满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

High school and college are periods of e...

High school and college are periods of ever-expanding responsibility for students. You can get help from some practical apps. Check out these apps to get a head-start on being on top of your life!

Sleep Cycle alarm clock (free; iOS, Android)

Getting enough sleep is essential to getting a good education, but waking up rested isn’t just about how much you sleep; it’s about where you are in your sleep cycle when you wake up. Sleep Cycle uses your phone’s microphone and/or accelerometer to analyze your sleeping patterns and wake you up at the best time, when you’re in your lightest sleep state(within a window that you set, so that you’re not late). myHomework Student Planner(free; iOS, Android, Windows)

The myHomework Student Planner is available on wide variety of platforms so that you can stay organized wherever you are. You can keep track of your class schedule and homework, get reminders for upcoming tests, and sync it across all of your platforms. There’s also a premium version for $4.99 that takes away the ads, gives you more themes, lets you add file attachments, and integrates access to external calendars.

Circle of 6(free; iOS, Android)

Circle of 6 is an innovative safety app that connects you to six of your most trusted friends (your “circle”) and helps you keep track of each other. If you’re feeling scared about a situation you’re in you can send a per-programmed text to your circle with just two taps, and it will include your exact location. This could also be used by younger students to discreetly let their parents know that they’re in an uncomfortable situation and want to be picked up.

Goodbudget(free; iOS, Android)

Goodbudget can divide your money into virtual “envelopes” for things like Groceries, Transportation, Entertainment, Gas, and whatever else you need to budget for. The free version includes 10 regular envelopes plus syncing across two devices. Or you can move to a premium subscription(溢价认购)($5/month, $45/year)for more envelopes, five devices, and a five-year transaction history.

1.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. All of the four apps can be used free of charge

B. Sleep Cycle alarm clock can make you sleep as much as possible

C. myHomework Student Planner can be used on computers and cellphones

D. Goodbudget can help you use your money wisely

2.The app Goodbudge with a premium subscription for six months costs __________.

A. $5    B. $22.5

C. $30    D. $45

3.Which might be the most useful for a primary school student who walks to the school alone every day?

A. Sleep Cycle alarm clock(free; iOS, Android)

B. myHomework Student Planner(free; iOS, Android, Windows)

C. Circle of 6(free; iOS, Android)

D. Goodbudget(free; iOS, Android)


1.B 2.C 3.C 【解析】这篇短文介绍了四款应用以及它们的用途。 1.细节理解题。根据每一部分标题后面的free可知四款应用都是免费的,A项正确;根据文中的“The myHomework Student Planner is available on wide variety of platforms so that you can stay organized wherever you are.”可知,我的家庭作业计划可以在各种平台使用,C项正确;根据文中“Goodbudget can divide your money into virtual “envelopes” for things”可知Goodbudget可以帮助明智的使用钱,D项正确。故选B. 2.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“$5/month”可知,如果订购六个月应该付费30美元。故选C. 3.细节理解题。根据文中的“text to your circle with just two taps, and it will include your exact location.”可知,对于一个每天独自步行去学校的小学生来说,Circle of 6最实用。故选C.






Dear Liu Ming,

I am very glad to hear that you are going to study at the same high school as I.










Li Hua









With the opening-up steps and economic development, so the beautiful scenery and good air quality in Guizhou is catching the attention of travelers. Nothing well can remain a secret for too long. Beside, there is also a forest park locating in the city center, which is the largest city forest park in China. Scientists say that in much areas in these forests, the quantity of oxygen reached 50,000/cm3. That is tens of times those of the area outside the city. The city is the natural oxygen bar, free from pollution and providing visitors and residents a refreshing break from the stress of modem life.



My husband and I traveled to Aruba again to relax ourselves. We spent our time relaxing under a tree and 1. (swim) at the beach during the day, and then sharing dinners and walks in the evenings. We didn’t take any photos because we had visited the island eight times before we 2. (travel) there last week.

As we stood in line at check-in, we noticed 3. family that was on our plane a week ago; a mother and her four children, but with no dad with them this time. The father 4. (kill) in a jet-skiing accident the other day, so the vacation turned into a nightmare. And their pictures would remind them of the most 5. (forget) experience forever. I 6. (sudden) regretted that we had no 7. (photo) from this vacation together. I closed my eyes and scanned my memory, hoping that I could memorize all the wonderful moments 8. (remember) in my mind. However, I failed.

From then 9., I began to record those moments 10. made my heart filled with love, gratitude and surprises.



The shower, I find, is the best place to cry. The water ______ the sound of my sadness,while washing away any ______ of my pain. I shower ______ the kids have gone to bed it’s the only time I can he ______.

I encourage my two boys to cry. My 7-year-old ______ himself on never crying at school. “Oh, but you must cry,” I ______. “Crying is good. It gets the sadness out. Never hold ______ your tears.” But what might ______ do to them to see their mother upset? I ______ did my best to protect my two children from my ______. If I needed to cry, I cried by myself, until...

Then my father died, and there was no ______ I could schedule my ______ and keep my feelings inside.

I tried to get on with things, but the sadness still came. The realization that my dad was actually gone ______ me with an intensity (强度) that was impossible to cover up.

To my surprise, my boys didn’t seem too alarmed. They found me hiding in the bedroom one afternoon,______. “It’s OK, mommies get sad too,” I told them, smiling ______ my tears.

“Don’t be sad, mommy. Granddad’s coming back as a baby,” my 7-year-old said, his tiny arm stretched ______ my shoulders. “Think about love,” he went on. “Think about all the people who love you.”

I realized that in hiding my pain, I was only ______ what it means to be human. It’s ______ thing to tell my children it’s OK to cry. It’s another to show them ______ it’s done.

Our job is not to protect our children, to keep them perfect. Our job is to look and say, “you are ______, and you’re made for struggles, but you are worthy of love and belonging.”

1.A. exposes    B. covers    C. changes    D. reduces

2.A. emotion    B. expression    C. evidence    D. dust

3.A. after    B. before    C. until    D. when

4.A. asleep    B. awake    C. alive    D. alone

5.A. concentrates    B. prides    C. depends    D. bases

6.A. request    B. command    C. order    D. insist

7.A. up    B. on    C. back    D. out

8.A. them    B. it    C. that    D. this

9.A. always    B. rarely    C. seldom    D. often

10.A. thoughts    B. difficulties    C. tears    D. problems

11.A. doubt    B. point    C. need    D. way

12.A. sadness    B. surprise    C. disappointment    D. anger

13.A. inform    B. remind    C. hit    D. make

14.A. weeping    B. wept    C. sweeping    D. swept

15.A. for    B. at    C. in    D. through

16.A. on    B. across    C. by    D. to

17.A. explaining    B. denying    C. proving    D. expecting

18.A. the other    B. other    C. the one    D. one

19.A. how    B. what    C. that    D. why

20.A. upset    B. perfect    C. imperfect    D. painful



How to Look and Feel Beautiful

Life can be much easier if most people are not too hard on themselves about their own appearance and personality.


.1. Spend time for yourself.

Everyone needs to spoil himself or herself once in a while. Going to a spa or trying something simple can improve greatly on how you feel.

.2. Eat healthy and exercise.

Keeping your body in shape and eating healthy food can do wonders for you not only physically, but give you great energy to be active and fit.2..

.3. Stay less stressed.

3.. Try yoga, soothing (抚慰人心的) music to ease and relax your mind and body. Do whatever that works for you to prevent constant worries.

.4. 4..

Treat yourself by buying a new outfit, a pair of shoes or a beautiful necklace or earrings to give an extra boost in the way you look.

.5. Be content with yourself.

The best method to stay beautiful is being comfortable in your own skin by having confidence and thinking highly of yourself (but not to the extreme where you are arrogant). Accepting that you are an unique individual with great gifts can definitely change your life for the better.

.6. Smile, laugh, and stay positive.

5.. And it also gives you a beautiful glow (容光焕发) that make others want to be around you.

A. Go shopping

B. Wear makeup

C. Read more on different ways to look and feel beautiful

D. Ignore negative comments and stay away from negative souls

E. Remembering these three factors helps draw the right people in your life

F. Also taking vitamins and supplements is good for your body, skin, and hair

G. Situations in our life at times can make us feel physically, mentally, and emotionally stressed



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