad and so on. Surprisingly it was correct 70 per cent of the time, and the findings could lead to smarter artificial intelligence in the future.

The study published in the journal Behavior and Information Technology was carried out by researchers at the Islamic University of Technology in Bangladesh, reports Live Science.

In the research 25 people ranging from 15 to 40 years old were asked to retype two paragraphs from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland written by Lewis Carroll. They also had to enter their emotional state every 30 minutes while doing their regular activities on the computer. This allowed the program an opportunity to understand how their emotions changed their typing style.

Moods tested were joy, fear, anger, sadness, hate, and shame. The result was that the program could identify(识别) a person' s mood correctly 70 per cent of the time. It was most successful in identifying joyfulness with an 87 per cent success ratio, while sadness was the least successful at 60 per cent. The researchers found that the participants were less likely to input (输人) data when they were in a bad mood, which may explain the inexactness of the second result.

However, the findings could have great importance for artificial intelligence, and it may allow computers to get along with us in a friendlier manner, “If we could build any system that is intelligent enough to communicate with humans that is, it can identify user emotions and change its behavior accordingly then using machines could be more effective and friendly.” the researchers wrote.

1.Who conducted the study?

A.Lewis Carroll. B.Islamic University of Technology.

C.Live Science. D.Behavior and Information Technology.

2.What were people asked to do during the research?

A.Input words and emotional state. B.Change their typing styles.

C.Change their feelings frequently. D.Show their natural feelings.

3.Why is the result about sadness not so correct?

A.People usually hide their unhappy feelings.

B.The program cannot recognize sadness clearly.

C.The program cannot calculate the data correctly.

D.It's more difficult to collect data when people are sad.

4.What's the importance of the research result?

A.It helps people develop smarter machines.

B.It helps people speed up their typing speed.

C.It will inspire similar studies on people's mood.

D.It clearly explains the relationship between mood and typing.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲了据《生活科学》报道,发表在《行为与信息技术》杂志上,由孟加拉国伊斯兰科技大学的研究人员进行的一项研究表明,一种计算机程序可以用来预测人们打字时的感受。这项研究结果可以帮助人们开发更智能的机器。 1. 细节理解题。根据第三段The study published in the journal Behavior and Information Technology was carried out by researchers at the Islamic University of Technology in Bangladesh, reports Live Science.(据《生活科学》报道,这项研究发表在《行为与信息技术》杂志上,由孟加拉国伊斯兰科技大学的研究人员进行。)由此可知,伊斯兰科技大学主持了这项研究。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段In the research 25 people ranging from 15 to 40 years old were asked to retype two paragraphs from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland written by Lewis Carroll. They also had to enter their emotional state every 30 minutes while doing their regular activities on the computer.(在这项研究中,25名年龄在15到40岁之间的人被要求重新键入Lewis Carroll写的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的两段文字。他们还必须每隔30分钟输入情绪状态,同时在电脑上进行日常活动。)由此可知,在研究过程中,人们被要求输入文字和情绪状态。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据第五段The researchers found that the participants were less likely to input (输人) data when they were in a bad mood, which may explain the inexactness of the second result.(研究人员发现,当参与者心情不好时,他们不太可能输入数据,这可以解释第二个结果的不准确性。)由此可知,关于悲伤的结果不是那么准确是因为当人们悲伤时,收集数据就比较困难了。故选D。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段However, the findings could have great importance for artificial intelligence, and it may allow computers to get along with us in a friendlier manner, “If we could build any system that is intelligent enough to communicate with humans that is, it can identify user emotions and change its behavior accordingly then using machines could be more effective and friendly.” the researchers wrote.(然而,这些发现可能对人工智能有重要意义,它可能允许计算机与我们以更友好的方式相处,“如果我们能建立任何足够聪明的和人类交流的系统,也就是说,它可以识别用户的情绪,并相应地改变其行为,然后可以更有效和友好的使用机器。”研究人员写道。)由此推知,研究结果的重要性在于帮助人们开发更智能的机器。故选A。

    When visitors to the Palace Museum feel a need to sit down for a cup of tea or find a bathroom without a long line, they soon will be able to turn to their smart phones for the information they need.

This modern day solution comes thanks to an agreement signed on Friday by the museum and Huawei Co., the telecommunication giant, to build a “smart network” using 5G technology. Under the agreement, 5G Wi-Fi signals will cover the Palace Museum, China's royal palace from 1420 to 1911, and the branch museum of the institution under construction in northwestern Beijing.

“It’s essential to always stay close to the latest technology to better serve the public,” said Shan Jixiang, former director of the Palace Museum. Shan said there is still much room for improvement in the handling of a huge number of cultural relics (文物)such as when the priceless painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival is exhibited again in the future. When it was last exhibited in 2015, visitors stood in long lines until 3 am to get a glimpse. The museum ended up preparing instant noodles to serve the hungry visitors. “I don't want that scenario to reoccur," Shan said. “Our operation can be done in a more scientific way.

The new system will also make use of the closed--circuits television cameras that are set up all over the Palace Museum to safeguard the museum's precious relics. More than 1.86 million of them are housed at the museum, which recorded nearly 20 million visits from the public last year, topping all museums worldwide. “How can we make sure no single visitor who might have evil ideas threatens these treasures?" Shan said. “After adopting the internet of things, we can instantly detect any motion involving the artifacts to prevent such threats.”

The 5G network also will be used to improve remote consultation through webcams, which will facilitate conversations with overseas scholars to jointly find the best answers for restoration and preservation issues.

1.What do we know about the Palace Museum?

A.Its visitors won't have to queue up for the bathroom.

B.It has served as China's royal palace for over 500 years.

C.It will cooperate with Huawei to promote its management.

D.It will set up advanced television cameras for the purpose of safety.

2.What does the underlined word “scenario” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Disaster. B.Situation. C.Operation. D.Exhibition.

3.What are the figures in Paragraph 4 intended to show about the Palace Museum?

A.It is better than any other museums. B.It has a rich collection of cultural relics.

C.It enjoys great popularity all over the world. D.It faces a tough challenge of protecting relics.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Feast for Museum Visitors B.A Revolution in Exhibition

C.A Protector of Cultural Relics D.A Connection Between Old and New



    I' m a seven year old girl but I understand that it is this fact, more than any other, that makes my family different: We don't go to school.

Dad worries that the government will force us to go but it can't because it doesn't know about us. Four of my parents' seven children don't have birth certificates. We have no medical records because we were born at home and have never seen a doctor or nurse. We have no school records because we've never set foot in a classroom. When I'm 9, I will be issued a Delayed Certificate of Birth, but at this moment, according to the state of Idaho and the federal government, I do not exist.

Of course, I did exist. I had grown up watching for the sun to darken, for the moon to drip as if with blood. I spent my summers bottling peaches and my winters rotating supplies.

I had been educated in the rhythms of the mountain, rhythms in which change was never fundamental, only cyclical. The same sun appeared each morning, swept over the valley and dropped behind the peak. The snows that fell in winter always melted in the spring. Our lives were a cycle—the cycle of the day, the cycle of the seasons—circles of lasting change that, when complete, meant nothing had changed at all. I believed my family was a part of this immortal pattern, and that we were, in some sense, eternal(永恒的). But eternity belonged only to the mountain.

All my father's stories were about our mountain, our valley. He never told me what to do if I left the mountain, if I crossed oceans and continents and found myself in a strange land. He never told me how I'd know when it was time to come home.

1.Why don't the kids in the writer's family go to school?

A.There are no schools nearby. B.They have delayed birth certificates.

C.The government doesn't know their existence. D.Their father doesn't want them to go to school.

2.What does the underlined word “cyclical” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Normal. B.Irregular.

C.Circular. D.Traditional

3.What does the writer try to express mainly in the last paragraph?

A.She wasn't prepared for her future life. B.Her father loved the mountain and valley.

C.She enjoyed listening to her father’s stories. D.Her father didn't want her to leave the family.

4.Where is this text most probably taken from?

A.An interview. B.An autobiography.

C.A play script. D.A news report.



    Whatever you want to do to help people in need the United Nations may have the ideal job for you. Competition for most positions in the UN is fierce, but with preparation and a little luck, you may land your dream job with the UN.

* Research career options (选择) at the UN.

First of all, visit the United Nations website to get a feel for the different types of work at the UN. Which areas interest you most? Are there areas you are already qualified for? Are there areas you would like to work in but for which you still need qualifications?

* Decide what staff category you want to pursue.

UN careers are divided into different staff categories, each of which requires a specific educational background and area of expertise. The categories are further broken down into jobs at different levels. Considering your skills, interest and experience, decide which category and level is proper for you.

* Make sure you have the required education and experience.

Each career option has specific education and experience requirements. Here are some requirements for many positions at the UN:

Fluency in English or French, the working languages of the UN. It's essential. Fluency in additional languages, particularly Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, or Russian, is helpful for most positions.

A bachelor's degree or higher. Most positions in the UN require at least a bachelor's degree. Many specialist positions require advanced degrees in specialty.

Work experience in a related field. Depending on the position for which you are applying, you might need anywhere from 1-7 years of work experience.

1.What should you do first before starting job application?

A.Decide what staff category you want to pursue.

B.Get the required education and work experience.

C.Learn about choices on the United Nations website.

D.Decide which type of work of the UN interests you most.

2.What is extremely important for positions in the UN?

A.Years of work experience. B.A doctor's degree.

C.Fluency in the working languages. D.A good knowledge of culture.

3.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To give tips on applying for jobs in the UN.

B.To explain the process of applying for jobs in the UN.

C.To cl for more people to apply for positions in the UN.

D.To introduce what jobs in the UN are open to application.
















注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As a saying go, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” However, it is necessary for us take exercise. By taking exercise we can get physically and mentally relaxing. At the same time, we can have a very well figure. If we don’t take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.

Actually, I enjoy a various of outdoor sports, of which swimming in the sea is mine favorite. Because there are so many swimmer in swimming pool and the water is always dirty, I have a preference in swimming in the sea. Besides, I am also interested in playing the badminton.



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