满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The human athlete has a special trick th...

The human athlete has a special trick that no other animal has. It is called self-talk. Athletes talk to themselves to warm up, to focus and to help themselves believe they will win. A few simple words like “I can do it!” and “It is now or never!” can make the difference between winning gold or not.

Self-talk is also used by speakers, actors and other performers. Before a speech, politicians believe that their words will win votes. And, self-talk helps students stay calm even when stumped by hard exam questions. Self-talk is a life skill you can use wherever you are, whenever you need it.

The whole idea of talking to themselves seems strange to many people. Imagine your teacher saying, “For homework, talk to yourself for half an hour tonight.” You might think he is playing a joke on your class. Instead, adults teach kids all about talking to other people. There are many books on why, when, what and how to communicate with the rest of the world. Thus, you can grow up knowing a lot more about people around you than about yourself.

It is good to speak and listen to others. But there is great value in making time to listen to yourself. When you do, you get to know yourself better. Along the way, you may discover the power you have for using words well.

Such ideas are so exciting to psychologists that they have been trying to learn more about self-talk. In the study, people found certain lost items at home more easily when they talked to themselves while searching for the things.

1.By saying “It is now or never!”, the athlete means that “________”.

A. the time is valuable    B. it is possible to win gold

C. I must try my best to win    D. it is never too late to learn

2.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Self-talk makes a speech wonderful.

B. Self-talk is helpful for different people.

C. Self-talk helps the students pass the exam.

D. Self-talk is especially important for performers.

3.Why do many of us learn less about ourselves?

A. We don’t like doing the homework.

B. We don’t know how to talk to ourselves.

C. There are no books about ourselves.

D. We spend too much time in learning other people.


1.C 2.B 3.B 【解析】与人交谈是一项社交技能,但是,有时候你也要花时间倾听一下自己,当你这样做的时候,你会更了解自己。例如运动员在比赛时,政治家在演讲时,学生在考试时,适当的积极的自我对话会对他们产生意想不到的激励。 1.C 细节理解题。运动员们通过和自己交谈来热身,并且集中注意力,有助于相信自己会赢。一句激励的话或许就能决定成败。 2.B 主旨大意题。第二段告诉我们,无论你是政客,还是学生,自我交谈是一种生活技能,无论你在哪里,只要你需要它,你都可以使用它。 3.B 推理判断题。由第三段可知,对许多人来说,与自己交谈的想法似乎很奇怪。相反,大人们教孩子如何跟别人交流,还有很多指导你与他人交流的书籍。了解别人比了解自己更容易,因此我们都不知道如何跟自己交谈了。

假设你是李华,于2017年3月25日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。





4.期待回复并表示感谢。  注意:1.词数100左右;2.信件格式已为你给出。

Dear Sir/Madam,








Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua









    It is no doubt that health is the most important thing in our life.As a Chinese proverb go, “Health is blessing”.Should we be always ill in bed, how can we enjoy life?

    To keep healthy, we must develop a healthy way of life.First of all, we should keep on doing sports on a regularly basis, because it can strengthen both our body and mind, refresh ourselves and making us work more efficiently.Secondly, we must keep balanced diet to provide our body with various nutrition we need, but we should refuse junk food.Remember, it is through the mouth where diseases enter into our body.Thirdly, a good sleep is also vital to our health.Stay up too late at night often results in poor health.As middle school students, we need better sleep to do better in our lessons.




    Louis Armstrong, the most influential jazz musicians, is considered great not only because of his1. (achieve) but also because of his personalities.

    2.(bear) in a poor family in New Orleans in 1901, instead of3.(commit) crimes to get money like some boys in his situation, Louis would sing on the streets in order to earn a few cents from4.(passer-by).However, at the age of 12, Louis was arrested because of firing a gun into the air at a New Year’s Eve party.In a school of problem boys, he was taught to play drums and the trumpet,5. enabled him to find work related with music after he left the school.A well-known musician Joe “King” Oliver noticed Louis and began to teach him about jazz.When Oliver left New Orleans in 1917Louis took 6.his job in one of the best bands in town.

    After becoming famous, Louis would introduce his particular style of jazz to enthusiastic audiences while 7.(travel) around the United States as well as Europe.Apart from being a famous jazz musician, he was also an unofficial goodwill ambassador who spoke8.(public) about the rights of black people in America. Despite the fact9.he became rich and famous, Louis Armstrong continued to live a simple live in a working-class neighbourhood.He continued playing and recording until July 6th, 1971, when he died in his sleep at his home in New York.He is still remembered as the most10.(distinguish) musician in the early history of jazz.



Do you hate to get your hands dirty? When I see my 10-year-old son______the dirty plates  in the sink or my 8 year-old daughter cringing(畏缩) at the wet sand clinging(黏住) to her hands, I am reminded of a time when I was ______to get my hands a little dirty.

    My parents owned a 500-acre _______in Montana when I was young.I’d often come home from school to find a/an _______lamb or a calf being bottle-fed in the basement.One exceptionally cold day, I was the ______ sheep with my mother in the ranch when she spied a ewe(母羊)   _____.The poor thing was trying to ______ her baby lamb and needed our help.My mother calmly held the ewe’s head and _______me to grab hold of the two protruding(突出的) legs.

I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of ______ on my young face.The slimy little things were ______ not something I wanted to touch.But I worked up my _______and wrapped my fingers around them.I can still recall the feel of ______ the delicate legs and their sharp little hooves(蹄子) as of it happened yesterday.

    My heart beat in fear and excitement as I ______ with all my strength.The lamb was delivered with an outpouring, and I’d never seen ______ so beautiful.I was no ______ to see ranch animals being born, but to have a hand ______ it was something I cherished then and will cherish forever.

    Looking back, I’m so glad that I didn’t _______to get my hands dirty.______ I had, the miraculous moment and the precious memory would have been lost.These days I try to instill(灌输) that life lesson into my own ______ .Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something ______ and pure.

1.A. throwing    B. wasting    C. washing    D. avoiding

2.A. unwilling    B. willing    C. thrilled    D. content

3.A. garden    B. ranch    C. yard    D. field

4.A. newborn    B. energetic    C. strong    D. fierce

5.A. watching over    B. spying on    C. checking on    D. picking out

6.A. in peace    B. in silence    C. in operation    D. in trouble

7.A. raise    B. bear    C. feed    D. hug

8.A. requested    B. commanded    C. instructed    D. guided

9.A. panic    B. anxiety    C. delight    D. excitement

10.A. almost    B. possibly    C. definitely    D. approximately

11.A. affection    B. patience    C. confidence    D. courage

12.A. unbearable    B. unexpected    C. unfortunate    D. uncomfortable

13.A. dragged    B. rolled    C. pushed    D. pulled

14.A. nothing    B. anything    C. something    D. everything

15.A. stranger    B. specialist    C. reporter    D. acquaintance

16.A. in    B. on    C. over    D. at

17.A. hesitate    B. tend    C. refuse    D. bother

18.A. Even if    B. When    C. Unless    D. If

19.A. relatives    B. children    C. friends    D. colleagues

20.A. embarrassing    B. confusing    C. entertaining    D. amazing



What's more exciting than having a fresh hot pizza delivered to your door? How about having it brought to you by a robot? Thanks to Domino's Robotic Unit or DRU, that just became a reality! On March 8, the three-foot tall robot delivered its first pizza to some lucky residents in Brisbane, Australia.

The fully autonomous DRU is the result of a cooperation between Domino’s Pizza Australia and Marathon Robotics.The 450-pound machine that travels at a maximum speed of 12.4 miles an hour can traverse a distance of up to 12 miles and back, before requiring a battery recharge. LIDAR, a laser-based sensor technology similar to the one used in self-driving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles, while traditional sensors, much like those used in vacuum robots ensure its path is safe as it heads to its destination.   

The robot can fit up to ten pizzas and even has a separate cold area to accommodate drink orders.To access their fond, customers have to enter the unique code provided by the company.This is not only ensures that they pick up the right pizza, but also prevents the pies from getting stolen.

Scientists expert additional DRU’s to be ready for service in their various Queensland locations within the next six months.But don’t expect these super cute robots to replace humans anytime soon.According to Domino’s the DRU still needs extensive testing, which the company believes could take up to two years.

And then there is also the issue of regulations.The public use of autonomous vehicles is still banned in most countries.But Don Meij, the CEO and Managing Director of Domino's Pizza Australia New Zealand Ltd, is not worried.He is “confident that one day DRU will become an   integral part of the Domino's family.”

1.What's the function of LIDAR?

A. keeping DRU free of obstacles

B. Recharging DRU’s battery

C. Helping DRU find its destination

D. Protecting DRU from bad weather

2.What does the underlined word “accommodate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Heat    B. Hold

C. Sell    D. Show.

3.Why does the company provide codes for its customers?

A. To fit up more pizzas

B. To prevent the pizza being taken by mistake

C. To keep the pizza warm

D. To get the pizza paid in time

4.What can we infer about the future of DRU?

A. It may need some improvements    B. It will replace humans soon.

C. It may be banned in Australia    D. It will soon be applied worldwide



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