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A Reflecting on the past about those dec...


Reflecting on the past about those decisions or actions that can’t be reversed(推翻) and being occupied with thoughts of "What if?" is no way to live. But there are a few things in life I’d probably do differently if I had the chance.

I once majored in architecture — something I had been crazy about for as long as I could remember — and then I suddenly had a change of heart. I made an appointment with my adviser, and told him I was no longer certain I wanted to pursue a career in architecture.

"Don’t give up on your childhood dream!" "He’s right," I thought. "I should just stick it out and I shouldn’t disappoint the little girl who once loved architecture."

It was awful. I was agonized, holding on to a childhood dream that had long since faded.  When I talked with a friend about it a year later, he asked: "Right now, what do you want to do with your life?" That’s when I came to the realization that dreams change over time and that you should give up the childhood dream if it’s not what you want as an adult. Luckily, it wasn’t too late. After some serious thought, I changed my major to journalism. It wasn’t something I had always imagined myself pursuing — but at that moment, it was what I wanted.

We grow up, and sometimes our dreams change — and that’s perfectly OK. You just need to ask yourself every once in a while, "Is this still what I want?" If the answer is no, move on and start chasing a new one.

1.What does the author suggest in Paragraph 1?

A. Past actions should be treasured.

B. It’s unwise to regret all the time.

C. Life would be dull without "What if?".

D. We make better decisions by looking back.

2.Why didn’t the author change her major immediately?

A. Changing a major was uncommon.

B. Her advisor forced her not to do that.

C. She thought it a betrayal of her younger self.

D. She didn’t want her childhood dream to fade.

3.What lesson did the author learn from the experience?

A. Don’t follow others’ career advice.

B. It’s OK to switch to our real love.

C. Improve us before realizing our dream.

D. Childhood dreams are hard to insist on.


1.B 2.C 3.B 【解析】 【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者结合自己的亲身经历告诉我们,有时候,我们的梦想会随着年龄的增长而发生改变,我们可以放弃童年的梦想去追求自己真正想要的东西。 1.推理判断题。作者在第一段说到,回想过去不能改变的那些决定或行动,并且让"要是……会……" 这种想法充斥在大脑中是没有办法生活的,由此可知作者认为总是后悔是不明智的,因此选B。 2.推理判断题。从第三段可知,作者在听了导师的话之后觉得他(导师)是对的,她应该坚持下去,不 应该让那个曾经热爱建筑学的小女孩失望。故可推断出,作者不喜欢学习建筑学却不立即换专业的原因 是她认为换专业就是放弃了童年的梦想,背叛了童年时的自己,故选C。 3.推理判断题。最后一段说到我们在成长,有时我们的梦想也会改变,那完全正常。你只需要偶尔 问问自己"这还是我想要的吗?",如果答案是否定的,那么我们就应该放手并开始追寻新的梦想,由此推断选B。



1. 我确实太忙了,不然的话,我一定和你一起去。


2. 老师要求所有的学生都要参加这项活动。


3. 很奇怪,他居然认识我。


4. 我要是没有许多事情要做,也许会在这里多呆些时间。


5. 如果你明天早一点到校,你将有足够的时间读英语。






1. He ________ ________ ________ ________ (向公众呼吁) for support last week. (appeal)

2. I ________ (认为) you would arrive before noon. (figure)

3. The piece of wood ________ ________ ________ ________ (已被雕刻成) the shape of a flower. (carve)

4. The American military ________ ________ ________ ________ (表示倾向于) joint action. (express)

5. His novel won a prize and ________ ________ ________ (确立了他的声誉). (establish)

6. Television news ________ ________ ________ ________ (给我们带来了视觉图像) from around the world.  


7. Most of their knowledge ________ ________ ________ (仅限于) the company they work for. (specific)

8. I ________ ________ ________ ________ (宁愿买苹果) than bananas. (buy)

9. It will be fatal (致命的) to the people who ________ ________ ________ (对……过敏) it. (allergic)

10. I have corresponded with him for many years, but I have never ________ ________ ________ ________

   ________ (见他本人). (flesh)



Children dream of being sporting superstars           doctors and lawyers when they grow up.

A. other than     B. rather than  

C. more than     D. less than



It rained heavily in the south, _______ serious flooding in several provinces.

A. caused       B. having caused

C. causing      D. to cause



Instead of sand ____everywhere, there is mud and water everywhere, _________it difficult travel from place to


A. blowing; having made    B. blowing; making

C. being blown; making     D. being blown; having made



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