满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



A couple in South Carolina has been eagerly seeking an organ donor. They haven’t found one____But they did find something else: friends.

Larry Swilling and his wife Jimmie Sue have been happily____for 56 years. So happily, in fact, that Larry has now come to realize he can’t____without his wife. “She’s my heart,” he said. The problem with Jimmie Sue is that she____a kidney(). Jimmie Sue was born with only one, and now that doesn’t____She needs a transplant but neither her husband, nor anyone tested in her family, is a____match.

Jimmie Sue is trying to get on a donor list, but the____is about two or three years long and that’s for a kidney from a dead donor. Transplant patients who get their kidneys from living donors tend to live____That is why Larry decided to try to ask for it, from total strangers.

“I don’t____what people think,” Larry said. He tells his wife, “I’m going to____you a kidney.” And on the street, wearing a signboard “Need kidney for my wife”, he’s not shy in asking____:“Could I use your kidney?” For the last couple weeks, Larry, at 77, has been walking all over his hometown and the surrounding towns-basically____a kidney. He didn’t really think it would work_____he said, “I had to do something.” He didn’t feel____when the phone rang. “I’m willing to donate a kidney for your____,” one caller said. “I’d like nothing more than to help you out,” said another.

Believe it or not, over the last few days the____hasn’t stopped ringing. Hundreds of people who either saw his sign or heard about it have____One volunteer said, “I’ve got two, but I____need one.” Larry hasn’t found a match for his wife, but at least he has already had enough volunteers and____enough awareness to save someone. “If I get a kidney, it’s fine. If I don’t, I hope someone else does,” the wife said. And that’s why Larry is still out there, appealing to the____of strangers for the love of his wife.

1.A. already    B. yet    C. still    D. also

2.A. married    B. done    C. worried    D. lived

3.A. work    B. laugh    C. argue    D. live

4.A. adds    B. lacks    C. misses    D. spends

5.A. work    B. stop    C. finish    D. affect

6.A. comfortable    B. healthy    C. improper    D. suitable

7.A. making    B. buying    C. waiting    D. needing

8.A. shorter    B. worse    C. longer    D. easier

9.A. care    B. absorb    C. doubt    D. believe

10.A. give    B. sell    C. get    D. borrow

11.A. doctors    B. passers-by    C. acquaintances    D. donors

12.A. staring at    B. arguing over    C. depending on    D. begging for

13.A. But    B. So    C. Because    D. Since

14.A. careless    B. melancholy    C. helpless    D. selfless

15.A. daughter    B. wife    C. son    D. mother

16.A. bell    B. clock    C. door    D. phone

17.A. volunteered    B. encouraged    C. entertained    D. gained

18.A. gently    B. greedily    C. only    D. hardly

19.A. lifted    B. raised    C. demonstrated    D. displayed

20.A. sorrow    B. kindness    C. sadness    D. happiness


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B 【解析】试题分析:本文讲述南卡罗来纳州的一对夫妇一直在急切地寻找一个器官捐赠者,虽然没有找到相匹配的器官,但是他们通过此事交了很多朋友,说明我们的生活中充满了爱。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 考点:考察故事类完型填空 【名师点睛】 解题技巧:巧解完形填空题 考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,注意语境和有关提示,正确地分析、归纳、概括出一篇文章的主旨或段意的表达,千万不要急于选择答案。通过游览阅读上述文章,我们不难概括出该文的主旨为:本文讲述David and Diana的早产女儿虽然经历了磨难,但是最终成长为正常儿童。为帮助考生能更好地解答完形填空题,在这里介绍几种解题技巧。 1. 复现解题法:这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。 1)“There’s only a 10-percent 43 she will pull through the night,. 50. A. daughter B. wife C. son D. mother 【50. B项,原词的复现He tells his wife, “I’m going to 45 you a kidney.” .】 2. 语法结构法: 这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。 3. 语境信息解题法:这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,在进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。 2 )Larry, at 77, has been walking all over his hometown and the surrounding towns-basically 47 a kidney. 47. A. staring at B. arguing over C. depending on D. begging for 【47.D项,根据语境在过去的两个星期里,77岁的Larry一直在家乡和周围的乡镇祈求得到一个肾。故选D。】 4. 固定搭配解题法:这类题与语法结构题有点类似,但主要惯用搭配,讲究词与词的搭配,涉及到关联词、动词、副词、形容词、名词和短语等。 3)So happily, in fact, that Larry has now come to realize he can’t 38 without his wife. 38. A. work B. laugh C. argue D. live 【38.D项。事实上,他们在一起如此开心以至于 Larry现在意识到没有妻子他无法生活。故选D。】 5. 逻辑语气解题法:这类题主要是通过分了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。 4)He didn’t really think it would work. 48 he said, “I had to do something.” . 48. A. But B. So C. Because D. Since 【48. A项。他真地认为那不会其起什么作用,但是他说:“我必须要做些事情”。根据句意前后句转折,故选A。】

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, so when you want to do business in France, you have to get to know French culture, to make marketing plans, and to run your business by local laws.

1. The French take great pride in their language, so anyone who does not speak it may run the risk of being disrespected by his French colleagues or business partners. Also, another reason why learning French is important is that it is a great way to show every possible French business partner that you care and respect their country’s culture and language.

There are obvious ways of greeting people in French. When you meet someone new, it’s usual to shake his hand firmly and always look at the person in the eye. 2.

    Dress well. 3. Your business clothing is a reflection of your success and social status. Always try to be stylish. Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly. Wearing make-up is practiced widely by business women.

The French are passionate about food, so lunches are common in doing business in France, which usually consist of an appetizer, main meal with wine, cheese, dessert and coffee, and normally take up to two hours. 4.

Do not begin eating until the host says, “Bon appetite”. Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate. 5. This may suggest that you find the food tasteless. If eating in a restaurant, the person who invites always pays.

A. The French draw information about people based on their appearance.

B. This is a time for relationship building.

C. Maybe you have heard the expression.

D. Language should be the focus of anyone planning to do business in France.

E. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food.

F. When you meet a friend, kissing is common.

G. English and French are both spoken in formal occasions.



For more and more young Chinese professionals, the first day back at work after the Lunar New Year holiday is the day they quit.

The period after the Lunar New Year holiday, also known as Spring Festival, often sees Chinese workers on the move. This year, the number looking for new opportunities is supposed to be especially high.

Mr. Zhu, a 27-year-old Beijing native, is one of the young workers looking for a better deal. “Salary is a big concern for me and I need a job that pays more, and my department can’t provide good career development for me,” he said.

An online survey by Zhaopin.com, a leading job-hunting website, provides further details on why China’s young white-collar workers are so keen to move on.

Low salaries are the biggest concern for 62% of the job-hunters, and overtime and a wide mismatch between low salaries and high housing costs are also the complaints. Two-thirds of them said they had to work at home after office hours, and a full 95% said they felt they were under heavy pressure because of the housing payment or rent.

The survey also found that what was seen as a “good job” has changed. For the generation born in the 1970s, high salary and status is the key. For the generation born after 1980, work-life balance and respect in the office are also important.

Zhao Bin, a 28-year-old woman who earns over 7,000 yuan a month working at a public relations company in Shanghai, said she would wait until the Lunar New Year to change her job. “My salary is OK for me, but I am working like crazy. So I want to find something comfortable, like being an English teacher in training schools.”

1.Mr. Zhu is looking for a new job because ________.

A. he was fired before the Lunar New Year holiday

B. he was promised a better job

C. he wants a job better in salary and in development

D. he was advised to do so

2.Which of the following can best take the place of the underlined words “a wide mismatch”?

A. a big gap    B. a lost game

C. a hot debate    D. a failed marriage

3.The writer uses the example of Zhao Bin to prove that ________.

A. salary is the first concern for people who change jobs

B. young people are under pressure of high housing prices

C. young people tend to value work-life balance

D. teacher has become a good job for Chinese youth

4.The article is intended to ________.

A. encourage Chinese white-collar workers to change jobs

B. present a social phenomenon and explain its causes

C. carry out an online survey to readers

D. compare different reasons why people quit jobs



I have never forgotten the firm belief I had in the arrival through the chimney (烟囱) of the little Santa Claus (圣诞老人), the kind, white-bearded old man who at midnight left in my tiny shoe a present I found the next morning.

Midnight! It’s the perfect hour children don’t know. What great efforts I made not to go to sleep before the little old man appeared!

I had both a great desire and great fear of seeing him, but could never stay awake until then, and the next day my first look was for my shoe. He never failed to carefully wrap (包装) every present for me. I would run barefoot to get my treasure. It never was a very expensive present, for we were not rich. It was a cookie, an orange, or very simply a fine red apple. But it felt so precious that I barely dared to eat it. What a great role imagination plays in a child’s life!

I do not at all agree with the idea that the lies about Santa Claus should be stopped. Doubts and truth come all too soon on their own. I very well remember the first year, when I was five or six, I doubted that it was not Santa Claus who put the cookie in my shoe. Since then, it has never tasted as good as the first few years of my life.

I noted that my son believed in him longer; boys are more naïve (天真的) than little girls. Like me, he made great efforts to stay awake until midnight. Like me, he loved the cookie baked in Heaven’s kitchens. And like me, the first year of his doubts was the last year of the visit of the good old man.

1.As a little girl, the author loved the gifts on Christmas Day because ________.

A. they usually cost a lot of money

B. she always got the very gifts she asked for

C. they were beautifully wrapped

D. she believed they were from Santa Claus

2.According to the article, what role does imagination play in a child’s life?

A. It adds value to the common Christmas gifts.

B. It makes a child curious about everything.

C. It encourages him to climb the chimney.

D. It makes him doubt whether Santa Claus really exists.

3.By saying “Doubts and truth come all too soon on their own” in Paragraph 4, the author feels ________.

A. unsatisfied with being cheated

B. sorry for realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist

C. happy at finding out the facts of Santa Claus

D. angry about parents’ lying to children about Santa Claus



A few months after we moved to a small city in France, I wanted to meet my husband for lunch at the university where he worked. I got lost. I had to call him for help. One of his friends said to him later, “How could she get lost? She just needed to go straight.”

Well, no. That’s the problem. You never “just go straight”, because France is the land of roundabouts (弯道). Highways, major streets, little village lanes – if you go straight long enough, you’ll end up going in circles.

Even after a year here, I’d still get lost going to the grocery store, or just about anywhere that wasn’t within a hundred yards of my house.

I admit I have a horrible sense of direction, can’t read a map, and am not such a good driver. Plus, I’ve been spoiled (宠坏) by living in American cities, where you just indeed need to “go straight”. But in France, driving became my nightmare — the roads are roundabouts within roundabouts.

Finally I found a solution: a GPS program on my smart phone. I rely on it to get anywhere, even places I’ve been.

But it does leave me feeling very bad and helpless when, often, the program doesn’t work, can’t find a GPS signal, or gives wrong information. I’d have to wait until my GPS gets recovered, or else I use my old solution: I call my husband. Is the GPS making us more stupid, or helping us going around more? In my case, it’s probably both.

1.The friend of the writer’s husband’s thought ________.

A. the roundabouts were confusing    B. the way to the university was simple

C. she didn’t lose her way    D. she was a foolish woman

2.The writer thinks if one just “goes straight” in France, he will probably ________.

A. arrive at his destination at last    B. come back to where he starts

C. find his way out of the city    D. end up in a grocery store

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the writer?

A. She lacks the sense of direction.

B. She once lived in a different country.

C. She has stayed in France for more than a year.

D. She has already got used to the French way of life.

4.What does the writer think of the GPS program?

A. It’s a satisfactory solution to her problem.

B. It improves her sense of direction.

C. It doesn’t always work very well.

D. It is a useless device for her.



He is both a great director and a great animator (卡通片制作者). He is Japan’s Walt Disney.

Hayao Miyazaki, the 72-year-old Japanese master of fantasy animation (奇幻动画), one of the most respected animation directors in the world, announced his retirement on September 6. Here are some key words about his films.

Good and evil (邪恶)

Miyazaki rarely tells stories in simple good and evil. The worlds he creates tend to be complex (复杂的) and unclear. The bad figures often don’t seem so bad once you get to know them. Miyazaki has explained that the lack of clear good and evil is because he sees the 21st century as a complex time, in which old ideas need to be re-examined, even in children’s films.


The heroes in Miyazaki’s films are usually children or teens, more often young girls. Sometimes they can see the spirit world; they are curious and friendly, even to strange creatures. The stories often deal with growing up.

Sky and water

Two of Miyazaki’s great loves are the sky and water, and he uses them in related ways. Flight is a forever theme — Miyazaki has never done a film without flying of some kind. His imagination seems to fly and leave behind the pull of gravity (重力), a force and control that he feels a bound (束缚) from setting him free.

Water is another way for Miyazaki to fight gravity. In his films he likes the unexpected floods with crystal-clear water, and objects floating on the surface seem to be supported by magic.


Miyazaki’s negative view of the war goes far more than surface deep. Violence is usually seen as wrong and painful, and Miyazaki’s heroes are often peacemakers.

1.What can we know about good and evil from Miyazaki’s films?

A. The figures cannot be simply judged as good or evil.

B. He uses his films to show good finally defeats evil.

C. The complex time tends to turn good into evil.

D. Children should learn to clearly tell good from evil.

2.According to the article, children in Miyazaki’s films are ______.

A. all little teen-aged girls    B. always able to see spirits

C. curious trouble makers    D. kind to people and creatures

3.Miyazaki’s love for flight may come from ______.

A. the relation between sky and water

B. his hate for gravity since his childhood

C. his desire to be free from gravity

D. his love for water that can flood the world

4.In Miyazaki’s films we may NOT see ______.

A. the appealing castle in the sky

B. children with the problems of growing up

C. objects magically floating on the water

D. a world left in ruins in the end



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