满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.At the crossing of the street you can...


1.At the crossing of the street you can find the __________(农业的) Bank of China.

2.It was our __________(祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.

3.How can I __________(积累) enough cash to get out of debt.

4.He is still involved in __________(自愿的) work promoting local enterprise.

5.I met her because of a lucky __________(巧合).

6.If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r__________.

7.In Canada, smoking will be b__________ in all offices later this year.

8.I need some m__________ to make a dress.

9.With the d__________ of science, many new things are invented.

10.Though I haven’t met him for many years,I could r__________ him immediately.


1.agricultural 2.ancestors 3.accumulate 4.voluntary 5.coincidence 6.rapidly 7.banned 8.materials 9.development 10.recognize/recognise 【解析】本题考查掌握及运用单词的能力。在审题过程中,既要考虑单词的意思又要考虑其词性和在句中充当的成分。通常考查名词和动词等实词居多。考查名词时,要注意它的可数性,若是可数名词,要根据上下文判定是单数还是复数;考查动词时,更要特别注意它的时态语态以及各种非谓语的正确形式。 1.Agricultural。the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)中国农业银行。 2.ancestors。本句为强调句型。强调了句子的主语,用名词ancestors,意为“祖先们”,复数形式。 3.accumulate。我怎样才能攒够钱来摆脱债务呢?accumulate v. 积累,积攒。 4.voluntary。voluntary adj. 自愿的,在此作定语,voluntary work意为“义务工作,志愿工作”。 5.coincidence。coincidence n. 巧合,在because of后面作介词宾语。我遇到她纯属巧合。 6.rapidly。rapidly adv. 迅速地,在本句中修饰动词improve,作程度状语。如果你花更多的时间放在英语阅读上,你会提高得很快。 7.banned。考查动词的被动语态。ban在此用被动语态,故填过去分词banned,表被动,被禁止。 8.materials。materials (pl.) 材料。我需要一些料子做件裙子。 9.development。with the development of …固定结构表达,表示“随着……的发展”。 10.recognize/recognise。考查动词,在情态动词后用原形。recognize/recognise v.认出。

I’ve recently discovered that I have a second personality(个性) when I speak English, compared to the original me when I speak Chinese.

Speaking English brings out 1. more outgoing, enthusiastic, relaxed and confident side of me. I am also more open 2. physical expressions when speaking English, such as hugging, gesturing and using more exaggerated (夸张的)3. (face) expressions. I have to say I love this new version of me 4. (well).

Similar things happened to my friend when we were traveling in Japan. My friend, a Chinese 5.(speak) fluent Japanese, showed a more modest and gentle attitude when using Japanese. I think it must have something 6. (do) with the fact 7. the Japanese use special words and styles to show respect for an older person or a person at a higher position than themselves.

So learning a new language is really worthwhile. We can not only have direct 8. (communicate) with people from other countries, but also fully understand 9.(we) and explore the different sides of us.

I’ve recently started to learn German. Probably in a few years I 10. (see) a more cautious, accurate and hardworking version of myself.



Since my early childhood, my parents have always told me to enjoy every part of my life, no matter how ordinary it may seem. Before the summer of 2005, I never thought there was anything _______ about living in Sugar Land, Texas. All I wanted was to _______ Texas.

For most people, spending three weeks in the Tuscan countryside is a(n) _______ vacation. It also _______ my family. During my first week abroad, I admitted I _______ the foreign atmosphere. A new language and culture _______ me. For those seven days, I was totally absorbed in becoming something I could never be—a(n) _______. It was almost as if I wished to _______ my own identity for something new that was not _______ to me at all.

At some point along the drive between Florence and Genoa, it ________ me: I didn’t want to throw away who I was for any ________ wonders. Italy was an attractive and impressive country, ________ I had no emotional connection with it. I ________ Sugar Land. From that moment on, all I ________ was to return home.

I think it’s ________ that I could never fall in love with my home until I left it. Now I ________ the everyday parts of my life in Sugar Land are really the most prized treasures in my heart. Now ________, I find all my time spent living in Sugar Land made me ________. Therefore, now I can ________ say that being a Texan is who I am, and there’s no way I can ________ that.

1.A. special    B. certain    C. disappointing    D. ordinary

2.A. improve    B. leave    C. control    D. ignore

3.A. adventure    B. public    C. annual    D. dream

4.A. expected    B. shocked    C. attracted    D. welcomed

5.A. sensed    B. created    C. needed    D. liked

6.A. upset    B. amused    C. impressed    D. discouraged

7.A. traveler    B. farmer    C. American    D. Italian

8.A. abandon    B. waste    C. hide    D. damage

9.A. rude    B. related    C. useful    D. close

10.A. hit    B. warned    C. disturbed    D. embarrassed

11.A. old    B. foreign    C. real    D. potential

12.A. so    B. and    C. but    D. or

13.A. rely on    B. show off    C. stand for    D. belong to

14.A. desired    B. remembered    C. admired    D. hated

15.A. inspiring    B. terrifying    C. interesting    D. rewarding

16.A. prefer    B. guarantee    C. imagine    D. understand

17.A. looking back    B. checking up    C. growing up    D. fighting back

18.A. exist    B. smile    C. insist    D. succeed

19.A. safely    B. smoothly    C. confidently    D. warmly

20.A. spot    B. change    C. use    D. lack



Experiencing bad dreams every night can be frightening for anybody. Bad dreams can disturb sleep. 1. That’s why one should take steps to stop them as soon as they happen every day.

Studies have shown that when a person is under some sort of physical or mental stress, he’s more likely to get bad dreams and disturbed sleep. 2. For example, if you’re overworked, learn to take things slow.

Besides, an unpleasant experience that a person is unable to get over can make the person suffer from bad dreams. 3. In such a case, receiving treatment and dealing with the unpleasant experience is the only way to stop bad dreams.

Eating fatty and high-protein(高蛋白质的) foods is also known to cause bad dreams in some people. 4. Taking a light dinner of soups and salads is the best, both for health and for stopping disturbed sleep in some cases.

5. For example, your bedroom should be the most comfortable place in the world. So remove all electronic equipment including televisions. In addition, if you have negative thoughts, it can have side effects on the kind of dreams you have. So from now on try to be a happy and positive person.

A. First, we need to know the bad effects of bad dreams.

B. For example, death of a very close one can result in bad dreams.

C. They may also make a person feel stressed throughout the next day.

D. Bad dreams occurring because of this can be stopped if the diet is changed.

E. Reading something you enjoy can make you feel relaxed and help you sleep

F. Besides these, there are many other things a person can do to have a good night’s sleep.

G. To stop bad dreams, it’s necessary to find out the causes of stress in life and remove them.



One of the most popular comments I have heard about time is that we need to balance our time in order to live a more balanced life. We often feel that if we are focused and devoted, happy and positive, loving and generous, healthy and energetic, then we will be balanced people. And if the pie chart of our daily life has just the right ratios(比率) of work, life, family, health, and service, then our time will be balanced.

The problem with trying hard for balance is that most people’s understanding of this state is so different from what balance actually is! Balance is not about walking around with a bunch of positive qualities; it’s about walking on the tight rope between the poles within us and the circumstances outside of us. Strictly speaking, in order to achieve true balance, we should accept we may have some shortcomings. We should accept and love the most challenging parts of life because they offer gifts for full, real living.

Even though we measure time in a linear(线状的) way, time is and will always be asymmetrical(不均匀的). One moment is not like another, just like each day is different and each tide that rolls in is different from the previous one. This is why it is impossible to balance our time through a pie chart in a time management book. Exploring asymmetrical time allows us to move in line with an unbalanced time and thus regain our relative balance. If we stop measuring ourselves against the standards of linear time, we can accept ourselves more fully. New possibilities arise as we accept the uncertainty.

1.Why does the author think it’s difficult to achieve balance in life?

A. People don’t know the true meaning of balance.

B. People may not have enough good qualities.

C. People cannot create their pie charts of daily life.

D. People fail to realize the qualities they really need.

2.In the author’s opinion, what does a balanced life mean?

A. We should arrange our time wisely.

B. We should try to believe ourselves.

C. We should learn to improve ourselves and our lives.

D. We should accept the bad aspects of ourselves and life.

3.What does the last paragraph mainly want to tell us?

A. Uncertainty can help build up confidence.

B. It is difficult for us to accept ourselves fully.

C. There are always uncertain things occurring in life.

D. New possibilities can help us achieve balance in life.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. The true meaning of time

B. Seeking relative balance

C. Struggle for a balanced life

D. Popular comments about time



Two 5-year-old girls, best friends, held hands in Tolson’s office at Van Ness Elementary School in Washington, D.C., one saying she didn’t feel well. Tolson, the school nurse, asked, “How long has your stomach been hurting?” “It just started,” she said.

The other one said her head hurt last night, too. Tolson knew she had a history of fevers, so she checked her temperature and asked her what she ate, whether she went to the bathroom, and whether her head still hurt. It could be that these two little girls that went to Tolson’s office were fine. Or maybe they had mental problems. And that is what school nurses have to judge every day.

School nurses generally get very little training when it comes to mental health. Mazyck said she herself was astounded when she was a school nurse. She saw upset, anxiety, sadness and students who didn’t even know what to do to calm themselves down. She never expected these. So Mazyck went back to school for a graduate degree in counseling (咨询) and now she focuses on getting nurses more training in mental health.

Sharon Stephan, who co-directs the National Center for School Mental Health at the University of Maryland, tells nurses there are two simple questions to ask themselves to see if a child needs help:

Is the student acting or behaving differently than he/she was before?

Is the student somehow far outside the norm (标准) of what you would expect?

The only time everyone pays attention is when there’s a tragedy(悲剧), like a school shooting. However, we actually can catch the students who might harm others and recognize the students who might want to kill themselves.

Mental health is ranked one of the top problems all school nurses deal with, and school nurses need to be better at it.

1.Why does the author mention the two little girls?

A. To show school nurses do a difficult job.

B. To show the importance of school nurses.

C. To show school nurses need much patience.

D. To show the importance of students’ health.

2.What does the underlined word “astounded” in the third paragraph mean?

A. Tired.    B. Troubled.

C. Shocked.    D. Embarrassed.

3.Why did Mazyck go back to school?

A. To give nurses more training in mental health.

B. To find school students with mental problems.

C. To learn what mental problems students may have.

D. To improve her skills of dealing with mental health.

4.What can we learn from the last but one paragraph?

A. There are too many kids in need of help.

B. Something tragic often happens at school.

C. Students’ mental health is always ignored.

D. It’s hard to find students with mental problems.



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