满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As I will be away for at least a year, I...

As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate _________ from you now and then _________ me how everyone is getting along.

A. hearing; tell    B. to hear; tell

C. hearing; telling    D. to hear; to tell


C 【解析】考查动词用法.appreciate doing sth感激做某事。句意:因为我要外出至少一年,我非常感激收到你的来信并告诉我们一切事情的进展情况。故C正确。  

Although a snowstorm is in store, people are still looking forward _________ the plan to go sightseeing in Lhasa.

A. to canceling    B. not to canceling

C. no to cancel    D. to not canceling



_________ quite well in the important exam, he came back home, _________ and smiling.

A. Having done; relaxed    B. Having done; relaxing

C. Having been done; relaxing    D. Done; relaxed



As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not_______,and asked myself what I was going to do.

A. moved    B. moving

C. to move    D. being moved



_________to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants of genes in human bodies.

A. Being close    B. Having been closed

C. Closed    D. After being closed



During the opening ceremony, “Miss smile” has won the hearts of Chinese Internet users after being caught _________ the same smile for nearly 20minutes.

A. fixed    B. to be fixed

C. to fix    D. fixing



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