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假定你是学校英语社团负责人李华,你们社团打算排练英语短剧参加学校下个月举办的艺术节活动。请用英语给你校外教Mr. Johnson写封电子邮件,请他给予指导。内容包括:







Dear Mr. Johnson,



Li Hua


Possible Version I Dear Mr. Johnson, I'm Li Hua, head of our school's English club. I'm writing to ask you for a favor. As you know, our art festival will be held next month. In order to show our achievements in English learning, we've decided to put on a short English play by Shakespeare. Although we've practiced it several times, we are still not sure about our performance. We'll practice in Room 401 of the teaching building at 4 p.m. this Friday. Would you please come if it's convenient for you? Thank you! Looking forward to your early reply . Yours, Li Hua Dear Mr. Johnson, I'm Li Hua, head of English Club in our school. I'm writing to ask you for help. Our club plans to perform a short English play for the art festival to be held in our school next month. We've been practicing these days but don't know how to present it better. Knowing that you have much experience in English plays, we hope you can give us some advice and guidance on it. We're going to practice at the school hall from 5 to 7 this Thursday afternoon. Is it convenient for you? We would appreciate it very much if you're available and give us some suggestions. Thanks a lot! I'm looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求以李华的身份写一封求助信给外教Mr. Johnson关于你们社团打算排练英语短剧参加学校下个月举办的艺术节活动。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文。 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 结构:总分法。 要求: 1.写邮件目的; 2.求助的内容; 3.约定时间和地点。 第二步:列提纲(重点短语) put on;an expert in;firmly believe 第三步:连词成句 1.we've decided to put on a short English play by Shakespeare 2.Since you're an expert in English literature, I firmly believe your advice and instructions will help us to get improved a lot. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇 1.表示文章结构顺序:写信目的;求助内容;约定时间和地点。 2. 表示并列补充关系:As you know;In order to ;Although;Since 第五步:润色修改

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下 作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单 词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。






Miss White is our English teacher. She always impresses us deep with her lively English classes. One day when the first bell ring, our monitor said, "Our English teacher is said to have an operation today. Whoever will give us the lesson has not been decided yet. " The class fell silent at his word. In fact, we were afraid of that Miss White would no longer be with us. Just at that moment, Miss White entered the classroom, look tired and pale. " I'll be missing you badly," she said at a low voice. "My operation will be put off till tomorrow though I don't want you to miss a single class. ” She went on, “A new teacher will take my place tomorrow I'll come back as soon as possible. "Hearing this, we were both moved to tears. What a good teacher she is!



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

Li Jiaqi, a star in live-streaming (网络直播),knows how 1. draw the audience's attention. Each time, he introduces a new item and then promotes (推 销)it directly, "Buy it — just buy it! It looks super, super, super good!" ---a sales pitch the online influencer is famous for.

Compared with Taylor Swift's headline show at 2019's Double Eleven evening party, Li's live-stream appeared 2.( simple) , but he probably had a greater influence on last year's festival. In the month 3.( follow) the shopping festival, Li's promotion 4.( drive) over one billion yuan in sales on Taobao Live.

As a new way of shopping, live-streaming has proved successful,5. has led more companies to use online influencers to promote their products . The rise of commercial live-streaming is partly based on convenience. Any product 6. be bought during live-streams with just a couple of taps and swipes . Without the advantage, 7. ( customer) may give up an item if its description does not provide enough information.

A convincing live-streamer together with limited-time discounts or lucky draws also 8.( account) for its popularity. Those tricks help persuade people to shop through live-streaming.

For now, there is still some doubt 9. live-streamers can really take responsibility for their broadcasts or not. However, buyers are quick to make judgements. " I don't plan to stop watching Li's live-streams. But out of 10.(curious) , I also do my own research instead of shopping immediately," said a Mr. Li, who often does shopping online.



    Inspiration can be a strange thing. You never know when it might ___, and sometimes it can come from the most __ places.

I recently read about an author named Nnedi Okorafor. When she was in college, she had a serious spine disorder (脊椎病).The doctor told her that a simple operation could __ it. But when she woke up from her _____, she found that she couldn't move her legs and was in great pain.

Okorafor got well later. But before she recovered, she saw ___ things in her hospital room. She imagined her ___ as a wild animal that ___ her from the shadows (阴影). But she also imagined a woman who could actually fly. This ____ woman inspired her and helped her __ her pain. "I felt myself become ____," she wrote in her book Broken Places & Outer Spaces: Finding Creativity in the Unexpected.

We __ know where we might find the inspiration to create. As a ____, most of my inspiration comes from other people's music. But I also find ___ in other places. Books, movies and even just moments in everyday life can ___ new creations. For example, I recently watched the movie Blade Runner again. I've seen it plenty of times before ___ it's one of my favorite movies. But this time, for some reason I saw it ___. I decided to make music that could create the same feeling as the ___ It's not completed yet, but the music I'm working on now is deeply __ by the movie's setting and characters.

Anything can ___ us. You just have to be ___ to catch inspiration when it hits.

1.A.pass B.exist C.strike D.help

2.A.attractive B.unexpected C.familiar D.dangerous

3.A.save B.overcome C.control D.treat

4.A.dream B.operation C.shock D.recovery

5.A.terrible B.confusing C.strange D.fortunate

6.A.pain B.sadness C.fear D.anger

7.A.bit B.observed C.discovered D.hunted

8.A.magical B.confident C.violent D.curious

9.A.experience B.stand C.forget D.suffer

10.A.smarter B.busier C.quieter D.greater

11.A.even B.only C.never D.still

12.A.musician B.director C.performer D.writer

13.A.characters B.ideas C.materials D.themes

14.A.lead to B.star in C.focus on D.build up

15.A.although B.unless C.until D.because

16.A.subjectively B.particularly C.differently D.smoothly

17.A.story B.movie C.song D.scene

18.A.limited B.supported C.influenced D.disturbed

19.A.benefit B.impress C.approach D.inspire

20.A.ready B.free C.calm D.careful



Making a Good First Impression

It's important to make a good first impression with people. Whether they're a customer or a potential friend, you want them to think highly of you. If they don't, you're not likely to make much progress moving forward. 1. Before you've even opened your mouth, people have already formed an opinion of you based on your body language. With that in mind, it's a good idea to change how you present yourself to ensure you're not giving off a bad atmosphere.

♦ It's all in the face.

Any honest and fair person is going to be looking at your face when you're talking to them. Of course, that means whatever is going on up there will be picked apart more than anything else you do. 2. In the right circumstances, it will express warmth and show you to be welcoming, something that's unbelievably important for the first impression. Moreover, make sure to keep eye contact as often as possible It shows that you're focusing on them, especially when they're talking.


So many of us close our arms without thinking about itbut that's one of the biggest no-nos when it comes to first impressions. Standing there with your arms folded is going to set you apart from the crowd for all the wrong reasons. 4. This will drive people away from you very quickly and make a poor first impression.

♦ Show your interest.

5. The wrong movements or positions can signal that you don't care what the other person has to say. Fortunately, there are non-verbal cues (暗示)you can make which will show your interest without going overboard. These include things like leaning forward and giving purposeful nods. Small gestures like this show that you're taking part in the conversation and not invested (投入的)in something happening over their shoulder.

A.Open up your body.

B.Stand close to others in conversation.

C.Show your interest when others are talking.

D.However, there's more to the first impression than what you say.

E.Body language shows whether you're interested in someone or not.

F.It gives people the impression that you're bored and don't want to be there.

G.Make sure that you smile as often as possible if it's acceptable in the situation.



    Even though they're not the most exciting things in the world, plants have attracted us ever since the days of early humans. They may not do any tricks or greet us when we come home at night like a dog would, but that doesn't mean they're any less interesting than animals.

However, just when we thought we knew everything we could about them, a recent study found that plants may have a secret ability that has gone unnoticed all this time.

According to the study by Australian biologist Monica Gagliano, published in the journal Oecologia, plants may be able to "hear” sounds . To come to this conclusion, Gagliano and her team planted pea seedlings (幼苗)in a pair of different Y-shaped pots with two arms. The first pot's arms led to fresh water, while the other's led to either dry soil or a sealed (密封的)plastic tube containing flowing water. Naturally, the first pot's seedlings grew toward the water. What's surprising, however, is that the second pot's seedlings grew toward the sealed water supply but not the soil.

"They just knew the water was there even if the only thing to discover was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe, ” Gagliano told Scientific American . She believes that plants are able to use their leaves to discover sound waves, which make tiny vibrations (振动)as they're produced. This could explain why so many people believe that singing or playing music to their plants helps them grow. “ I had a plant that I used to wash the leaves of once a week and sing to," plant lover Heather Goodall told BBC News. "It grew from being about 2 feet tall to 7 feet tall in just a couple of years."

So, does this mean we should start treating our plants like pets? Not necessarily, although perhaps it does mean we should give them more respect. "I would like to see plants accepted more as the amazing and interesting living beings, and less as just a source of human nutrition," Fatima Cvrckova, a scientist at Charles University in the Czech Republic, told BBC News.

1.What did Gagliano find in their study?

A.Plants can recognize the sound of water.

B.Sound can change the direction plants grow toward.

C.Plants can tell the difference between various sounds.

D.Different plants can discover sounds in different ways.

2.What do plants use to hear sound according to Gagliano?

A.Their roots B.Their flowers

C.Their fruits D.Their leaves

3.Why does the author mention Heather Goodall's example?

A.To show a different way of growing plants.

B.To inspire people to sing to their plants often.

C.To prove that music plays a role in plant growth.

D.To stress the importance of treating plants like pets.

4.What would Cvrckova probably agree with?

A.Plants are just a source of human nutrition.

B.There is still a lot we do not know about plants.

C.Plants are unbelievable and deserve more respect.

D.Most people do not care enough about their plants.



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