满分5 > 高中英语试题 >









Dear Tom,

How are you getting on with your life?_________________________________________________________







I’ m looking forward to your early reply and I can’t wait to see you.


Li Hua


Dear Tom, How are you getting on with your life? I’m planning to make a tour to your country and stay there for a month in this summer holiday, but I don’t really know much about it, so I wonder if you could do me a favor to tell me something I need to know when I am there, such as where to stay, what sightseeing to do and how to get there, and more importantly, what social customs I should pay attention to. It would be better if you could arrange the travel route and general schedule for me, so that it will be much easier for me to travel there. I firmly believe that with your help I will have a good time there. I’m looking forward to your early reply and I can’t wait to see you. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本文属于英文书信中的私人信件。英文书信一般由以下六部分组成:信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾、签名。一般说来,正文是书信的主体,题目已经给出书信的开头和结尾,以考察正文为重点。 书信正文的第一句话或第一段,通常被称为起首语。一般说来,人们习惯用一些客套的写法作为书信正文的起始,如果是回信,通常先将对方来信的日期、主题加以简单描述,以便使对方一看便知该信是回答哪一封信的。如果是第一次给别人写信,也可用开头语作必要的自我介绍。 英文书信的正文在开头直接说明写信人的身份及写信的目的之后,提出写信人的情况、想法或要求,并加以必要的解释或说明。如本文,开头直接写出写信目的,我准备暑假去英国旅游一个月,但是对当地了解不多,想要询问对方一些问题及注意事项,例如出行方式、住宿、游览景点和旅行路线等,最重要的是想要了解当地的社会习俗。最后表示感谢和期待。在写作时,语言直截了当,意思明确,层次清楚,言简意赅。 【本文亮点】1、本文开头即进入主题,直截了当。在询问英国住宿、观光等方面的问题时,作者意思明确,层次清楚,作者问到应该住哪里,去哪里观光,怎样去那里,更重要的是(and more importantly),应该注意什么社会习俗。2、长短句交替使文章错落有致,表意清晰。表示请求和建议的句型I wonder if you could do me a favor to tell me something…,和It would be better if you could…等,用的恰如其分。  







Tower Bridge is not only a very specially landmark in London, but also one of the most famous bridge in the world. Tower Bridge had stood over the River Thames in London since 1894. On June 30, 1894, the bridge designing by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry were constructed. Tower Bridge consists two huge towers, that are linked together. The bridge stands at a height of 60 meters but the height of each tower is about 43 meters. The middle part of the bridge can be lifted up when huge ships past through that way. In the past, it was lifted nearly 50 times per a day.



While I was in Ojai this past weekend, I came across a man 1. (sit) at a bench by himself. I smiled and said hello to him. As I passed, he yelled to me 2. (come) back. The man said that I was the only one of the 3. (passer-by) who had treated him in such a kind way. He said he was a reverend (牧市) and asked 4. I was from; I said England. At that point, most people would say something like, near London. 5., his response was Birmingham. As 6. matter of fact, Birmingham is the largest city near my rural hometown. We carried on a 7. (friend) conversation and in the conversation, I 8. (inform) that he needed some money to go back home. Not knowing how much money I had, I told him I’d give him whatever was in my purse. He said he prayed that I’d have $47. Then I opened the wallet in my purse and counted out the money. That was 9. (exact) $47. I offered the man all of my money. I felt really good for giving help to someone, 10. was in trouble.

Today I share this story with you, because I want to spread as much kindness in the world as I can.



Last week I talked with Mandy, a mother of a young teenager in my class. She was telling me how ______ it was for her son at school, because he is in a school uniform that doesn’t ______ him as he’s outgrown it. Since her husband and she both lost their ______ in the last couple of years, they have been searching and interviewing persistently (坚持不懈地). ______, unfortunately they are still out of work.

Now I know the fact that they just can’t ______ a new one. She wiped away ______ as she told me sadly that she is ______ trying to buy a new shirt, then trousers, then… then shoes.

I know her well enough to know that she doesn’t ______ want to get my sympathy or help. She’s ______ asked for anything from me, either. She was just telling me the honest ______. I felt moved to go to the ______ to draw money out from my own account through ATM and come back with a bit of savings of my own ______ I believe I can spare. I told her to just go and buy the ______, and not to tell anyone that I did this but her husband.

I also made it clear to her that nothing is ______ —no payback, nothing. It’s a gift done, so I can enjoy ______, and that is all I need right now. I told her that she was also doing me a favor, ______ she let me know everything. She was so ______ for what I had done for her that she was moved to tears, but I really just feel happy that her boy won’t continue to be ______ for his ugly uniform. I know what that is like, and as a victim of school bullying (恃强欺弱) when young, I can say ______ it hurts for a long time. I felt so ______ to be able to do this!

1.A. sick    B. hungry    C. cold    D. bad

2.A. disappoint    B. embarrass    C. fit    D. challenge

3.A. work    B. son    C. furniture    D. education

4.A. Therefore    B. However    C. Otherwise    D. Besides

5.A. describe    B. miss    C. afford    D. find

6.A. tears    B. sweat    C. stains    D. dirt

7.A. quickly    B. slowly    C. suddenly    D. immediately

8.A. patiently    B. worriedly    C. secretly    D. deliberately

9.A. ever    B. only    C. even    D. never

10.A. standard    B. benefit    C. truth    D. answer

11.A. classroom    B. hospital    C. bank    D. shop

12.A. which    B. where    C. what    D. why

13.A. book    B. uniform    C. food    D. car

14.A. expected    B. regretted    C. hidden    D. valued

15.A. studying    B. traveling    C. succeeding    D. helping

16.A. but    B. because    C. unless    D. even if

17.A. hateful    B. calm    C. careful    D. grateful

18.A. teased    B. praised    C. scolded    D. motivated

19.A. for consideration    B. for sure    C. for fun    D. for example

20.A. sorry    B. sad    C. good    D. nervous




There are so many things we do in our daily lives that have become a “habit”, 1.How you answer the phone is a habit. The way you sit in the car when you drive is a habit. Have you ever tried to change the way you do something, after you’ve done it in a certain way for so long? It’s easy to do as long as you think about it. The minute your mind drifts to something else, you go right back to the old way of doing things. 2.It’s a way of doing things that has become routine or commonplace. To change an existing habit or form a new one can be a tedious(单调乏味的) task.

Let’s pick something fairly easy to start with, like spending 15 minutes in the morning reading the Bible. If you want to turn something into a habit that you do every day, you have to WANT to do it. 3.Make a firm decision to do this on a daily basis.

Imprint(铭刻) it in your mind. Write several notes to yourself and put them in places where you will see them. By the alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator door, in your briefcase, and under your car keys are good places to start.

After the newness wears off, then you will have to remind yourself, “Hey, I forgot to. . . ”. Keep using the notes if you have to. 4.Some people say it will take over a month to solidify(变得稳固) it and make it something you will do without having to think about it. I tend to agree with the last statement. Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine. 5.

A. What is a “habit” anyway?

B. Is doing things in an old way good?

C. Brushing your teeth is a habit.

D. Forming a bad habit is easy.

E. It takes 16 to 21 times of repeating a task to make it a habit.

F. If you don’t, you will find a way to do everything but that.

G. That’s something you won’t necessarily have to think about before you do it — habit.



Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world.

When it comes to cancer, the sooner you know you have it, the better your chances of surviving are.

A new blood test could change the way doctors and researchers find cancer in patients. Researchers say the test could provide some hints of the early forms of the disease.

Gareth Jenkins is a professor at the University of Swansea. He says he and his team did not look for cancer. They instead looked for a by-product of cancer, mutated (突变的) red blood cells. They looked for, what Jenkins calls, the collateral (附带的) damage of cancer—the damage left by the disease.

“In this blood test we don’t measure the presence of cancer,we measure the presence of mutated red blood cells which are the collateral damage that occurs—a by-product of the cancer developing.’’

The researchers used normal laboratory equipment to perform the tests. This equipment looks for changes in the structure of millions of red blood cells. Those mutated cells lack a surface protein (蛋白质) that healthy cells normally have.

“The goal of the test is looking for very rare cells which have picked up a mutation. The number of mutated red blood cells in a healthy person is around 5 or so mutated cells per million; so, you have to look at millions of red blood cells to discover those rare events. The number increases in cancer patients—it goes up to 40 or 50 on average.”

The researchers tested blood from about 300 people, all of whom have cancer of the esophagus (食管). Patients with esophageal cancer have high levels of mutated red blood cells. Jenkins says that at this point he is not sure if other cancers would produce similar results.

The hope is that the new test could one day become part of commonly used medical methods to find out if a person has cancer. These new technologies could save millions of lives.

1.What does the underlined word “hints” probably mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Deaths.    B. Experiences.

C. Signs.    D. Kinds.

2.Healthy people and patients with esophageal cancer are different in       of mutated red blood cells.

A. the size

B. the color

C. the shape

D. the number

3.What’s the author’s attitude to the new test?

A. Negative.    B. Indifferent.

C. Positive.    D. Doubtful.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Cancer Can Be Prevented

B. New Test Could Find Cancer Earlier

C. Scientists Have Discovered How Cancer Spreads

D. New Cancer Treatment Is Showing Extraordinary Results



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