满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The volunteers kept their hands in hot w...

The volunteers kept their hands in hot water __________  they could no longer tolerate the pain.

A. unless    B. until

C. when    D. after


B 【解析】A.unless除非;B.until直到;C.when 什么时候;D. After在…后;句意:志愿者们把他们的手放在热水直到他们不再忍受疼痛。故选B。  

By the 10 century, Old English __________  the official language of English.

A. has become    B. became

C. had become    D. would become



Recently, we have experienced __________  problems about the school computers, such as slow speed of the Internet.

A. constant    B. commercial

C. contrary    D. chief



One study shows __________  while our sense of sight is used too much, our senses of touch and smell have been ignored.

A. whether    B. what

C. if    D. that



If we can convince young people not to start to smoke, they may __________  that everyone around them give up smoking too.

A. persuade    B. urge

C. ban    D. educate



The thousand-year-old temples have survived modernization and centuries of wind and rain, and the original buildings __________  now.

A. remain    B. are remained

C. are remaining    D. have been remained



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