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Speaking in an interview, Naveen Jain, f...

    Speaking in an interview, Naveen Jain, founder of a space exploration company called Moon Express, said that he believes moon travel is just a decade away. And his company, which is the first private firm to get approval from the U.S. government to carry out the project of moon travel, wants to play a role in helping people get to the moon surface.

''I believe in the next ten years, there is going to be gentlemen on their knees asking their sweethearts, honey, will you go to the moon with me for honey moon?'' Jain said in the interview.

Many people in the technology and scientific communities are crazy about space exploration. Space presents an unprecedented(史无前例的)number of chances for scientific and human advancement. Companies, big and small, are determining how they can create technologies that would allow people to explore space, the moon, and even Mars. Other companies are eyeing ways to play a role in space travel.

The key of that gold rush has been the declining cost of actually getting to space. Jain said that while it once cost billions of dollars to go to the moon, his company's unmanned space flight next year will cost just 7 million. As costs continue to decline(减少),he believes that within the next decade, getting to the moon will cost just $10,000.Better yet, it'll take just four hours to get there.

Still, Mars is the final prize. And even Jain, whose company will focus on moon travel, said that ''Mars is certainly the right place to be finally. '' When asked if he'd like to stage space fights to Mars, Jain said ''of course'', adding that he believes Moon Express could partner with Elon Musk's SpaceX to make that happen.

''Elon will build the rocket and we do the travelers,'' Jain said of a theoretical partnership. ''Generally, he lays the cables and we do the last mile.''

SpaceX and Musk have not said whether they would work alongside Jain and Moon Express. Either way, it looks like hopping from the moon to Mars (and back) might be just a part of our lives.

1.We can learn about moon travel from the passage that     

A.it will take less time and money

B.it is already available for all

C.few people are interested in it

D.its future is not bright at all

2.What does the author mean by saying ''Mars is the final prize''?

A.Mars is the final destination difficult but valuable to reach.

B.Mars is the final destination expensive but easy to reach.

C.Mars is the first destination to choose for space travelers.

D.Mars is the last destination to choose for space travelers.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Moon Express is certainly an ideal partner for SpaceX.

B.SpaceX hasn't decided to cooperate with Moon Express.

C.Moon Express and SpaceX used to be close partners.

D.SpaceX has been successful in moon travel exploration.

4.The passage above is most probably taken from the ______section of a newspaper.

A.entertainment B.education C.technology D.literature


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了随着科技的发展,越来越多的公司和个人对宇宙探索感兴趣。更有人预测,在未来10年月球之旅将实现,而且花费的费用和时间都会更少。甚至去火星也可能成为现实,成为们生活的一部分。 1. 细节理解题。根据第四段的As costs continue to decline(减少),he believes that within the next decade, getting to the moon will cost just $10,000.Better yet, it'll take just four hours to get there.(随着花费的不断减少,他认为在下一个10年,去月球只需要花1万美元。然而,更好的方面是,只需要4小时。)可知,随着科技的发展月球之旅花的费用和时间都会更少。A. it will take less time and money(它会用更少的时间和金钱)符合以上说法,故选A项。 2. 词义猜测题。根据第五段的Still, Mars is the final prize. And even Jain, whose company will focus on moon travel, said that ''Mars is certainly the right place to be finally. '' 可知,然而火星是最后的奖励。就连Jain,他的公司将致力于月球之旅,都说“火星肯定是最终要去的地方。”由此判断出,划线部分的意思是:上火星虽然难,但它是终极目标。如果能上,那就相当于终极大奖,值得尝试。A. Mars is the final destination difficult but valuable to reach.(火星是一个虽然难但值得的终极目的地)符合以上说法,故选A项。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段的SpaceX and Musk have not said whether they would work alongside Jain and Moon Express.( SpaceX and Musk还没有说他们是否会和Jain以及他的公司Moon Express合作)可知,SpaceX and Musk还没有决定是否要和Moon Express 合作。B. SpaceX hasn't decided to cooperate with Moon Express.( SpaceX and Musk还没有决定是否要和Moon Express 合作)符合以上说法,故选B项。 4. 推理判断题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第一段的Speaking in an interview, Naveen Jain, founder of a space exploration company called Moon Express, said that he believes moon travel is just a decade away. (在一次采访中Naveen Jain,一个名叫Moon Express的宇宙探索公司的创立者,说他相信月球之旅在10内会实现。),第三段的Many people in the technology and scientific communities are crazy about space exploration.(很多在科技领域的人和公司都痴迷于宇宙探索)和最后一段的Either way, it looks like hopping from the moon to Mars (and back) might be just a part of our lives.(无论哪种方式,似乎从月球跳跃到火星再回来可能会成为我们生活的一部分)可知,这篇文章主要讲述了随着技术的发展,越来越多的公司和个人对宇宙探索感兴趣。更有人预测,在未来10年月球之旅将实现,而且花费的费用和时间都会更少。甚至去火星也可能成为现实,成为人们生活的一部分。由此推测,这篇文章很有可能出现在报纸的科技版块。 C. technology(科技)符合语境,故选C项。

    When you work out a carbon footprint(碳足迹)a lot of factors are taken into consideration. For example, driving to the grocery store bums a certain amount of fuel, and fossil fuels are the primary sources of greenhouse gases. But that grocery store is powered by electricity, and its employees probably drive to work, so the store has its own carbon footprint. In addition, the products that the store sells were all shipped there, so that must also be factored into the total carbon footprint. Beyond that, the fruits. Vegetables, and meats that the store sells were all grown or raised on farms-a process that produces methane(甲烷)which has a greenhouse effect 25 times greater than CO. All of those elements must be combined to understand the full carbon footprint of a given activity.

Although adding up one's own carbon footprint can be difficult, online calculators can do some of the work for you,giving a rough estimate(估算)of your carbon footprint based on the size of your household, the efficiency of your machines, how much you drive or fly, what you eat, and how much you recycle

This isn't perfect, but it is a good way to measure your activities so you can know roughly how much CO2 they produce and take steps to reduce your carbon footprint.

Methods of reducing your carbon footprint include driving more efficient vehicles (or making sure that your current vehicles are properly maintained), taking public transportation, using energy efficient machines, building your home with special materials to reduce heating and air conditioning costs. consuming food that doesn't require as much transportation, and eating less meat which has a higher carbon footprint than fruits and vegetables. People and companies can also offset some of their CO2, emissions(排放)by purchasing carbon credits, the money from which can go into projects such as planting trees or investing in renewable energy.

1.By giving the example of the grocery store, the author wants to tell us that____

A.driving to the store burns a certain amount of fuel

B.the greenhouse effect of methane is greater than that of CO2

C.the fossil fuels are the primary sources of greenhouse gases

D.many factors need to be considered when figuring out a carbon footprint

2.Which of the following best explains the underlined word ''offset'' in the last paragraph?

A.make up for

B.make sense of

C.take control of

D.catch up with

3.The passage is mainly about____

A.whether it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint

B.what we can do to figure out the carbon footprint

C.how to estimate and reduce the carbon footprint

D.why we should reduce the carbon footprint



What’s on in the city?

AFLW match-GWS GIANTS v Brisbane Lions

Friday 16 March from 7.05 pm

Blacktown International Sportspark,Eastern Road,Rooty Hill

GWS Giants are back in Blacktown and competition is fierce to see who will win the 2018 championship.FREE event.

Shelter-movie screening

Monday 19 March from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm

Max Webber Library,corner Flushcombe Road and Alpha Street,Blacktown

Come and enjoy this FREE short film of”Shelter”.An inspirational action drama about a boy who is struggling through his adolescence,school bullying and cultural shock,in the end he succeeded and became a adviser to others.You will also meet the film’s producer and lead actor during Q&A session.Bookings are necessary.

Dungeons and Dragons 5”Edition

Tuesday 20 March from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Dennis Johnson Library,corner Stanhope Parkway and Sentry Drive,Stanhope Gardens

Join our beginner friendly table and the quest for glory against the evils of the Forgotten Realms. Roleplaying games are a great way to learn teamwork and communication skills.They promote literacy, build up confidence,and develop community spirit.Open to ages 11-15 only.Bookings are necessary.

Tech Savvy Seniors-Introduction to Transport Apps

Thursday 22 March from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon

Surry Hills Library and Community Centre,405 Crown St,Surry llills

Benefit from being online and connected no matter where you live, how old you are or what your interests are.Tech Savvy Seniors gives older people the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence to use technology for socializing,accessing important services or conducting personal business.Bookings are necessary.

1.What is Dungeons and Dragons 5”Edition according to the passage?

A.A roleplaying game. B.A literature book. C.A beginner’s course. D.A documentary film.

2.Which of the following events is free but necessary to book in advance?

A.AFLW match-GWS GIANTS v Brisbane Lions.

B.Shelter-movie screening.

C.Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.

D.Tech Savvy Seniors-Introduction to Transport Apps.

3.An old man not knowing how to use Transport Apps may go to the lecture at

A.Blacktown International Sportspark

B.Max Webber Library

C.Dennis Johnson Library

D.Surry Hills Library and Community Centre



    Michael Evans was standing in line at a Treasurer’s Office in Detroit last August, waiting for his business. At that moment, he heard a _______sound ahead of him. The elderly woman at the window was _______because she couldn’t pay $5,000 in back taxes owed(欠交税款). The cashier _______the woman that her house was soon to be auctioned(拍卖) and she would be left _______

Evans, a successful businessman who happened to hear their dialogue couldn’t _______the idea of this woman losing her home. He _______the window. “I don’t mean to _______,”he said to the cashier, “but_______you can get her house back, I’ll pay for her taxes.”

The woman in tears and the cashier looked at him _______in disbelief. Then, the cashier left for a moment to check the ________and that it was all right for Evans to pay it. Evans ________ to go straight to the bank and come right back with the money. And he did so.

But when he ________,he asked someone else waiting in line to hand the $5,000 check to the cashier. Quietly and secretly, Evans was trying to leave ________.”I don’t want this attention,” he explained. ________paying the elderly woman’s taxes, he did it” for no other________but to make sure the lady was in her house.”

A few weeks after the tax ________, Evans received the Spirit of Detroit Award for his lifetime of generosity. “It was good to see my dad finally get the recognition he deserves. I ________my life after him. When I have kids, I want them to look at me the way I look at my dad and to be________to those in need.” his son says.

Martin Luther King put it best, “Everybody can be great because anybody can ________.” When one of us can ________someone’s pain and can do something to improve the lives of others, we should. It is in giving of ourselves that we enrich our communities and make a better world.

1.A.surprising B.charming C.worrying D.pleasing

2.A.crying B.shouting C.cursing D.whispering

3.A.ordered B.informed C.persuaded D.recommended

4.A.jobless B.homeless C.aimless D.meaningless

5.A.desert B.prove C.tolerate D.challenge

6.A.broke B.closed C.repaired D.approached

7.A.show off B.hang on C.give up D.break in

8.A.if B.unless C.while D.though

9.A.tiredly B.amazedly C.excitedly D.delightedly

10.A.amount B.bonus C.answer D.reality

11.A.refused B.meant C.hesitated D.promised

12.A.escaped B.returned C.announced D.prepared

13.A.unnoticed B.unaffected C.ashamed D.confused

14.A.Due to B.Along with C.As to D.Aside from

15.A.reason B.sense C.doubt D.excuse

16.A.accident B.disaster C.campaign D.incident

17.A.value B.ruin C.enjoy D.model

18.A.selfish B.helpful C.distant D.grateful

19.A.serve B.benefit C.agree D.compete

20.A.reach B.recover C.relieve D.reserve



—How about Amanda’s fresh year in college?

—Very great!You know,she is___________and she got high grades in every subject.

A.a black sheep B.an early bird C.a wet blanket D.a green hand



—Edward, where have you been these days?

—I________to Yan Cheng, an attractive city best known for its wetlands on the Yellow Sea.

A.go B.went C.had gone D.have gone



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