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The Big Ben is located in the tower at t...

    The Big Ben is located in the tower at the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, Greater London. It was designed by Edmund Beckett and Baron Grimthorpe.

The Big Ben is very famous throughout the world, but nobody really knows why it is called Big Ben. There are two hearsays about this. Some people say that it was named after Benjamin Caunt, a boxer, who was called Big Ben. More people believe it was called after Welshman, Sir Benjamin Hall. He was the commissioner(特派员)of the work at the time of its installation in 1859.A story was told that during a debate in the Commons on what to call the bell, Sir Benjamin was about to give his ideas when a MP who sat behind the front bench shouted, “Let's call it Big Ben!” Then this name came into being.

The bell hasn't gone through a smooth road since the beginning of its design. Because there was great disagreement about the design of the clock. It took fifteen years to build. In 1857, the bell was completed and tested on the ground, but a four-foot crack appeared and the bell had to be cast again. Finally, the clock started ticking on 31 May, 1859, and struck its first chime(报时)on 11, July. Then in September, the bell cracked again. It was silent for four years but was eventually turned a quarter of a revolution(旋转). In this way, the crack was not under the striking hammer. Craftsmen made a square above the crack to stop it growing longer and it can still be seen today.

The Big Ben is famous not only for its 13-ton weight, but also for its accuracy(准确性) which is a result of its precise mechanism(机械装置). Even one extra penny's weight on the balance will cause a gain of two fifths of a second in twenty-four hours. Although there have been several problems, the bell is still striking today.Its chimes can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.

1.What can we know about the Big Ben?

A.It is located in the Houses of Parliament. B.It is the largest and tallest clock tower in the world.

C.It is well-known all over the world. D.It is the heaviest clock in the world.

2.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A.The bell worked well at its first test.

B.The construction of the clock was long but not smooth.

C.The clock started to strike chimes on 31 May,1859.

D.The crack finally disappeared after a quarter of a revolution

3.Which of the following can best explain why Big Ben is world-famous?

A.Accurate and heavy. B.Accurate and colorful.

C.Heavy and colorful. D.Attractive and accurate.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Sir Benjamin Hall was a famous architect at that time.

B.Even the tiniest extra weight on the balance will affect the clock's accuracy.

C.The chimes of the clock could be heard all over the world.

D.The clock has been ticking ever since 31 May,1859.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。大本钟位于大伦敦区威斯敏斯特议会大厦东端的塔中。它是由Edmund Beckett 和Baron Grimthorpe设计的。主要介绍了大本钟的得名和设计建造过程。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中The Big Ben is very famous throughout the world, but nobody really knows why it is called Big Ben.可知大本钟在全世界都很有名,但是没有人真正知道它为什么被称为大本钟。由此可知,大本钟世界闻名。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段The bell hasn't gone through a smooth road since the beginning of its design. Because there was great disagreement about the design of the clock. It took fifteen years to build.可知这个钟从设计之初就没有走过一条平坦顺利的道路。因为在时钟的设计上有很大的分歧。它花了15年的时间才建成。由此可知,这个钟的建造时间很长,而且不顺利。故选B。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中The Big Ben is famous not only for its 13-ton weight, but also for its accuracy(准确性) which is a result of its precise mechanism(机械装置).可知大本钟不仅因其13吨的重量而闻名,而且因其精密的机械装置而闻名于世。由此可知,大本钟闻名于世界是因为它的精确和重量。故选A。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Even one extra penny's weight on the balance will cause a gain of two fifths of a second in twenty-four hours.可知哪怕多出一分钱的重量,也会在二十四小时内增加五分之二秒。由此可知,哪怕是最微小的额外重量也会影响大本钟的精度。故选B。

    Every day, unemployed men gather in Jackson Heights, Queens. Many of them are homeless. All of them are hungry. At around 9:30 each night, Munoz's truck arrives, filled with hot food, coffee and hot chocolate. For more than four years, Munoz and his family have been feeding those in need seven nights a week, 365 days a year. Munoz was born in Colombia and his father died in an accident when he was young. When his mother found it difficult to support Munoz and his sister, she made her way to New York, finding work in Brooklyn as a nurse. As immigrants(移民), they often suffered starvation. Later Munoz found a job as a bus driver. “When I see these guys on the street, it's like seeing me 20 years ago when I came to this country,” Munoz recalls.

Munoz began his meal program-An Angel in Queens-in the summer of 2004.Within a few months, Munoz and his mother were preparing 20 home-cooked meals daily. Numbers gradually increased over the years to 35 per night, then 60.In recent months, that number has jumped to as many as 140 meals a night. Munoz gets up around 5:00 a.m.to drive his bus route, and he calls home on his breaks to see how the cooking is going. When he gets home around 5:30 p.m.often stopping to pick up food donations-he helps pack up meals before heading out to “his corner” in Jackson Heights. “He comes here without fail,” says one of the men. “It could be cold, it could be really hot, but he's here.” Watch Munoz in action in Queens, New York.

“If I don't go, I'm going to feel bad,” he says. “I know they're going to be waiting for me.”

Munoz estimates(估计)that food and gas cost approximately$400 to 450 a week; he and his family are funding the operation through their savings and his weekly$700 paycheck. Asked why he spends so much time to help people he doesn't know, he answers, “I have a stable job, my mom, my family, a house...everything I want, I have. And these guys don't”. So I just think, 'OK,I have the food. At least for today they're going to have a meal to eat.’”

Munoz was named one of the CNN heroes.

1.Why did Munoz's mother leave Colombia for New York?

A.Because Munoz's father worked in New York.

B.Because they were not used to the life in Colombia.

C.Because she couldn't support the family in Colombia.

D.Because she was born in New York.

2.As immigrants, Munoz's family        

A.were often helped by the government B.often went hungry

C.were looked down upon D.went begging in the street

3.Which word can be used to describe Munoz?

A.Lucky. B.Kind. C.Adventurous. D.Devoted.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.A bus driver provided free home-cooked meals.

B.God helps those who help themselves.

C.The government helped immigrants.

D.CNN heroes were asked to help immigrants.



A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,by Betty Smith

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn wasn't a new book when my mother was young. It's the story of Francie Nolan struggling up in a tenement slum(贫民区)through the cracks in the pavement to reach the sun.It may be the best book I've ever read about poverty,parenthood, the immigrant experience,and just about everything else.My firstborn daughter is named

Francie Nolan.

To buy:$18,amazon.com.

The Maltese Falcon,by Dashiell Hammett

My all-time personal favorite. I love this book, all of it: the plot,the characters,the dialogue,much of which was lifted verbatim(逐字逐句地)by John Huston for his screenplay for the beloved movie of the same name.The single best monologue in fiction appears toward the end,when Sam Spade tells Brigid O'Shaughnessy why he's giving her to the police.

To buy:$14,amazon.com.

Gilead,by Marilynne Robinson

Oh-so hard to choose!But I'll go with Gilead.An uplifting tale of love in its many forms,told in a style in which every word is perfect.A joyous read.

To buy:$15,amazon.com.

Far From the Tree:Parents,Children and the Search for Identity,by Andrew Solomon

If you think 700 pages on the many ways in which unusual kids(autistic, deaf, criminal, genius)can stretch(延伸)their families' conception(理解) of love doesn't sound like summertime reading,Far From the Tree:Parents,Children and the Search for Identity will teach you otherwise.

To buy:$37.50,amazon.com.

1.What is special about The Maltese Falcon?

A.It can't be bought online. B.It was made into a film.

C.It's about how to be a parent. D.It tells how to treat the loved.

2.How much should you pay for one Far From the Tree and one Gilead?

A.$52.50. B.$29. C.$32. D.$55.50.

3.Which of the following tells us how to get along well with our family?


B.The Maltese Falcon.

C.A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

D.Far From the Tree:Parents,Children and the Search for Identity.



假定你是李华,2020521日是第一个“世界茶日(International Tea Day)”。你的英国笔友Steve想了解一下茶在中国的情况。请你给他回封邮件,介绍一些常识。

















Yesterday I had my twin sisters in the pushchair and went to shop. I had two paper bags of daily product. Just as I stepped onto a busy main road, both of the bags split. As I tried to pick them from the ground, the pushchair slide downhill. At that moment, I couldn't choose but to watch it going fast. Suddenly the well-dressed man grabbed the girls and got them to safe. He then came to me to check what I needed any extra help. With his timely help, my story might not have had so a happy ending. My faith in humanity has been restoring since that moment.



    A local grocery store is remodeling. And none of the ________ is good for shoppers there. The aisles(走道)have been rearranged and pushed closer, making it ________ to get through. All the items have been moved from their ________ spots. It seems to me that it is intended to ________ the shoppers down so they will make more heady ________ and give the store bigger profits.

However, the most ________ for me was in the check-out aisles. And I felt ________ to see that only a few cashiers(收银员)were left working, with huge sections being ________ into self-scanning check-outs. People were probably going to lose their ________ because of this. I got in a cashier aisle and patiently waited while I saw some other people struggling to ________ how the self-scan machines worked. I ________ at that moment never to use one myself ________ I had to wait longer every time I shopped there.

When I ________ arrived at the front of the aisle, I saw the cashier was an acquaintance. I ________ and asked her how her family was doing. She smiled back with ________ and kindness. We chatted happily while she scanned and bagged up my ________. I felt a friendship and a connection with her that warmed my heart. ________, of course, can do a lot for us, but they can't smile. They can't love. They can't ________ a heart.

Only we can do that. It is time we should realize that profits aren't more ________ than us people, neither machines. It is time we should see that we are here not to ________ the world but to be a part of it

1.A.products B.changes C.citizens D.employees

2.A.harder B.easier C.convenient D.available

3.A.obvious B.fixed C.usual D.unknown

4.A.calm B.turn C.put D.slow

5.A.money B.trouble C.buys D.discounts

6.A.reliable B.reachable C.awesome D.troublesome

7.A.sad B.honored C.weak D.thrilled

8.A.talked B.transformed C.interpreted D.conveyed

9.A.jobs B.faces C.affection D.dignity

10.A.put off B.figure out C.pull through D.set aside

11.A.begged B.remembered C.pretended D.swore

12.A.as though B.now that C.even if D.in that

13.A.initially B.finally C.hurriedly D.punctually

14.A.waved B.sighed C.smiled D.jumped

15.A.warmth B.surprise C.affection D.abandon

16.A.bills B.papers C.valuables D.groceries

17.A.Machines B.Companions C.Customers D.Acquaintances

18.A.steal B.beat C.water D.touch

19.A.accurate B.important C.useful D.intelligent

20.A.look down on B.put up with C.take control of D.make fun of



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