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3D TV, Without the Glasses If you’re thi...

3D TV, Without the Glasses

If you’re thinking about buying a 3D TV, you might want to wait a while. Researchers have developed new 3D technology that doesn’t need any special glasses to work its magic. The new technology could advance the development of 3D on mobile devices, too.

Bioethics Panel Gives Yellow Light to Anthrax Vaccine Trial in Children

A U.S. bioethics committee has said that the country may consider testing the anthrax vaccine in children. The panel advises that the vaccine be tested in progressively younger age groups and includes the caveat(警告) that testing should only take place if risks are “minimal.”

Evolution via Roadkill

We usually think of evolution happening over thousands or millions of years, but it can be surprisingly speedy-literally. In just 3 decades, highway-dwelling swallows(燕子)have evolved shorter wingspans(翼展) to better dodge oncoming cars.

Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends

Would you want to know if you were at risk for cancer? What about a fatal heart condition? A group of genetics experts, along with the influential American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, have recommended that anyone whose genome is sequenced for any medical reason must be told about their genetic susceptibility to serious health problems, regardless of whether they want to know.

Congress Completes Work on 2013 Spending Bill

This week, the U.S. Congress passed a bill to fund the government until the end of the fiscal(财政的) year, and research agencies now know how much to spend in 2013. The so-called continuing resolution retains the sequester and its $85 billion cut in discretionary spending. The bill throws NASA’s planetary programs a lifeline and gives the National Science Foundation a bit of a boost, but the National Institutes of Health’s funding stays  flat at 2012 levels-bad news for biomedical research.

Making Moonshine Safe to Drink

Home-brew drinkers in developing countries often risk blindness or even death from methanol poisoning when they drink. Now, scientists have made a reusable wireless chip that can analyze a drink’s methanol content and warn users of any danger. In 2 years, they hope to develop a product that can send results directly to a cell phone.

1.If you are concerned about your future health, you will probably be interested in  .

A.3D TV, Without the Glasses

B.Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends

C.Congress Completes Work on 2013 Spending Bill

D.Making Moonshine Safe to Drink

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word dodge?

A.Fly. B.Avoid. C.Move. D.Leave.

3.Most probably, you will read the above information in  .

A.a product introduction B.a tour guide

C.a web page D.a newspaper


1.B 2.B 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要讲述了5条不同主题的消息,并对每条消息的大概内容进行了说明。 1.细节理解题。根据文章Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends部分下的Would you want to know if you were at risk for cancer? What about a fatal heart condition?(你想知道你是否有患癌症的危险吗?那致命的心脏病呢?)可知,如果你关心自己未来的健康问题,你应该对Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends感兴趣。故选B项。 2.词义猜测题。根据文章第三段的We usually think of evolution happening over thousands or millions of years, but it can be surprisingly speedy-literally. In just 3 decades, highway-dwelling swallows have evolved shorter wingspans to better dodge oncoming cars.可知,我们通常认为进化发生在上千年或上百万年,但从字面上看,进化速度惊人。在短短30年内,居住在高速公路上的燕子进化出了较短的翼展,以更好地dodge迎面而来的汽车。结合句意,可知划线单词意为“躲避”。B. Avoid.(躲避)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3.推理判断题。根据每条消息的小标题3D TV, Without the Glasses(不带眼镜的3D电视),Bioethics Panel Gives Yellow Light to Anthrax Vaccine Trial in Children(生命伦理小组对儿童炭疽疫苗发出警告),Evolution via Roadkill(通过路杀进化),Patients Should Get DNA Information, Report Recommends(报告建议,患者应获取DNA),Congress Completes Work on 2013 Spending Bill(国会完成2013年的开始预算)和Making Moonshine Safe to Drink(使私酒安全饮用)可推测,该类文章应出现在讲述各种奇闻趣事的网页上。C. a web page(一个网页上)符合以上说法,故选C项。

    An expert suggested that certain criminals should be sent to prison in their own home. When the scheme was first put forward publicly, many people_________to it or had serious _________about it. One very experienced social worker opposed the scheme in a television interview. When_________ to explain the basis for his opposition, he thought for a moment and_______confessed, ''Well, I guess, because it's novel. That's my_______reason. ''

Advocates of the scheme pointed out that courts frequently sentenced first offenders to community service of some kind ___________send them to prison. The shame of having a criminal___________was an adequate deterrent(威慑), and nothing_______was achieved by sending some types of condemned people to prison.

Some critics rushed to take extreme cases. ''_______a murderer is allowed free in the community like this, what is to prevent him from__________somebody else? ''This argument__________the fact that nobody proposed to allow condemned murderers to use the bracelet(手镯)system. One criticism put forward was that an offender could ________his bracelet and leave it at home or give it to a friend to__________while he himself went off to     commit another crime. The________to this was that the bracelet would be made________the computer could immediately detect any attempts to take it off or tamper with (胡乱摆弄) it.

A most serious objection to the scheme was that the________life of prison was intended to be part of the deterrent to crime. A prisoner who was allowed to live at home would suffer no particular____________and thus not be deterred from repeating his crime.

No immediate________was taken on the proposal. It was________too revolutionary and needed to be examined very carefully. However, the idea was not rejected. Several governments ________experts to investigate the scheme and make recommendations for or against it.

1.A.disapproved B.objected C.disagreed D.opposed

2.A.reservations B.thoughts C.wonders D.suggestions

3.A.asked B.forced C.allowed D.encouraged

4.A.immediately B.deliberately C.bravely D.finally

5.A.first B.only C.special D.personal

6.A.other than B.more than C.better than D.rather than

7.A.record B.punishment C.sentence D.service

8.A.creative B.negative C.positive D.impressive

9.A.If B.When C.Though D.As

10.A.robbing B.stealing C.killing D.cheating

11.A.denied B.ignored C.questioned D.objected

12.A.put on B.set aside C.give away D.take off

13.A.wear B.hide C.play D.use

14.A.reaction B.reply C.approach D.agreement

15.A.in case B.even if C.so that D.or else

16.A.easy B.disgusting C.harsh D.desperate

17.A.injury B.discomfort C.illnesses D.tests

18.A.determination B.decision C.reaction D.action

19.A.more B.far C.enough D.even

20.A.regulate B.undertook C.appointed D.submitted



Thanks for picking me up, Cindy.


A.No problem B.All right C.With pleasure D.That’s right



________, I believe, and you can see he wasn’t lying.

A.Casting a glance at the boy B.One glance at the boy

C.Glance cast at the boy D.If you cast a glance at the boy



How marvelous our life is with so many digital devices

Yes. I bet our life________the same without them.

A.isn't B.can't be C.won't be D.wouldn't be



China's most celebrated martial art novelist and essayist, Jin Yong, under________influence many people have become interested in martial arts, passed away in a Hongkong hospital.

A.his B.whose C.which D.whom



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