满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

made her parents very angry. A. Jane􀆳s ...

    made her parents very angry.

A. Jane􀆳s engaging Black    B. Jane􀆳s being engaged to Black

C. Jane having engaged to Black    D. Jane has engaged to Black


B 【解析】  

—The expression on his face suggests he ________ have failed in the competition.

—I guess so. Its not easy after all.

A. should    B. could

C. must    D. might



Living or studying abroad, you are supposed to     yourself to new manners and customs.

A. adopt    B. add

C. make    D. adapt



All Chinese watching TV     cheers when they heard the news that China would build space station soon.

A. broke out    B. burst into

C. burst in    D. burst out



However frequently     , the textbook play acted by my classmates still interests us every year.

A. performed    B. performing

C. to be performed    D. being performed



—Did you have a good trip yesterday?

—We got up late, and     the first train had left,     we had to take a taxi.

A. on top of; so    B. as a result; then

C. what was worse; however    D. because; therefore



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