满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Grandma had the coin for as long as I ca...

Grandma  had  the coin for as long as I can remember.  Every time I went over  to her house, she told me the story of the coin:

It was the day after the ship had ______ in New York City. My grandmother and grandfather had come from Poland on that ship. They came to______ for a new life in the United States, ______ from the poverty and war in their native land.

They were walking to their new ______ from their factory jobs when they saw a  small glint (闪光) on the sidewalk. My grandmother bent over to ______ it more closely. It turned out to be a dark and dirty quarter. My grandmother ______ it up and said,“This coin is a good omen, a ______ of good fortune to come.” They took the coin to their little apartment and ______ it to make it shine.  The next day my grandmother got a(n) ______ job at a jewelry store.

As the years passed, my grandparents______good times and bad. My father and uncles were born,  my  grandfather  was ______from the factory, but got a job at a big machinery company. There, my grandparents finally found the good ______ my grandmother had ______.

When my grandfather died three years ago,  my grandmother ______ in to live with my family. This is when she ______the coin to me. Every day she told me this story. After a few months I could ______ tell the story in my sleep, ______ still she told me the story every day, stressing the importance of ______ on the coin. Last week she died. According to her ______, I got the coin. I think I was fortunate enough because I got the thing that ______ the most to my grandmother, and I will cherish it forever.

1.A. sailed    B. joined    C. landed    D. pulled

2.A. prepare    B. ask    C. apply    D. search

3.A. absent    B. fre    C. tired    D. independent

4.A. restaurant    B. store    C. apartment    D. cottage

5.A. examine    B. observe    C. test    D. touch

6.A. picked    B. dug    C. lifted    D. fixed

7.A. moment    B. message    C. gift    D. sign

8.A. packed    B. cleaned    C. repaired    D. rebuilt

9.A. worse    B. greater    C. better    D. easier

10.A. got over    B. took up    C. passed by    D. went through

11.A. laid off    B. laid down    C. shut off    D. broken down

12.A. wealth    B. chance    C. fortune    D. situation

13.A. described    B. planned    C. experienced    D. predicted

14.A. settled    B. moved    C. entered    D. dropped

15.A. promised    B. presente    C. sent    D. gave

16.A. hardly    B. practically    C. particularly    D. usually

17.A. and    B. so    C. but    D. however

18.A. keeping    B. passing    C. carrying    D. holding

19.A. order    B. dream    C. explanation    D. will

20.A. proved    B. offered    C. meant    D. contributed


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】为躲避战争,摆脱饥饿,作者的祖父母从波兰逃到了美国,寻求新的生活。一天,在打工回家的路上,他们捡到了一枚硬币,视为珍宝,自此给这个家族带来了好运。 1.C考查动词。A. sailed航行; B. joined 加入; C. landed 登录; D. pulled拉。船抵港或飞机着陆用land“登陆,抵港”,sail“航行”虽然和ship是常见搭配,但指在水中。从上下文得知船在纽约“抵港”,所以选C。 2.D考查动词。A. prepare 准备; B. ask问; C. apply 申请; D. search搜寻。从上下文得知,祖父母从波兰到美国的目的是寻求一种新的生活,A、B、C虽然可以和for搭配,但不符合文章脉络。古县D。 3.B从上下文得知,祖父母从波兰到美国的目的是寻求一种新的生活,免受在祖国的贫困和战乱之苦。free此处是“未受……约束,免受……”之意,符合上下文的意思。 4.C考查名词。A. restaurant餐厅; B. store 商店; C. apartment公寓; D. cottage村舍。下文的“They took the coin to their little apartment”有提示。故选C。 5.A考查动词。A. examine 检查; B. observe 观察; C. test 测试; D. touch触摸。弯下腰,靠得近一点,察看路边闪烁的到底是什么。examine此处是“仔细察看”之意。observe多指“带有研究目的的观察”,常指观看事物变化、因果等。故选A。 6.A这几个词都可以和up搭配。句意:祖母发现是一枚硬币后把它捡了起来,所以选pick。pick up“把……捡起来”。 7.D这枚硬币在祖母眼里是好运的象征,此处是对前文omen的补充说明,所以选sign。moment“时刻”;gift“礼物”;message“消息”;均不符合文意。 8.B上文提到是一枚肮脏不堪的硬币“a dirty quarter”,清洗一下才能使它闪闪发光“to make it shine”,所以此处“clean”才符合逻辑。 9.C上文提到这枚硬币是好运到来的象征,所以祖母找到了一份“更好”的工作。 10.D考查动词词组。A. got over克服; B. took up拿起,从事; C. passed by 经过; D. went through经历。go through“经历”。句意:随着时间的推移,我的祖父母经历了好的岁月当然也有不好的日子。故选D。 11.A由下文的“got a job at a big machinery company”可以看出,应选A。be laid off“遭到解雇、被解雇”。 12.C考查名词。A. wealth 财富; B. chance机会; C. fortune 运气; D. situation境况。上文“good fortune to come”有暗示。故选C。 13.D上文祖母捡到硬币的时候说这是好到运来的象征“a sign of good fortune to come”,正是祖母的“预言”,所以此处选predicted。 14.B根据上下文逻辑关系,祖父死后,祖母搬到我们家和我们住在一起“moved in to live with my family”。 15.A祖母搬到我家住后,并没有把硬币马上交给我,而是“许诺”要给我。下文信息表明:根据她的遗愿,我才得到了那枚硬币,所以此处选promise。 16.B考查副词。 A. hardly几乎不; B. practically 事实上; C. particularly 特别地;D. usually通常。因为“Every day she told me this story.”,所以这个故事我在睡眠中几乎也能讲得出来,practically“事实上,几乎”。故选B。 17.C考查并列连词。从上下文看,此处是转折关系。连接句子所以选but。 18.B读完全文可知,祖母非常重视这枚硬币,所以想让它代代流传下去,上文提到祖母许诺给我,强调传承的重要性,所以只有“passing on”才符合文意。 19.D祖母死后,根据遗愿“will”,我得到了硬币,这正和上文“promised”相吻合。 20.C考查动词。A. proved证明; B. offered 提供; C. meant 意味着; D. contributed有助于。meant the most to my grandmother“对我祖母来说意义重大”。故选C。 【名师点睛】 在做完形填空时一定要注意and/but/so/besides/however/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what’s more等词汇、固定结构的运用。它们连接了上下文,起着承上起下的作用。像but(但是)、however(然而),表示转折,这说明前后的内容相反或相对。把握住这一点,做起题来就会得心应手。本题第17小题,从上下文看,此处是转折关系,连接句子所以选but。

________the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.

A. Ignore    B. Ignoring

C. Ignored    D. Having ignored



The children________lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.

A. must have got    B. must get

C. should have got    D. should get



There is hard evidence ________ George has something to do with the murder.

A. which    B. what

C. why    D. that



Around two o'clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat________us.

A. bothers    B. had bothered

C. would bother    D. bothered



We need to get to the root of the problem ________ we can solve it.

A. while    B. after

C. before    D. as



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