满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.How long should the ...


1.How long should the paper be?

A. 4 B. 12 C. 7

2.What is no longer part of the course?

A. Weekly tests. B. Monthly reports.

C. The midterm exam.

3.What should be discussed with the woman in advance?

A. Where to do the research. B. Certain paper topics.

C. Films used as sources.

4.When will the papers be due?

A. January 22. B. June 22. C. July 20.


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 【解析】 W: All right, everyone. Please pay attention. Can everyone hear me in the back? M: Yes! W: Good. Today, we’re going to talk about your term papers. M: I thought we only had some weekly tests, a midterm, and a final for this class. W:I have decided to take out the weekly tests and add a term paper instead. I think this will give you all a better opportunity to show what you have learned. M: How long should the paper be? W: All papers should be at least five pages long, but no more than ten pages long. M: How should we decide what to write about? W: You can focus on any period from the 18th to the 19th century. You can basically write about anything you want, but you must choose an idea, present an argument, and support it with research. That means you will need to find at least eight sources from the library or online. M: What kinds of sources are acceptable? W: Books and articles in newspapers, or magazines are going to be your best sources of information. Films and interviews might also be okay, but you should discuss these with me in advance. M: When are the papers due? W: All papers will be due on January 22. That gives you four months to finish them. However, we will have meetings every month where you will need to have completed certain parts of the paper. 1.本题为听力题,解析略。 2.本题为听力题,解析略。 3.本题为听力题,解析略。 4.本题为听力题,解析略。


1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a bank. B. At a restaurant.

C. At a museum.

2.What are the two speakers?

A. Tourists. B. Bankers. C. Architects.

3.What did Henry give to the man?

A. Some photos. B. A guide book for tourists.

C. A map of the bus system.




1.What does the man want to buy?

A. Food. B. Clothes. C. Furniture.

2.Which is next to the theatre?

A. A hotel. B. The City Hall.

C. The post office.




1.Where will the speakers have a talk?

A. In the office. B. In a park. C. In the cafe.

2.What will they talk about?

A. The woman’s good idea. B. The man’s notebook. C. The trip.



What is the man’s attitude towards the plan?

A. He doesn’t care. B. He is for it. C. He is against it.



What is the woman planning to do?

A. Go to have a coffee. B. Get a haircut.

C. Go to the man’s house.



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