满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) If you ever feel...


If you ever feel as if you are being knocked about by life, think about the amazing bird called the Water Ouzel.  I can’t imagine this waterbird knows what it is to have a    day. The little creature is often found living next to    waterfalls and rivers rushing fast. And however threatening the weather, however    the water, in snow and rain, the tough and cheerful Water Ouzel can be    chirping and singing. What's more, while the    of most songbirds, however melodious in warm weather, fall    over long winter months, the hearty Water Ouzel    on through all seasons and every kind of    . I have to wonder: does this little creature know anything I don't?

It's as if the       knows that every violent storm will eventually       sunshine; every dark night will finally fade into      . And isn't it true? Even our bleakest and stormiest times do not    forever. Like the poor man    in the cement mixer(混凝土搅拌机), there is almost always an end to the    .

As the incredible humanitarian novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe said,     you get into a tight place and everything    you till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will    .” I have had that    more times than I can remember.

Maybe this is one of those days you feel as if you are    the cement mixer. If so, do you need to    a little longer?

1.A. dull         B. long     C. bad          D. wonderful

2.A. violent     B. distant     C. calm     D. slow

3.A. deep        B. cold     C. clear        D. dirty

4.A. recorded    B. kept     C. taught       D. heard

5.A. sizes       B. colors    C. voices       D. shapes

6.A. silent      B. sleepy    C. ill        D. deaf

7.A. lives       B. sings    C. survives     D. flies

8.A. time         B. river    C. music        D. storm

9.A. bird          B. novelist    C. man     D. farmer

10.A. take place of B. get away from C. give way to D. catch up with

11.A. dawn      B. dusk     C. noon       D. night

12.A. come      B. last     C. stay        D. go

13.A. concerned   B. cared   C. complained  D. puzzled

14.A. party       B. story   C. trouble     D. day

15.A. when       B. because  C. although    D. whether

16.A. takes in   B. goes against C. gets over D. cuts off

17.A. end         B. go     C. rise        D. turn

18.A. experience B. memory C. idea       D. sight

19.A. beside      B. on     C. in         D. with

20.A. take up    B. hold on C. put off     D. bring in


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:如果你感觉自己被生活击倒在地,那么请想一想一种叫作“Water Ouzel”的水鸟吧。这种水鸟生活在水流湍急之处,无论严寒酷暑,它一直都在引吭高歌,仿佛并不知道自己身处险境一样。 1.feel as if you are being knocked about by life”可知,作者说的是生活中的不顺,故选C。 2.rivers rushing fast”可知,这种鸟生活在水流湍急的瀑布或河流附近,故选A。 3.in snow and rain”可知,这里强调的是无论溪水有多么寒冷,故选B。 4.chirping and singing.”可知,你总能听到坚强又欢乐的水鸟的啾啾的叫声和歌声,故选D。 5.while the of most 大多数鸣禽只在温暖的季节歌唱,这里指它们动听的歌声,故选C。 6.fall over long winter months鸣禽在寒冷的冬季归于寂静,故选A。 7.the hearty Water Ouzel on through all seasons然而,水鸟的歌声一年四季都能听到,故选B。 8.the hearty Water Ouzel on through all seasons and every kind of 水鸟的歌声贯穿一年四季和各种恶劣的暴风雨天气,故选D。 9.It's as if the knows that every violent storm will eventually这种水鸟似乎知道每次暴风雨最终都会......,故选A。 10. 考查动词短语辨析。A代替;B离开,脱离;C让路;D赶上。every violent storm will eventually sunshine每次暴风雨都会让路于阳光,故选C。 11.every dark night will finally fade into .每个黑夜都要褪变成黎明,这里指黑夜过后总是光明,故选A。 12.Even our bleakest and stormiest times do not forever.甚至最寒冷的时间、最激烈的暴风雨都不会永远没有结束,寓意艰难的日子总会过去,故选B。 13.Like the poor man in the cement mixer就像被困在搅拌机里的可怜的人一样,故选D。 14.there is almost always an end to the . 麻烦几乎总是会有终结的时候,故选C。 15. you get into a tight place当你陷入困境,......不要放弃,故选A。 16.everything you当你陷入困境,一切似乎都背叛了你,故选B。 17.for that is just the place and time that the tide will .走投无路时不要放弃,因为正是即将柳暗花明的时刻,故选D。 18. I have had that more times than I can remember.“我”曾无数次经历这样的处境,多的我都记不清了,故选A。 19.Maybe this is one of those days you feel as if you are the cement mixer.这也许是你所遇到的举步维艰的日子中的一天,就像身处水泥搅拌机里一样,故选C。 20.as though you could not hold on a minute longer”可知,遇到困难时要坚持到底,故选B。 考点:生活哲理类短文阅读

The man felt rather         as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party.

A. in place   B. out of place

C. by the way D. in the way



Lily found one of her friends had been         after she finished writing the invitation to her wedding party.

A. put out   B. picked out

C. taken out D. left out



At the news of her son’s death, the sad mother         and cried.

A. broke away  B. broke out

C. broke up     D. broke down



        , it’s predicted that global temperature will rise futher at current rates of CO2 emission.

A. Roughly B. Curiously

C. Sadly   D. Particularly



The drug can’t cure your disease at all. It can provide only         relief from pain.

A. temporary B. technical C. thorough D. tight



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