满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




1. 常吃快餐的危害

2. 提出建议



1. 词数不少于100

2. 可以适当增加细节,使内容充实、行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Tom


Best Wishes


Dear Tom, I’m worried to know that you often eat fast food for lunch these days. I don't think it's a wise choice Though fast food is convenient and delicious in taste,even becomes more and more popular in China,I still believe it can't provide us with adequate nutrition. To teenagers,it is usually not a balanced diet and low in cleanliness To keep healthy and get enough energy from lunch,you'd better take some home-cooking for lunch or buy some fresh food from the school canteen I don’t mean fast food should be refused in your life. But just choose it when you are really in a hurry ,or it will surely take some side effects to you, I hope you can take my advice seriously and enjoy all kinds of delicious and healthy Chinese food. 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封书信:假如你是晨光中学的李津。最近,你得知你的外国朋友Tom每天都用快餐作为午餐,你觉得这不是个好习惯,请你给他写一封信,建议他尽量少吃快餐。文中应包括:1. 常吃快餐的危害;2. 提出建议。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:Confucius Institute (孔子学院),the Chinese poetry competition(中文诗词比赛),my sincere congratulations(衷心的祝贺),further study(深造)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。


I have some gray hairs. Do l dare to count themJust the fact that I have enough to count scares meand turns getting old into a reality. I'm certainly getting older. We all are. But why does it have to happen so quickly

We just celebrated my birthday. I say "celebrated" because we had cake and ice cream. For my kidsany excuse for ice cream and cake is a celebration. I'm not sure if to me it was a thing to celebratethough. I like the special attention that birthday bringbut I don't wait for them 364 days of the year like my children do. For themanother number means more privileges and more things that they get to do. For an adultanother number means fewer things. that you can dolike “I can't run as fast as I used to…etc. ”

I went with my children to the old-age home near my apartment building. We walked inside the door. The contrast between my preschoolers full of energy and the old women siting in the wheelchair by the door made me lost in thought. Not so long agoI was a bouncing preschool like my children. Not so long agothere women were the mothers of small children. Fifty years agothey were meand in fifty yearsI could be themThe visitlike my birthdayserved as a reality check. “Life is so short and it goes by so quickly. Enjoy the moment that you are inbecause you will never get it back"I told myself.

This is also what I want to leave behind to my children. I decide to try to start just by not complaining. In any difficult situationI will try to find the good things about itno matter how small the good things might be.

1.What does the author like about birthdays?(no more than 10 words


2.Besides having an excuse for ice cream and cakewhy do the author's children like birthday?(no more than 12 words.


3.What does the underlined word “bouncing” in Paragraph 3 mean?(I word


4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?(no more than 10 words


5.What does birthday mean to youPlease explain why. no more than 2 words.




    In 2011Amy Chua put out the bookBattle Hymn of the Tiger Motherwhich is her memoir(回忆录)about the challenges of being a parent and trying to keep to the strict upbringing(养)she knew as a child. Controversy over the book arose because many readers did not get the impression that Chua was trying to be humorous about her parenting methods. There was also miscommunication about the purpose of the book. Many received it as a guide for other parents on how to use strict methods to punish and motivate their children. HoweverChua has always claimed the aim of her book was only to share her successes and failures as a parent in a culturally diverse world.

In the bookChua compares Western and Chinese beliefs and methods of parenting. In generalChinese parents believe a child's academic success is directly linked to parenting skills. It is common for such parents to take severe measures to make their children do exactly what they say. In contrastWestern parents worry more about their children's self-esteem(自尊),which drives their parenting methods. As a resultparenting methods have become less strict and children are not held to the high standards they were in the past.

Interestinglyin the Westmany people agree that Western parenting methods could use improvement. Some even say that the laid-back Western methods can be just as damaging as the overly strict ones Chua connects with Chinese culture because more and more children are not learning how to face and overcome challenges. Howeverexperts also say that being too strict with children can cause rebellion(反叛),low self-esteem and poor parent-child relationships.

What everyone can agree on is that there is no perfect way to parent. What's more a method that works with one child will not necessarily work with another. Parents are challenged with finding the best method that helps each child learn to be a responsible and confident person.

1.What do we know about Amy Chua's book?

A. It amused readers greatly.

B. It caused a serious debate.

C. It's about a tiger and its mother.

D. It's popular with both parents and kids.

2.Why did Amy Chua write the book?

A. To share her experience as a mom.

B. To tell interesting stories to children.

C. To introduce her research on parenting.

D. To help other parents educate their children.

3.What's the maid idea of Paragraph 2?

A. What is most important for children.

B. How to help children to succeed in school.

C. The importance of mastering parenting skills.

D. Differences between upbringing in China and the West.

4.What result might the Western parenting method bring about?

A. Children's academic success.

B. More positive attitudes toward life.

C. Bad relationships between parents and children.

D. Children's lack of experience in dealing with difficulties.

5.Which of the following may the author agree on?

A. One parenting method doesn't work with all children.

B. A perfect way to parent is easy to find as long as parents work hard.

C. Western parenting methods are better than those in China.

D. Chinese parents are more worried about their children's self-esteem.



    While learning the science lessons I used to get a doubt-why earsnosetongue and eyes should be called as special sensesThe basic reason is that these are the channels through which we maintain contact with the surroundings. Though apparently it may feel like these are individual sensory organsthey do show some connectivity. Interestinglyour hearing is less sharp after we eat a heavy food. Isn't it good for a sound nap after a stomach-full mealThat does not mean we go deaf after a mealbut the hearing pitch(强度)does change after a heavy meal.

We usually give credit of the taste to our tonguebut do you know that unless saliva(唾液)dissolves somethingour tongue cannot recognize the taste of the food eaten. Taste is nothing but the food chemicals dissolved in the saliva being sensed by the taste buds present on the tongue. Try to dry off your tongue and mouth with a tissue paper and then taste something.

Women are much better smellers than men. They are born with this characteristic ability and can correctly pinpoint the exact fragrance of the sample. We all can store almost 50000 different scents(气味),which are strongly tied to the memories.

Pupils(瞳孔)do not respond to light alonebut to the slightest bit of noise around too. Thus surgeonswatchmakers and those professionals who have to perform a much delicate job do prefer to have a sound-free environment. Even a small noise can dilate(扩大)their pupils change the focus and blur(使模糊)their vision. If you do not wear glasses or contact lens due to having a 6/6 visionyou are just among the one third of the human population. It is now statistically proved that only one third of the population has perfect visionrest all are either wearing glasses or are trying to read with a compromised vision.

Each and every one of us has a particular or individualistic or characteristic smellwhich is unique to usexcept for the identical twins. This smell is very subtle(微妙的)yet can be sensed even by a newborn. It may be due to this scent that the newborn recognizes the presence of his parents around. Many of us can pinpoint the smell of our significant friends and colleagues. A significant part of this phenomenon is guided by genetics but it is also modified by the environmentdiet and personal hygiene. This all together creates the unique chemistry that is individualistic for each person.

1.We can learn from Paragraph I that ______________.

A. our hearing is as good as before we have a full meal

B. all sensory organs are connected and can be exchanged

C. sensory organs' functions can never be changed for their particular character

D. we feel and learn about the world around us through our sensory organs

2.What may happen after you have had a rich lunch?

A. Your eyes become dim.

B. You may feel energetic and fresh.

C. Your hearing pitch may decrease.

D. Your tongue may lose the function of taste.

3.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

A. Our tongues can't be dried while eating something.

B. If your tongue is dried without any saliva on it, it will not work.

C. A tissue paper is the only thing that can be used to dry our tongues.

D. If your tongue is dried with a tissue paper, it may work as well as before.

4.What makes each person different from anyone else except twins

A. The number of sensory organs.

B. The sensitivity of sensory organs.

C. The particular smell of a person.

D. The style of one's behavior.

5.What is the text mainly about

A. The functions of sensory organs.

B. The connectivity of sensory organs.

C. A newborn's senses of the sensory organs.

D. The differences of senses between women and men.



    It was the summer of 2014 when I was asked whether I wanted to go to Malibu (an island in Canada) with my church to serve the military families. At first, I heard this and thought, "You are asking an eleven-year-old in his last weeks of summer if he wants to go on a trip with his mom to Canada to serve other people? " Of course, I responded with a kind refusal, but my mom found a way to convince me to go.

When we were on the ferry to the island, a thousand thoughts were running through my head, such as "What am I going to do here?" "Am I even going to be useful?" and "Why am I even here?" When we got to the island, I was assigned to the child care. I was actually somewhat excited because my friend said he would help me. The first time I met the kids, I got to know them pretty well. They were all between the ages of four and six. Some of them stayed behaved and a few of them started acting crazy and would even hit and push the other kids.

With those kids, I was very strict, but I still tried to be positive and maintain a smile. After all, they were just innocent kids. In most of the time, I needed to help them with things like laundry and setting tables. Even though it sounded dull, I enjoyed every second of it. One of the things I did in my free time was to play pool. I befriended a few kids there. They were really easy to talk to. Some of the things we talked about were sports, food, video games, and most of all pool.

Even though I was only at Malibu, Canada for one week, I feel like I made spiritual changes in some people's life. You don't have to go above and beyond to make a difference in someone's life. In the end, it all comes down to what way you changed them. It could have been in a spiritual way or a mental way as long as you had a positive effect. So go out and try to make a difference in this world.

1.How did the author react when asked if he liked to serve the military families?

A. He hardly believed it.

B. He was very confused about the decision.

C. He rejected the offer.

D. He was hesitant about the trip.

2.How did the author feel when he was on the way to Malibu?

A. He was eager for the coming challenge.

B. He enjoyed every second.

C. He felt somewhat excited.

D. He was actually unwilling.

3.As a volunteer, the author's main task on the island was.

A. to attend to kids there

B. to educate kids there

C. to befriend kids there

D. to share his experiences with kids there

4.What can we know about the author's stay in Malibu?

A. He found the kids very hard to deal with.

B. He didn't quite like the badly-behaved kids.

C. He managed to get along with most kids.

D. He shared common hobbies with some kids.

5.What does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?

A. The benefits of taking the trip.

B. His spiritual changes in Malibu.

C. What he has learnt from the experience.

D. What to do to make a greater difference.



    Do you want to go out to eat with your kidsHere are some restaurants that are good for kids in downtown Los Angeles.

Grand Café


Do you need a place that opens as early as your kids wake upThen go to Grand Cafe. Families can order breakfast off the menu or enjoy the buffet. Because of the varietybuffets seem to be an easy option for families with picky eaters. There are many options for the different moods of all family members.

Nickel Diner


Nickel Diner was listed in Los Angeles Magazine as one of" LA's Best New Restaurants”. The space is smallbut the menu is wonderfully large. The atmosphere is quiet and relaxedwhich makes it easy to bring the kids. One of the most attractive things about Nickel Diner is its unique menu of breakfast foods.

Lucky Strike Bowl


There's nothing like a good game of bowling to add some happiness to the family outing. Why not take the family to a place where you can bowl while eating? Try their homemade Belgium fries, the mini burgers, flatbread pizza, or crispy tacos. Downtown La's Lucky Strike Bowl will never make you and your kids disappointed.



Kula is an exciting sushi bar and is a big hit for little sushi eaters. Kula's concept includes providing "a high standard of natural organic foods" and they use 100% organic rice. If your child is not a sushi eater, there are also many other options.

1.Who would most probably go to eat at Grand Cafe?

A. People who love organic foods.

B. People who want to play while eating.

C. People who want to serve themselves in a restaurant.

D. People who love a quiet eating environment.

2.Why is Nickel Diner a good place to bring kids?

A. Because it offers a lot of options.

B. Because its atmosphere is suitable for kids.

C. Because it opens as early as kids wake up.

D. Because it serves special sandwiches

3.Which of the following aspects of Kula is most attractive to eaters?

A. It offers very healthy foods.

B. It has many other options.

C. It offers different kinds of rice.

D. It allows kids to run around.

4.If you want to play while eating, which number would you call. to reserve a place?

A. (213)356-4155

B. (213)290-9631

C. (213)623-8301

D. (213)542-4880

5.What is the text meant to?

A. To recommend some kid-friendly restaurants.

B. To recommend some nice foods in the city.

C. To encourage people to go to Los Angeles.

D. To compare some kid-friendly restaurants.



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