满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One night four college kids1.(stay) out ...

One night four college kids1.(stay) out late,partying and having a good time.They paid no mind2.the test they had scheduled for the next day and didn't study.In the morning,they hatched a plan to get out of3.(take) their test.They covered4.(they) with grease(润滑油)and dirt and went to the Dean's office5.(nervous).Once there, they said they6.(be) to a wedding the previous night and on the way back they got7.flat tire and had to push the car back to campus.

The Dean listened to their sad story and got lost in deep8.(think).Then he offered them a retest three days later.They thanked him and accepted his offer.

9.the test day arrived,they went to the Dean.The Dean put them ail in separate10.(room) for the test.They were fine with this since they had all studied hard.Then they saw the test.It had 2 questions.

1) Your Name_______(1 Point)

2) Which tire burst?_______(99 Points)

Options—(a)Front Left (b)Front Right (c)Back Left (d)Back Right


1.stayed 2.to 3.taking 4.themselves 5.nervously 6.had been 7.a 8.thought 9.When 10.rooms 【解析】四个逃避考试的大学生和教务主任之间的故事。 1.根据One night一天晚上,可知句子用一般过去时态,答案为stayed。 2.他们不理睬第二天的考试。pay no mind to不要理睬,不理会,可知答案为to。 3.他们策划出逃测试。get out of doing sth.答案为taking。 4.他们把润滑油涂在他们自己身上,弄脏,然后紧张不安地去Dean的办公室。可知答案为themselves。 5.他们把润滑油涂在他们自己身上,弄脏,然后紧张不安地去Dean的办公室。副词修饰动词,答案为nervously。 6.他们说他们昨天晚上去参加了一个婚礼,在回来的路上一只轮胎瘪了,他们不得不把汽车推回了校园。可知此处用过去完成时态,答案为had been。 7.在回来的路上一只轮胎瘪了,可知答案为a。 8.固定结构:lose in deep thought陷入沉思,用名词形式,可知答案为thought。 9.当测试那一天到的时候,他们来到了Dean办公室。此处是when引导的时间状语从句。注意大写开头。 10.Separate分开的,各自的,可知后面的名词用复数形式,答案为rooms。 【名师点睛】 一般过去时是叙述过去的事情,过去完成时一定是以过去时间为基点,叙述更过去的事情,所以简单讲过去完成时是过去的过去.根据上面介绍请看例句:He said he bought a book.他(那时)说他(那时)买了一本书.(说和买是几乎在同时段发生) He said he had bought a book.他(那时)说他(早就买了,曾买过)买过一本书.(买的动作是暗示先于说)。本题第6小题就是过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时态。

Mildred Webinga Freeman was an English teacher at the new middle school I attended in the ninth grade.She wasn't my____;she was the adviser to the safety patrol(巡逻)on which I____.I loved being around her and____her sense of humor and kind personality.She was____a good listener.

At the end of the year,she____that she was moving to Florida,and I was very sad.We exchanged____and became pen pals.I could tell her____,and she treated me____respect even though I was a teenager.

In Florida,Mrs.Freeman became a Realtor(房地产经纪人),____she managed to find time to write letters.She wrote____stories and always took my concerns____.She had given me a(n)____invitation to visit,and I missed her so much.When I____to take her up on the____,she answered,"Get your shoes on and your bags____!You are welcome anytime!"

I spent three weeks with her in Miami.Her____of poetry,music,and creative writing____me to follow these endeavors(努力).One day____hanging sheets on the clothesline,she____and said,"You know,the sky is fuel for the soul."I had never looked at the____before hearing those words.Later that year,I received a call that Mrs.Freeman had died.

1.A. mother    B. friend    C. classmate    D. teacher

2.A. served    B. advised    C. expected    D. led

3.A. shared    B. enjoyed    C. imagined    D. found

4.A. such    B. just    C. still    D. also

5.A. knew    B. announced    C. thought    D. realized

6.A. addresses    B. gifts    C. views    D. roles

7.A. anything    B. nothing    C. everything    D. something

8.A. in    B. as    C. with    D. to

9.A. so    B. but    C. or    D. for

10.A. amusing    B. different    C. emotional    D. ordinary

11.A. immediately    B. carefully    C. seriously    D. privately

12.A. urgent    B. lucky    C. ambiguous    D. open

13.A. decided    B. hesitated    C. wrote    D. hurried

14.A. offer    B. promise    C. excuse    D. message

15.A. bought    B. found    C. filled    D. packed

16.A. love    B. dream    C. sense    D. feeling

17.A. persuaded    B. encouraged    C. forced    D. allowed

18.A. before    B. once    C. while    D. after

19.A. looked over    B. looked out    C. looked up    D. looked down

20.A. clouds    B. flowers    C. people    D. houses



In the age of the keyboard,some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.

Steve Graham,a literacy professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,Tennessee,has been hearing about the death of handwriting for the past fifteen years.1.He said,"If the results of a survey we have published this year are accurate,it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three."

Ninety percent of teachers also say their are required to teach handwriting.2.

Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.3.others teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day.

Many adults remember learning that way—by copying letters over and over again.4.Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself.Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas. 5.

Teachers commonly report that about one-fourth of their students have poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important anymore because of computers and voice recognition(辨认)programs.

A.After all,that is why we write.

B.Nowadays teachers pay more and more attention to their students' writing.

C.So is it still being taught?

D.But who cares if people know how to write well?

E.But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it.

F.Today's thinking is that short periods of practice are better.

G.He says some teachers teach handwriting for ten or fifteen minutes a day.



You might make a disgusted face when you notice that the person waiting in their car at the red light next to you is picking their nose,but admit it,you do it too.And while it might be the natural option when there isn't a box of tissues around,it can be bad for you.The main reasons people feel the need to pick their nose is to clear it of dried liquid,stop an itch(痒),or just because it feels good.Boogers(鼻屎)form when dried liquid and cilia,the tiny hairs that line the nostrils(鼻孔),trap the dust,dirt,and other things.When boogers build up in your nose,it can be uncomfortable,and sometimes just blowing into a tissue doesn't do the trick.

Otolaryngologist Erich P.Voigt,MD,told Business Insider that picking your nose can cause injuries and bleeding within your nostrils.That's not terribly damaging,but when the bacteria from your hands get into your body,it can cause a cold and flu.So doctors strongly suggest not picking the nose.

If dry winter air is causing the dirty liquid to harden in your nostrils,making you want to pick,consider damping the air at home,or taking a steam shower to soften things up in there.

Children,who are most famous for having a finger up their nose,sometimes don't realize how much injury they're causing,and sometimes it.can lead to nose bleeds.

So,next time you go to pick your nose,think about how many bacteria are on your hands and in your boogers, and maybe reach for a tissue instead.Even if you 're alone,and not waiting for the light to turn green,please,use a tissue.

1.Why do people pick their nose?

A. Because they want to disgust others.

B. Because they have the need to do it.

C. Because they have nothing else to do.

D. Because they don't have tissues around.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined part " do the trick" in Paragraph 1?

A. act    B. work

C. play    D. help

3.Which can help people avoid a cold and flu according to the text?

A. Stopping nose picking.    B. Using tissues regularly.

C. Taking a shower every day.    D. Keeping the air wet at home.

4.What should you do when you have to pick your nose?

A. Be careful not to cause bleeding.

B. Use a tissue instead of bare fingers.

C. Wait for the light to turn red if you are driving.

D. Wash up your hands and clear your fingernails.



Charlotte Heffelmire was home in Vienna,Va.,for Thanksgiving break from the Air Force Academy when she saw that her father had gotten stuck under the pickup truck he'd been working on.

"I was on my back,face up,and I was trying to get some brake lines when apparently the jack(千斤顶)slipped and fell down on me,"her dad,Eric Heffelmire,told WUSA9.Gasoline spilled(溢出)and caught fire,and he knew he was in trouble."I thought they 'd be pulling out a dead body later in the evening."

After his struggling for 10 minutes,his barefoot teenage daughter came running into the garage."I felt the weight shift,and I said,'You almost got it.'and then it was just UGHHHRRR,and suddenly I'm pulled out,"Eric told NBC4.

Even Charlotte,120 pounds and 5-foot-6,isn't sure where her power came from."It was some crazy strength,"she told WUSA9.

Realizing the burning truck could set her house on fire at any moment,Charlotte jumped into the truck and drove it out of the garage."I didn't want the entire house to explode with the truck,so I started the truck,put it in four-wheel drive,and managed to drive it with three wheels,"she said.

Then she went inside the house to grab her baby sister and got her grandmother out of the house too."I just did what I had to do,so I don't feel like a big hero or anything,"Charlotte said.Her local fire department,Fairfax County Fire and Rescue,felt differently,awarding her the Citizen Lifesaving Award.

1.What did Eric Heffelmire do after he got stuck under the truck?

A. He put out the fire.    B. He tried to get out.

C. He shouted for help.    D. He waited for his death.

2.Why was Charlotte awarded by the local fire department?

A. Because she remained low-key.

B. Because she was a lifesaving hero.

C. Because she did what they should do.

D. Because she had some crazy strength.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Charlotte?

A. Brave and powerful.    B. Determined and patient.

C. Energetic and outgoing.    D. Considerate and cautious.



Enjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater.These days,musicians are performing in private homes,at haircutting shops,at airports...even on ferry boats.

Musicians like house concerts.At music clubs,they often have to perform over loud conversation or deal with people who have had too much alcohol.People at house concerts are more focused on listening to the music.

Just a few hours before the Bombadils started singing at the O' Hair Salon,Lindsay was cutting hair and Tamera was doing facials.Then,they moved chairs and microphones to create a small performance space.The Bombadils made music in the front part of the hair salon,near the hair dryers and make-up table.

"This is our first show at a hair salon,"Sarah Frank of the Bombadils told concertgoers at last week's performance.Frank said she and band members Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great time "interacting" with the audience.

Concerts in people's homes,or small businesses such as O' Hair's,are becoming more popular,musicians say. "There is a more relaxed atmosphere,"said Domenic Cicala,a musician who opened up his O' Hair Salon to concerts. "People really get to know the artists."

At house concerts,people get time before and after concerts to meet the performers.Often,the hosts or guests will provide food and drink.

"People really like listening to music in the living room of a friend,"said Matt Hart,with Aubrey Zoli making up Local Strangers,a folk-rock group based in Seattle.At many such concerts,the musicians do not need microphones. Yet,every word of their songs can be heard.

1.Why do musicians like house concerts?

A. Because private homes are easier to get to.

B. Because people pay more attention to their music.

C. Because they can do other things while performing.

D. Because they don't have to bring their microphones.

2.What impressed Sarah Frank most at her last week's performance?

A. The small performance space.    B. Her first show at a hair salon.

C. Their "interacting" with the audience.    D. The more relaxed atmosphere.

3.How many music groups are mentioned in the text?

A. One.    B. Two.

C. Three.    D. Four.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Musicians struggle to make a living

B. People really get to know the artists

C. Musicians find new places to perform

D. Concertgoers won't go to music clubs



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