满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The bike-sharing schemes are aimed to __...

The bike-sharing schemes are aimed to __________  citizens to choose a healthy and green approach to solving the lack of public transportation.

A. attempt to    B. attach to

C. appeal to    D. add to


C 【解析】A.attempt to尝试;B.attach to(使)贴[系,粘]在…上;C.appeal to呼吁;D.add to加强;句意:自行车共享方案旨在呼吁公民选择健康的、绿色的方式以解决缺乏公共交通工具的问题。故选C。  

When I get the English novel my parents promised to give me, the difficulty I have is __________  I’m going to read the book without a dictionary.

A. how    B. what

C. when    D. that



He was __________  of running the red light when crossing the road, but he argued with the police.

A. cheated    B. charged

C. accused    D. ashamed



Johnny’s uncle promises that the boy __________  get a nice present for his birthday.

A. should    B. must

C. can    D. shall



It is important to __________ to teenagers the simple fact that life is a journey full of flowers and jungles.

A. get across    B. get down

C. get over    D. get through



The volcano erupted for the next two days. Many people were buried alive, __________  was the city.

A. so    B. and as

C. such    D. and so



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