满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 台湾的地理位置;(见图)

2. 台湾是中国最大的岛屿,面积约36,000平方公里,人口2,000多万;


4. 风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓来;

5. 台湾自古以来就是中国领土的一部分。岛内绝大多数居民来自福建,广东。海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望

参考词汇:古代的 ancient times 中国南海 South China Sea 台湾海峡  the Taiwan Strait 统一 unite

Dear Tom:

I’m glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about Taiwan island.










Dear Tom, I’m glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about Taiwan island. Taiwan lies in the west of the Pacific Ocean. North of it lies the East China Sea and southwest of it lies the South China Sea. The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian. Taiwan is the largest island in China. It covers an area of about 36,000 square kilometers and it has a population of over 20 million. It’s rich in natural resources. Bananas, rice, tea, and so on, are famous all over the world. Its scenery is so beautiful and its climate is so pleasant that travelers throughout the world come for a visit. Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong. The people on both sides of the straits have a strong wish to unite our motherland. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】景点类说明文: 亮点分析: 使用描述地理位置的句型: Taiwan lies in the west of the Pacific Ocean. North of it lies the East China Sea and southwest of it lies the South China Sea. The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian. 面积:It covers an area of about 36,000 square kilometers 人口: it has a population of over 20 million. 资源: It’s rich in natural resources. Bananas, rice, tea, and so on, are famous all over the world. 风景: Its scenery is so beautiful and its climate is so pleasant that travelers throughout the world come for a visit.  

My best friends gave me a present in a box on my birthday. It was a little heavy, which made me very curiously. So I intended to open it at once but she prevented me do so. She said I mustn’t open it until I went back home but gave me a naughty smile. Although there is a strong desire in my mind to know that was inside the box, I just did as she said. On the way to home, all I did was thinking about the puzzle. Finally I opened the box. It was a cup printing with a pink word — friendship. It was so lovely that I liked very much.

Now, every time I use a cup, I will think about her and the friendship between us.




1.端午节是为了纪念著名诗人屈原而庆祝的。(in memory of)



4.站在塔尖上,我仍能看到远处的山。(in the distance)





1.The government has promised to take immediate _______________ (措施) to help the unemployed.

2.The village ______________ (围绕) by forests and mountains is one of the most beautiful villages in our country.

3.I stood on the stage, and my heart beat ______________ (激烈地、猛烈地).

4.Time _____________ (允许), I will go to see a movie after supper.

5.Everyone has his own _______________ (优点) and weaknesses.

6.He is deeply ______________ (虔诚的,信仰宗教的) and goes to churches twice every week.

7.The airline company has _________________ (道歉) for the delay of planes.

8.Regular exercise and a balanced diet are ________________ (有益的) to our health.

9.whether life will continue to ________________ (存在,生存) on the earth depends on whether the problem can be solved.

10.My father cheered me up and _________________ (使铭记) on me the value of hard work with his own experience.



What do Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, and Michelle Obama all have in common? Besides being 1. (extreme) successful, each of them is known for 2. (wake) up very early. The three famous persons’ examples tell us how this habit can make a 3. (different) in life,4.can help you ,too.

Early rising is helpful in more than one way. To begin with, it helps us to have good health. The air is never 5. fresh as early in the morning. Early rising gives you time to take exercise. Besides, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find 6. Easy to learn something by heart. At last, early rising makes people able 7. (plan) the work for the day. We can’t work well 8. a good plan. Just as a year’s plan starts with spring, the plan for the day ought to 9. (make) in the morning. Therefore, if you want to 10. (success),it’s a good idea to jump out of bed earlier.



It’s amazing how one dollar can change the culture of a school.

We have a ______ school of about 30 students. It is really full of ______ and pressure as most of the kids get good ______ and try to be the best ones. It’s ______ except that a lot of us middle kids felt really pressured. We got the feeling that we are so selfish—it’s every man for ______ .

____,my friend and I set out to find a way to ______ the culture. We decided doing things for others was the only way to ______ our depression(沮丧)about school.

On the first day of school we put a ______ folded into a heart into one of the leaders’ lockers with a piece of paper that ______,“Buy yourself a snack.” We______ to give away small gifts every day. We didn’t know the ______ it would have.

People went ______ over it and everyone was talking about who it might be doing the acts of kindness and ______ that they should do something too. It is so much fun to see the ______ on everyone’s faces now! Lots of other people have started sharing ______ now too: Chocolate bars, cookies and money left ______ in the vending machine(自动售货机).And lots of notes are on the thanks board saying: “thanks to whoever started.”

Now I actually expect to go to school to have the chance to ______ people up. I hope kindness will ______ to the other schools.____ anybody is struggling with being depressed  At school and work, I totally suggested doing acts of kindness.

1.A. small    B. large    C. foolish    D. hopeless

2.A. decoration    B. selection    C. competition    D. application

3.A. grades    B. jewels    C. Receptions    D. signals

4.A. unbelievable    B. magical    C. good    D. hopeless

5.A. others    B. yourself    C. nothing    D. himself

6.A. In relief    B. In charge    C. In response    D. In cash

7.A. spotted    B. continue    C. praise    D. change

8.A. get over    B. take over    C. come up with    D. keep up with

9.A. paper    B. hat    C. dollar    D. ticket

10.A. agreed    B. said    C. voted    D. talked

11.A. refused    B. hoped    C. persuaded    D. escaped

12.A. risk    B. opinion    C. effect    D. beginning

13.A. wild    B. sad    C. angry    D. peaceful

14.A. regretting    B. disagreeing    C. doubting    D. deciding

15.A. tears    B. pain    C. smiles    D. terror

16.A. manners    B. selfishness    C. kindness    D. sadness

17.A. on duty    B. on average    C. on foot    D. on purpose

18.A. bring    B. cheer    C. speed    D. hold

19.A. spread    B. refer    C. react    D. harm

20.A. Until    B. Though    C. Unless    D. If



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