满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To: Jenny@ comp mail.ca From: Li-Ming@ y...

To: Jenny@ comp mail.ca             From: Li-Ming@ yahoo, com

Subject: Autumn!                   Date: 29 /09 8: 02 PM

Hello, Jenny!

I love autumn! Mid-autumn Festival is this week. We will watch the moon tonight, and look for Chang’e and Wu Gang. My mother bought moon cakes, and I have eaten many of them!

National Day is also in the autumn, on October 1. My mother and father will not have to work for three days! We will do many things together, I like going to the National Day celebration(庆祝).

The best thing in autumn is my birthday;  I will be fifteen years old.


Li Ming

To: Li-Ming@ yahoo.com             From: Jenny@ comp mail.ca

Subject: Thanksgiving               Date: 29/09 9:12 PM

Dear Li Ming,

Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn, too. In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving. Families always celebrate Thanksgiving together. I will go to my grandmother and grandfather’s house. My uncles, aunts and their children will be there, too.

Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. In the U.S., they celebrate Thanks-giving in late November.

Have a good time on your birthday, Li Ming! On my birthday, I have a cake with candles. Everyone sings ‘Happy Birthday’. Then I blow out  the candles! Will you have cake on your birthday?                                                   Your friend ,


1.Americans celebrate Thanksgiving __ later than Canadians.

A. one month    B. less than two months    C. two months    D. more than two months

2.What do Canadians usually do in Thanksgiving?

A. Eat cakes.    B. Stay together.    C. Watch the moon.    D. Sing the song.

3.What must Li Ming and Jenny use when they wrote to each other?

A. Pens.    B. Paper.    C. Computers.    D. Telephones.


1.B 2.B 3.C 【解析】这是两封书信。李明和Jenny通过书信,介绍了各自国家的一些节日。 1.细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. In the U.S., they celebrate Thanks-giving in late November”可知,加拿大的感恩节在10月初,美国的感恩节在11底,所以,美国的感恩节比加拿大的感恩节晚不到两个月的时间。故B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving. Families always celebrate Thanksgiving together”可知,在加拿大,人们在感恩节全家团聚,庆祝节日。故B选项正确。 【名师点睛】 细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。 在本题中,学生可以直接根据Canadians,Thanksgiving来确定信息。第三段中的“In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving. Families always celebrate Thanksgiving together”可确定答案。 3.推理判断题。由文中“To: Li-Ming@ yahoo.com From: Jenny@ comp mail.ca ”可知,两人通过电子邮件联系,故C选项正确。

Perhaps you have been told about some habits(习惯) which stop a person reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.

    Do you still have any of these bad habits7 Check yourself by answering "yes" or "no" to these questions:

    1. Do you move your lips(嘴唇) when reading silently?

    2. Do you point to words with your finger as you read?

    3. Do you move your head from side to side as you read?

    4. Do you read one word at a time?

    If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, start at once to break the habit.

    If you move your lips, hold your fingers over them, or hold a piece of paper between your lips while you are reading. Then if your lips move, you will know it and can stop them.

    If you point to words, hold the two sides of your book, one side with your left hand, the other side with your right hand. Then you will not have a free finger to use in pointing while reading.    If you move your head, place your chin(下巴)in one hand, and hold your head still(不动地).

    If you read no more than one or two or three words at a time, you need to work very hard in learning to take in more words at each glance(看一眼) as your eyes travel across the lines of words.

1.You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading      

A. to hold a piece of paper between them    B. to feel whether y our lips move or not

C. to tell others to be silent    D. to stop yourself talking to others

2.When your eyes travel across the lines of words,        

A. you need to read the words out    B. you need to look at every word carefully

C. you need to remember every word    D. you need to read several words at a time

3.When you read,        

A. don’t use your finger to point to words    B. don’t hold your books with your hands

C. don’t hold your head still    D. don’t do any of the things mentioned(提到)above.

4.This passage mainly talks about        .

A. the importance of fast reading    B. the bad habits in reading

C. the way to read fast    D. both A and B



Many teenagers(青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members don’t understand them as well as their friends do.In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication(交际)is very important in children’s growing up, because friends can discuss(讨论)something. These things are difficult to say to their family members.

However, parents often try to choose their children friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions? Who chooses your friends?

Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?

Have you got a good friend your parents don’t like? Your answers are welcome.

1.Many teenagers think that _ __ can understand them better.

A. friends    B. brothers    C. sisters    D. parents

2.When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents, they usually____.

A. stay alone at home    B. fight with their parents

C. discuss it with their friends    D. go to their brothers and sisters for help

3.Which of the following is the writer’s attitude(态度)?       

A. Parents should choose friends for their children.

B. Children should choose everything they like.

C. Parents should understand their children better.

D. Teenagers should only go to their friends for help.



Do you have any friends? Have you ever visited your friends? Jenny went to visit her friends in New York last weekend. Her friends met her at the airport(机场) on Friday afternoon and drove her to the hotel. They had dinner at a Chinese restaurant and went to see a film after that.

  Jenny and her friends set out early on Saturday morning for a farm and stayed there until Sunday morning. During their stay, they went fishing and swimming in the small river on the farm. They played football in the field and enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire(篝火), singing and dancing till late into the night.

  Nobody could get up early on Sunday morning.So when they got back to New York City, it was about three o’clock in the afternoon.They drove right to the airport because Jenny didn’t want to miss her plane back home.Jenny only stayed in New York for two nights but she had a great time with her friends.

1.Jenny went to New York________.

A. to do some shopping    B. to see her friends    C. to spend her summer holiday    D. to find a job

2.How did Jenny get to New York?

A. By train.    B. By bus.    C. By plane.    D. On foot.

3.Where did Jenny and her friends go on Saturday?

A. To the farm.    B. To the Chinese restaurant.    C. To the airport.    D. To the railway station.

4.When did Jenny go back home?

A. On Saturday afternoon.    B. On Sunday morning.

C. On Saturday evening.    D. On Sunday afternoon.

5.How long did Jenny stay in New York?

A. three nights    B. four nights    C. two nights    D. one night.



A long time ago, I knew a girl whose name is Gloria. She is a student. Most people in school liked Gloria.So when she got sick,some boys_____to visit her. But none of them wanted to  _____any money for a gift to bring.

    Then Willie said,“We can _____some flowers from a _____. ”

    Gloria will not know ______they come from,and the dead man will not _____them.

    Everybody was afraid,_____Willie.So he went alone and ____some beautiful flowers.Then they went to Gloria’s_____,and the boys acted as if the flowers were from all of them,but______did not mind.

    After their visit,Willie_____the other boys,“It is a good thing that I was not afraid. Gloria ____ the flowers. ”

    The other boys laughed. Gloria would not have liked the _____if she had known they had come from a grave.

    That night, Willie was reading a book _____his mother came into his room.“Willie,did you and other boys buy some flowers today ______Gloria?”she asked.“There’s a man  _____asking for you,”she added. “He says that you didn’t ______the flowers. ”

    “What does he look  ____?”Willie asked.

    “That’s hard to say,”Willie’s mother answered. “He is all _____with mud(泥土). ”

    Willie,all of a sudden,was ____

1.A. thought    B. planned    C. asked    D. took

2.A. keep    B. cost    C. take    D. spend

3.A. steal    B. pick up    C. buy    D. plant

4.A. shop    B. store    C. street    D. grave

5.A. how    B. when    C. where    D. why

6.A. miss    B. lose    C. hate    D. love

7.A. except    B. besides    C. including    D. beside

8.A. saw    B. thought    C. looked for    D. found

9.A. room    B. hospital    C. school    D. library

10.A. Gloria    B. some    C. Willie    D. nobody

11.A. told    B. asked    C. said to    D. explained

12.A. refused    B. liked    C. hated    D. missed

13.A. boys    B. flowers    C. secret    D. news

14.A. when    B. as    C. while    D. suddenly

15.A. to    B. for    C. on    D. with

16.A. inside    B. outside    C. still    D. also

17.A. ask for    B. water    C. like    D. pay for

18.A. as    B. about    C. like    D. for

19.A. painted    B. dressed    C. wrapped    D. covered

20.A. afraid    B. red    C. sad    D. glad



1~10 的空格处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过三个单词)

Our family bought1.new computer last week. It is2.(real) cool! But we didn’t know what we should do 3.the old one. Then I saw an advertisement for Tech-help. Tech-help donates computers to people 4.need them.

So far, Tech-help has  5.(donate) more than 2000computers to different families across the country. Last year they gave computers to poor families. It is very easy to donate computers to Tech-help. Yesterday, my father and 6.(me) took the old computer to a local shop. Two hours later, Tech-help7.(collect) it from the shop. They will clean the computer and make it better.

Right now, Tech-Help is 8.(give) computers to families in Xinjiang. There 9.(be) about 50 families on the waiting list. I’m 10.(excite) we could do something to help others!



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