满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

During my school days, I was one of thos...

During my school days, I was one of those shy and distant kids who would just sit in a comer for an entire day. For me, my books were my ______ world. Even during breaks, I used to just sit in a corner of the ______ and see others play games. It was not as if I wasn’t interested in ______ others or making new friends, but I always felt lacking in energy when ______ my peers. I always had an opinion that my advances towards new ______ would be limited. And I just didn’t want to ______ a rejection.

Once during my English class, my teacher shared a(n)______ with us. It was about King Bruce and a spider. It revolved around a lost battle and talked about how King Bruce, despite losing the battle,______ in the end. He was ______ by a little spider. The little ______ of the spider and the way it was taking rejections impressed me a lot. I was so surprised that I myself started ______ the movements of spiders at home. Once, a spider took around an hour to reach the top of a wall and I ______ knocked it down. To my ______, within seconds it started making its ______ up again.

For me, this ______ was a game changer. I realized that rejections are ______ a failure. The world may mistreat me,______ I can stand up and start working again. There would be time when people would like and ______ me. At present, I ______ mixing with people, learning new things and making new friends. I think, there are just no such ______ as rejections or failures as everything can change at any moment.

1.A. real    B. new    C. next    D. only

2.A. office    B. station    C. playground    D. street

3.A. visiting    B. watching    C. helping    D. joining

4.A. related to    B. compared with    C. separated from            D turned to

5.A. friendships    B. courses    C. teachers    D. programs

6.A. avoid    B. suffer    C. cause    D. fear

7.A. story    B. task    C. experience    D. song

8.A. failed    B. won    C. left    D. refused

9.A. confused    B. hurt    C. persuaded    D. inspired

10.A. improvements    B. changes    C. movements    D. advantages

11.A. adjusting    B. observing    C. showing    D. guiding

12.A. cruelly    B. angrily    C. luckily    D. bravely

13.A. delight    B. surprise    C. amusement    D. disappointment

14.A. progress    B. way    C. web    D. mistake

15.A. incident    B. research    C. trouble    D. adventure

16.A. often    B. sometimes    C. never    D. ever

17.A. so    B. though    C. or    D. but

18.A. train    B. meet    C. appreciate    D. remember

19.A. enjoy    B. suggest    C. imagine    D. risk

20.A. approaches    B. values    C. things    D. solutions


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.C 【解析】该文体是一篇夹叙夹议文体。讲述了主人公如何通过一个故事走出自己的内心世界,学会与外界交流,学会交新朋友,学会改变自己。文章包含正能量情感,激发学生学会重新认识自己。文章语言难度中等。 1.考查形容词辨析。根据前文的sit in a comer for an entire day(一整天呆在角落里)可以看出主人公是一个有些自卑的,所以book是他唯一的精神寄托和灵魂挚友,所以选择D。 2.考查名词辨析。根据后文的语境分析see others play games(看其他人玩游戏)从这里我们可以看出“玩游戏”应该是在一个空旷地带玩耍的,所以选择playground。 3.考查动词辨析。因为主人公内心稍微有些自卑,所以平时不太主动给融入到大家当中,很少加入到大家的活动当中和主动交朋友。所以选择joining(主动加入)。 4.考查动词辨析。compared with(与......对比)主人公其实内心并不是不喜欢和大家交朋友,而是从他的内心来说,他认为他和别人相比而言自己是缺乏能量的。 5.考查名词辨析。其实从内心来讲,主人公认为自己不善于和别人发展朋友关系,认为自己的交际能力是非常有限的。所以选择friendships。 6.考查动词辨析。因为主人公打心底认为自己不善于交际,所以每次和别人交朋友的时候,他是害怕和担忧的,生怕别人会拒绝自己做他的新朋友。suffer 动词,表示经历…。 7.考查名词辨析。根据该空下文我们可知,Bruce国王的故事对主人公的人格重塑有着重要的影响,所以Bruce的故事对他来讲是不可忽略的。 8.考查动词辨析。Bruce国王战争胜利的消息对他来说具有振奋人心的作用。win是战胜,胜利的意思。 9.考查动词辨析。从后文我们可以看出,bruce的胜利是有小插曲的,就是一个蜘蛛给了国王鼓励与鼓舞。inspired(动词,备受鼓舞)。 10.考查名词辨析。主人公想一探究竟,想弄清到底蜘蛛是如何鼓励国王的。所以主人公就想调查蜘蛛的行动轨迹(movement)来弄个明白。 11.考查动词辨析。observe(观察,洞察),因为上文交代了主人公想一探究竟为什么蜘蛛有这么强大的作用。所以他需要观察蜘蛛的踪迹路线。 12.考查副词辨析。作者为了能够很好观察蜘蛛的踪迹,所以美美蜘蛛试图爬到墙的高处之时,作者就残忍的将他敲到地上。 13.考查名词辨析。to one’s surprise令某人大为吃惊的是。根据后文的表述,我们可以看出蜘蛛有其不屈不挠的精神,这个是让作者大为吃惊的。 14.考查名词辨析。因为每每当作者把蜘蛛从墙上弄下来之后,蜘蛛就会一次次地重新爬上去。 15.考查名词辨析。incident常常指代的是日常小事情。其他选项不符合语境。恰恰是这件事情成为了作者的人生转折点,给力作者巨大的鼓励。 16.考查副词辨析。通过作者的观察和感悟,发现人的一生当中的rejection永远都不是一件彻彻底底的失败。 17.考查连词辨析。虽然可能这个世界会以不友好的方式对待我,但是我们要学会重新站起来并直面人生。 18.考查动词辨析。我相信在某个时刻,一定会有人喜欢和欣赏我的。appreciate表示赞赏,欣赏。 19.考查动词辨析。通过作者的人生感悟,自己也从那个害羞懦弱的躯壳当中走了出来。现在开始和大家一起玩耍,并且很享受这种交朋友的乐趣。 20.考查名词辨析。作者最后得出了一个人身哲理:世界上有些能够改变我们的事情永远都不是拒绝或者失败。

Do you ever find yourself longing for some time for yourself?Many of us are so busy with work,school,and home life that often there is no time left over to do something that you enjoy.What follows are some ways to carve out that essential time you need to show down and enjoy life.

1.1.Try to save certain weeknights just for you.If others ask you to do things those nights,just tell them you have plans.Use the time for gardening,reading,exercise,or thinking.

2.Monthly Treat.2.It could be on your lunch break,a weekend,or it could be leaving work early.Maybe you can get a spa treatment,go to see a movie,and have a haircut,or whatever treat you're always thinking about but rarely get to do.

3.3.You would enjoy sports,theater,concerts,or any other event Schedule the plans with a friend later.Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!

4.Leave Work on Time.Huh?4.If this is you,make it a point to leave work exactly on time at least once a week,if not more.And then enjoy that time!Leave work at work.

5.Join a Group.Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and home: singing group,gardening group,book clubs,biking clubs,etc.What are you interested in?Strike while the iron is hot. 5.If you can't find a club,consider starting one yourself!

A.Take a fun class.

B.Evenings with Yourself.

C.Buy Tickets in Advance.

D.A new habit is started with just one step.

E.Schedule a treat for yourself once a month.

F.Look up a club in your area today and join.

G.Yes,many of us stay at work late on a regular basis.



Higher income has already been linked to greater longevity and better health.A new study by a famous researcher suggests geographic location plays an key role in life expectancy(预期)for lower earners.That means if you're poor,you're likely to live for longer in a city like San Francisco or New York than in a city like Detroit or Cincinnati.

Being rich anywhere broadly means enjoying good health anywhere,but location is a key factor in health for people in lower income groups.Michael Stepner,one of the study's co-authors,said economic decline and decreasing populations in the Rust Belt aren't necessarily to blame.

The study found that location matters for low earners.Low-income individuals tend to live more healthily and for longer in cities with college-educated populations,high incomes,more immigrants,and high levels of government expenses,such as New York and San Francisco.The study also found measures of health—insurance coverage and health spending were of lesser importance than social and economic factors in determining health for low-income individuals.Nor did having health insurance seem to be a factor in increasing life expectancy for poorer groups."The key driver of differences in inequality across areas of life expectancy is probably not access to health care,"Mr Stepner said.

1.The underlined word "longevity" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to "        ".

A. successful experience    B. long life

C. good relationship    D. young appearance

2.What is a key part in life expectancy for lower earners?

A. Warm climate.    B. Higher income.

C. Good education.    D. Geographic location.

3.Where would this text most probably appear?

A. Travel guide.    B. Health research.

C. Sports newspaper.    D. Science fiction.

4.What is the best title for this text?

A. Higher earners like living abroad.

B. Being rich means having a happy life everywhere.

C. Lower earners are likely to live for longer in big cities

D. The government is trying its best to make people live longer



Regret can be a terrible addiction.Those who suffer from it so often become bitter and full of self-pity.It is an emotion that serious entrepreneurs(企业家)cannot afford,they must keep moving ahead and should not look back.As Alexander Graham Bell,inventor of the telephone said: when one door closes,another opens,but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

Entrepreneurs must learn to manage the conflict between constant experiment,which means lots of painful mistakes and a fear of failure,which can lead to paralysis(能力丧失).

Likewise,past glory can be a killer.For example,Greg Dyke,who is a clever fellow,still looks back too much to his resignation as director-general of the BBC.He should move on and stop complaining about the injustice of it all. And Tim Waterstone should give up trying to buy back his bookshop chain,which he finally left more than lo years ago.He has tried to repurchase it at least five times.

By all means treasure experience and learn from your failure,but don't put yourself in the past sadness.Rather,go ahead and seize the day no matter what it is.I have little time for those who say: I wish I had started my own business. My only response is: so do it now.

1.According to Paragraph 1,regret can make one feel       .

A. bitter and self-pity    B. upset and hopeless

C. disappointed and scared    D. confident and brave

2.It can be concluded from Bell's words that       .

A. one should learn from others    B. shouldn't forget the past

C. one should keep moving ahead    D. life often gives us many challenges

3.When entrepreneurs face conflict,they will experience       .

A. arguments and failure    B. mistakes and fear

C. choices and changes    D. encouragement and confusion

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A. One should feel regret about the past.

B. One should give oneself opportunity.

C. One should act now and look into the future.

D. One should be confident about the past.



The 30 miles of road winds its way through the mountains of Logan Canyon.It is enough to make most drivers frightened.

But Roger Andersen,a 46-yearold father of four,hadn't expected any trouble on the road on last New Year's Eve when he set off for a ski trip to the Bear River Mountains with his three children.The weather was good for traveling on the slopes(坡),but the higher they drove,the steeper(陡峭的)the roads became.All of a sudden,the car ran toward the cold Logan River out of control and sank into the water.

There was no time to tell the kids what to do.Within seconds,the car was filled with water."It was frightening that we were completely underwater so fast,remembers Andersen.Confused about the directions,Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids,but however hard he tried he couldn't find them."If I don't get out,maybe none of us are able to get out."Andersen got out of his seat belt,swam through a broken window to the surface.That was when he saw a group of men,about ten in all,appear on the road.One after another,they raced down and jumped into the water,shouting,"Who else is in the car?"Andersen says thankfully,"It was like the sight of angels."

As the kids fully recovered in the following weeks,Andersen felt eager to thank the men who had saved them.He was surprised to learn that the group was a search-and-rescue team,who knew how to help the kids stay alive.

"It's just unbelievable that you'd have so many people there who knew how to do it,"says Andersen."Many people have asked me,'Did you witness a miracle(奇迹)there?' I always say,'I witnessed dozens.'"

1.At the beginning of the ski trip,Roger Andersen       .

A. started his travel with a good feeling

B. was too tired to drive his car

C. was afraid of driving on the steep road

D. prepared for the possible trouble on the way

2.Roger Andersen drove into the Logan River because of       .

A. the broken car    B. his carelessness

C. the bad weather    D. the dangerous road

3.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A. How Andersen ran into danger.

B. What Andersen saw underwater.

C. What the children did to help Andersen.

D. How Andersen tried to save his children.

4.Andersen calls the experience a miracle to       .

A. stress the frightening accident

B. express his thanks to the rescue group

C. show the danger of driving on mountains

D. show his wish to help those people in need



Napa&Company has announced the schedule for its popular Fall Wine Class Series.It kicks off on October 10 with "Fall Wine&Food Pairing Guide."It costs $45 per person,plus tax and tip.Classes start at 6:30 pm and typically include 6 wines paired with 3 small plates.

Chef Prasad and India New Canaan will host Black Hog Brewing Company for a 5-course beer dinner on October 11.Tom Sobocinsk,the brewery owner,will guide you through the beers and how they complement the dishes. 7~9 pm and costs $60 per person,plus tax and tip.

Ghost Tour meets pub crawl on October 12."Pints 2 Poltergeists" includes a ghost tour of Mystic,CT,3 stops for a beer along the way,and take home treats from Two Roads Brewery.It costs $35 per person.

The New London Food Stroll takes place on October 12 from 5:30~8:30 pm.A $30 ticket gives you the opportunity to wander through downtown sampling bite the samples and drinks from popular restaurants in the area. There will be live entertainment as well.

The 4th Annual WeHa Whiskey Festival returns on October 15 from 6~9 pm.This year,it takes place at the Hartford Golf Club.There will be over 200 bourbons and scotches as well as cigars,food,a "restaurant battle,"and a raffle.Tickets start at $ 40.

1.To enjoy the Fall Wine Class Series,how much should a man and his twin sons pay?

A. $45.    B. $90.

C. $135.    D. $150.

2.Which of the following should you choose to go to if you just have $30?

A. Chef Prasad and India New Canaan.    B. The New London Food Stroll.

C. Ghost Tour.    D. The Griswold Inn.

3.When does The 4th Annual WeHa Whiskey Festival open?

A. On October 15.    B. On October 12.

C. On October 11.    D. On October lo.



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