满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

课文语法填空 The Amber Room 1 to the great won...


The Amber Room    1   to the great wonders of the world. It was originally    2   (design) for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ.    3   took the countrys best artists about ten years to finish it. Everyone thought ___4___(high) of its style and design. Several tons of amber as well as gold and jewels were used to make it, so no wonder it is worth a lot of money. But later, the next King of Prussia decided to give it as a gift to Peter the Great, ___5___ gave Prussia a troop of his best soldiers in    6   . Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the Nazi Germany was at war with Russia. In 1941, Germany invaded (入侵)Russia, and the Russians had no time to ___7___anything from the Amber Room except some furniture and small art objects. When the Nazis saw the Amber Room, there was no    8   that they liked it so much that they took it apart and in less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. The boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. Since then, the whole world has been in    9   of the Amber Room. No one knows what    10   (happen) to it and whether it still exists now. Maybe it will remain a mystery forever.


1. belongs 2. designed 3. It 4. highly 5. who 6. return 7. remove 8. doubt 9. search 10. Happened 【解析】略  


1. The patient had to have one of his legs remove.


2. I dont doubt whether Jane will continue to work here.


3. The picture­book is well worthy be read.


4. Judging from his amazing look, I knew he didnt believe it.


5. For a whole day they searched the lost child.





1. They will go home by bus rather than ________ ________ (乘火车)because of the busy transportation.

2. Little John always prefers to walk to school rather than________ ________ ________(骑自行车).

3. She enjoys dancing rather than________(唱歌).

4. They would run there________ ________(而不愿)take a bus.

5. He, rather than you, ________(be) to have a talk with the stranger.

6. He always prefers to________ ________ ________ ________ (出去玩) rather than ________ ________  ________ (待在家).

7. Future________  ________(属于)the well-educated.

8. A group of soldiers went into the woods ________ ________ ________(寻找)the missing pilot.

9. What can we do for them________ ________(回报)for their help?

10. She said they were in a dangerous position because they were in a nation________ ________(处于交战状态).

11. Be sure to spend________ ________(少于) you earn.

12. The room________ ________ ________(用……装饰) colour paper and bright lights.

13. ________ ________ ________ ________(毫无疑问) that she has failed in the driving test.





1. One important reason why gold is so valuable is that it is rare.

2. He went through many wars and survived luckily.

3. He always keeps his word and I have no doubt that he will return my money on time.

4. The stamp is very common, so it is not worth collecting.

5. At the shop, Johns uncle let him select his own Christmas present.

6. Workers are decorating Tiananmen Square for the coming National Day.

7. The bridge was designed by a French architect.

8. My sister is a fashionable girl, and she is always wearing fancy clothes.

9. If you had come earlier, you would have seen your former English teacher, who once taught you English.

10. As the town is close to Russia, most of its buildings are in Russian style.





1. Most people r__________think about how and why they sleep, however.

2. When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not s__________.

3. In my younger days girls never went in for cosmetics (化妆品) and f__________dresses.

4. The novel was made into a film in 1943 and again in 1967 but I prefer the f__________version to the latter one.

5. never d__________you; I was sure that you would bring me the money.

6. The patient had to have one of his legs__________(去掉).

7. We adore red. On big occasions, we like __________(装饰)our homes in red.

8. All you need to do is__________(选择)an owner and a due date.

9. They wanted __________(设计)a machine that was both attractive and practical.

10. How would your boss describe you and your work__________(方式)?




1. 小学、初中9年,义务、免费教育阶段;

2. 高中3年,有文理之分,学科多,压力大;

3. 社团、活动丰富,培养能力;

4. 对学生学习、言行要求高,奖惩分明。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 信的开头已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可适当增加内容,以使行文流畅

Dear Rob,

How is it going? Now, it’s my turn to tell you about the Chinese school system. ________________________











Li Kang



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