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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Last we...


Last week I 1. (take) on a difficult task of showing kindness. The idea came from a few posts on a website. I decided 2. (reach) out to a few people I hadn’t talked to for the past few years.

One was a cousin, 3. I had lost touch with for 25 years. She was very happy when we got 4. touch. The other two were friends I hadn’t talked to in nearly 10 years. It was really good to talk to 5. (they) both.

With one of them, I reached out at a great time for him. He had forgotten my name 6. (entire) but remembered I disliked 7. (run) when young because I had asthma(哮喘). He was grateful that I called him and said some very kind 8. (thing) to me about our past. I am glad our friendship mattered to him.

I think 9. is good to be the one to take the initiative(主动性)to be kind and reach out. Even if it seems difficult at the time, in the end it offers 10. (wonder) rewards!


1.took 2.to reach 3.who/whom 4.in/into 5.them 6.entirely 7.running 8.things 9.it 10.wonderful 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在上周,完成了一项艰巨的任务,即主动联系一些在过去几年里,没有联系过的人。 1. 考查时态。此处缺乏谓语动词,由时间Last week可知,此处是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时。故填took。 2. 考查动词不定式。固定搭配decide to do sth.,意为“决定做某事”,应用动词不定式(to do)。故填to reach。 3. 考查定语从句关系词。此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是a cousin,指人,关系词在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词who/whom。故填who/whom。 4. 考查介词。固定搭配get in/into touch.,意为“取得联系”,应用介词in/into。故填in/into。 5. 考查代词。介词to后,用宾格,应用them。故填them。 6. 考查副词。该空修饰动词短语had forgotten,用副词修饰动词,此空用副词形式。故填entirely。 7. 考查动名词。固定搭配dislike doing sth.,意为“不喜欢做某事”,应用动名词(doing)。故填running。 8. 考查名词的数。thing是可数名词,其前由some修饰,应用名词复数形式。故填things。 9. 考查代词。think后接宾语从句,从句缺少主语,从句真正主语是to be the one to take the initiative(主动性)to be kind and reach out,此处用形式主语it指代,避免头重脚轻。故填it。 10. 考查形容词。名词rewards要用形容词修饰,应用形容词形式。故填wonderful。

    It was a few years ago, and I took a holiday-season job in a video store. One day, an elderly woman _________ my store, along with a young woman who I _________ was her daughter. The daughter showed _________, rolling her eyes, sighing and checking her watch every few seconds.

The elderly woman separated from the young one and _________ to search through the DVDS on the nearest shelf. I _______ and asked if I could help her _________ something. The woman smiled at me and showed me a title on a piece of paper.

Rather than rushing off to _________ the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me _________ I could show her where she could find it. Looking _________, I think I wanted to enjoy her __________ for a moment. Something about her __________ movements reminded me of my mother, who passed away a few years ago.

As we walked along the back of the store, I __________ what was on the shelves: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, etc. The woman seemed ________ the unrushed company and casual conversation.

We ________ the movie, and I praised her for her choice. She smiled and told me it was one she had __________ when she was at her son’s age and that she hoped he would enjoy it as much as she had.

I ________ the old woman to the cashier and then stepped back toward the young woman. “Is that your __________?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah.” Mind some __________?” I asked. “Of course not,” said the daughter.

“Cherish(珍爱)her,” I said. And then I answered her surprised expression by saying, “When she’s __________, it’s the little moments that’ll come back to you. Times like this. I know.” It was __________. I still missed my mom and remembered the times when I’d used my impatience to make her upset.

1.A.closed B.entered C.passed D.left

2.A.knew B.realized C.guessed D.explained

3.A.kindness B.courage C.interest D.impatience

4.A.began B.continued C.forgot D.agreed

5.A.moved around B.walked over C.dropped out D.fell behind

6.A.buy B.carry C.get D.find

7.A.make B.play C.get D.borrow

8.A.so B.or C.and D.but

9.A.back B.forward C.up D.down

10.A.work B.company C.success D.performance

11.A.careful B.careless C.strong D.weak

12.A.changed B.designed C.examined D.introduced

13.A.worried about B.angry at C.happy with D.afraid of

14.A.developed B.watched C.missed D.found

15.A.wanted B.hated C.enjoyed D.remembered

16.A.pushed B.carried C.drove D.sent

17.A.daughter B.girl C.mom D.boss

18.A.attention B.advice C.support D.promise

19.A.done B.gone C.accepted D.asked

20.A.true B.appropriate C.reasonable D.impossible



    Our peers(同辈)usually have a great influence on our lives. However, when it comes to learning valuable lessons about life, we learn much more from older people than our peers.

Unlike our peers, older people have a better understanding of life. 1. So we can learn more from their seasoned knowledge. Many of my friends spend little time on their lessons and they just use their time to have fun. However, my uncle has taught me that if I focus on studying instead of playing all the time, my life will be more fulfilling(有成就的)later on. 2.

Also, older people can point us in the right direction and away from the mistakes they have already made. If we simply follow our peers, we will often run into similar problems. 3. My brother tried out for the football team last year and did not make it. Many of his peers told him to give up on the sport forever. But my father helped him realize that giving up was not the answer. Then my brother practiced harder. 4. In the end, older people can help us make the right decisions when we are in difficulties.

5. Older people have more life experience, and they can give us excellent advice.

A.However, we can avoid them if we listen to and learn from our elders.

B.People who are your age are called peers.

C.Without his advice, I would not realize the importance of a good education.

D.In short, we learn more from older people than our peers.

E.That's because they have already been through it.

F.It's human nature to learn from other people in your age group.

G.This year, not only did he make the team, but he was also the captain.



    In January 2017, I left a 30-year career in radio to find a new path. Fear, doubt, and anxiety filled my life at that time. I had no idea where life was going to take me.

Anything new in life can be exciting, but it can also come with anxiety. I was beginning a new career with little experience. The language on the ramp(舷梯)was foreign to me. What is involved with a “turn” (a plane being downloaded and loaded) was foreign to me. All of the excitement I had about this job on the first day was slowly changing to fear and doubt by week three.

After two weeks in the classroom, it was time for training on the ramp. On my first day as a trainee, I was partnered with a man named Fernando. My job was zone assist. A zone assist is usually at the back of the plane, bringing the belt loader(带式行李装载机)to the aircraft, unloading the back bins(箱子), servicing the drinking water, and wing walking at a push(紧急时). I was 48 years old at the time and had been without extreme physical activity since high school, so I was about to hit the ramp for the first time in extremely hot conditions.

Another deep fear I had, other than hurting myself, was damaging an airplane. Granted, things happen and we’re human. But making a mistake and damaging a plane that could lead to a delay or taking it out of service would be a disaster for a ramp agent. With that in mind, I was so nervous driving the belt loader up the airplane.

Fernando and I did eight turns that day. I don’t remember how many bags I downloaded. Eventually, I got through the day, tired and sore afterwards. Looking at the schedule for the next day, I believed I would do it better.

1.Why did the author feel anxious at the beginning?

A.Because he was out of work.

B.Because he had no idea how he could make his living.

C.Because the new job was totally unfamiliar to him.

D.Because the new job was very dangerous.

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the author nearly hit the ramp?

A.His physical condition. B.His carelessness.

C.The extreme physical work. D.The hot environment.

3.What made the author nervous at work?

A.Having an old partner. B.Being too tired.

C.Hurting himself. D.Damaging the plane.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The author would continue his new job. B.The author would change his job.

C.The author would have a higher salary. D.The author would get a promotion



    Famous and respected Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong, passed away at 89 in a hospital in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Born in Nanjing, East China’s Jiangsu Province in 1928, Yu fled with his family at the age of 9 to Chongqing during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-1945). In 1947, he began studying at Jinling University in Nanjing, but later transferred to Xiamen University. In 1950, Yu and his family moved to Taiwan where he lived and worked until his death.

Xiangchou (Nostalgia), a four-stanza(节)poem that expressed the poet’s deep feelings for his motherland, is one of Yu’s most well-known and affectionate verses(深情的诗篇).

Published in 1971, the poem remains highly popular among Chinese speakers worldwide. Even those who know little about literature are familiar with lines from the poem: “When I was a child/ Nostalgia(乡愁)seemed a small stamp/ Here am I/ And there…my mother…”

Aside from his achievements in poetry, Yu was also a successful essay writer, critic(批评家)and translator.

“The reason why I stick to writing till today comes down to my passion(酷爱)for the Chinese language,” Yu told people in a 2015 interview, going on to explain that this passion was strengthened by his love for his mother and his motherland.

Yu’s death left many Chinese netizens(网民)shocked and heartbroken. Many lit virtual “candles” in honor of him on Chinese social media platforms.

“Mr. Yu’s poems often move me to tears when I read them. I have a collection of poetry that he once signed and it remains one of my most valuable treasures…R.I.P. Mr. Yu,” posted Yunan Province-based writer Mai Luoluo on Sina Weibo.

1.The famous poem Xiangchou ________.

A.didn’t become popular until 1971.

B.was the only one showing Yu’s passion for the homeland.

C.expressed the poet’s deep feelings for his homeland.

D.didn’t make sense to those who know little about literature.

2.What inspired Yu Guangzhong to keep writing?

A.His rich experience. B.His good health.

C.His active readers. D.His love of Chinese.

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us that ________.

A.Yu Guangzhong wrote lots of poems

B.Yu Guangzhong’s poems influenced readers greatly

C.Yu Guangzhong made lots of friends

D.Yu Guangzhong’s death shocked lots of readers



    My sister and I were taught at a very early age to write thank-you letters for birthday and Christmas gifts. We carefully copied addresses from our mom’s address book into our own pretty little books, and a new box of stationery(信箋,信封)was always among my gifts under the tree. We wrote our letters on December 26 at the latest every year. It was an important tradition in our home, and it has turned me into an avid(热情)thank-you-letter writer as an adult.

I still send a great deal of personal mail, and I am extremely interested in all of the trappings of letter writing: unique stamps, beautiful stationery, fountain pens(自来水笔). I feel a mad rush of satisfaction sticking a stamp on a carefully penned thank-you letter and sending it off in the mail.

Several years ago, I even sent my mom a thank-you letter to thank her for teaching me to count my blessings on paper. Sending letters of thanks out into the world has made me more grateful for the love, support and kindness I receive daily.

My father died when I was twenty-seven. Even then, I found comfort in writing letters of thanks for the gifts of words I received. At a time when all I wanted to do was retreat(退缩)into my own sadness, the act of giving thanks forced me to stay connected to the world and to the lives of the living.

And while it may seem unimportant, my belief in well-written thank-you letters has protected my popularity. Since real thank-you letters are extremely few and far between, my social graces(风度)are considered as a charming difference from other people, and my friends and family always seem truly moved by my efforts.

1.What can we learn about the author’s family?

A.Her family liked to collect stationery.

B.Her family had a thank-you-letter writing tradition.

C.She often copied addresses for her mother.

D.They wrote thank-you letters on Dec 26.

2.How did the author feel when writing thank-you letters?

A.Satisfied. B.Tired. C.Excited. D.Bored.

3.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?

A.The author felt happy to receive gifts from others.

B.The author’s father died when she was very young.

C.Writing thank-you letters made the author lead an active life.

D.Writing thank-you letters forced the author to talk with others.

4.What does the author intend to tell us?

A.Expressing thanks can protect what we have.

B.Receiving thank-you letters is truly moving.

C.Writing thank-you letters is difficult work.

D.Being grateful can help gain the respect.



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