满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

People in Taiwan and the mainland must t...

People in Taiwan and the mainland must try hard to understand each other, and _________ misunderstanding.

A. clear up    B. take up

C. pick up    D. clean up


A 【解析】考查动词词组。A. clear up清理; B. take up拿起,开始从事;C. pick up捡起; D. clean up清除。在台湾和大陆的人必须力争互相了解,消除误解。根据句意可知选A。  

All her time _________ experiments, she has no time for entertainment.

A. devoted to doing    B. devoted to do

C. devoting to do    D. is devoted to doing



I realized strength and courage aren’t always _________ in medal and victories, but sometimes in the struggles we went through.

A. measured    B. praised

C. tested    D. increased



The extraordinary success of Conan Dole, mainly with his Sherlock Homes, has_________ the market with detective stories.

A. flowed    B. controlled

C. charged    D. flooded



As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate _________ from you now and then _________ me how everyone is getting along.

A. hearing; tell    B. to hear; tell

C. hearing; telling    D. to hear; to tell



Although a snowstorm is in store, people are still looking forward _________ the plan to go sightseeing in Lhasa.

A. to canceling    B. not to canceling

C. no to cancel    D. to not canceling



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