满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Pink has never been one of the favorite ...

Pink has never been one of the favorite colors of the fashion industry,as it's often seen as silly and not cool enough.But this spring,it's having its moment in the spotlight,all thanks to the fact that the color is no longer all about being girly and sweet.Instead,pink is taking on a new meaning of independence and power.

This shift happened last month during the Women's March.Tens of thousands of women filled the streets of major cities in the US and in countries all around the world to protest(抗议)against the disrespect to women.What was unusual about the protests is that a lot of people taking part were wearing pink hats,making the streets appear like a "sea of pink".Even though the hats were without any slogan(标语),their pink color is thought to have sent out a message that is louder than any words."We women have power and we're not going to sit down and shut up," Aileen Gildea,one of the protesters in the US,told The Boston Globe.

Now young people are changing their attitudes to pink.They are no longer trying to escape pink,but give new meanings to it instead.

"Women who came before us ...to be taken seriously they had to get away from the symbols used to make women seem less capable.Younger women don't have that reaction.They're more interested in breaking and rebuild those symbols,"Audrey Gelman,a businesswoman in the US,told The Wall Street Journal.

So sometimes it's not the thing itself that needs to be changed,but the way we look at it.And in the case of pink, what used to be seen as silly may be turned into something really serious.

1.In general,people tend to relate pink to      .

A. independence    B. weakness

C. power    D. sadness

2.According to Aileen Gildea,what were their protests meant to convey?

A. Women actually prefer pink to any other color.

B. Women need to get away from those symbols of silliness.

C. Women ought to have a bigger voice in society.

D. Women should have the right to choose whatever colors.

3.The last paragraph implies that sometimes it is necessary to      .

A. change our traditional concepts

B. show greater respect for women

C. have doubts about the so-called "truth"

D. tell something silly from something serious


1.B 2.C 3.A 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要论述了粉色象征意义的变化,起初,粉色是少女和甜美的象征;而发生在三月份的女性抗议歧视的维权运动,赋予了粉色新的含义——独立和力量,在这场运动中,有成千上万的女性头戴粉色帽子在美国的各大街头抗议,争取女性在社会中发声的权利,尽管没有任何标语,但这片粉色海洋传递的信息却比任何语言都有力量,而这也告诉我们,事情本身并不需要改变,需要改变的使我们看待它的方式。 1.细节理解题。根据“it's often seen as silly and not cool enough”,人们通常认为粉色代表着愚蠢而且不够潮流,注意题目中的“general”(通常)对应原文中的“often”,以及后文中的“We women have power……”,粉色表达了女性们的心声,即女性也有自己力量,由此分析四个选项只有B最符合题意。 2.细节理解题。通过原文第二段最后,作为抗议者之一的Aileen Gildea在《波士顿环球报》中的发言“We women have power and we're not going to sit down and shut up”,我们女性拥有自己的权利和力量,我们不应该保持沉默,什么都不说,据此分析可知该抗议想要传递的意思是女性应该有权利在社会中发出更大的声音。故选C。 3.细节理解题。最后一段中指出“it's not the thing itself that needs to be changed,but the way we look at it”,事情本身不需要改变,需要改变的使我们看待它的方式,即暗示我们应该摒弃传统的观念来看待事物,故选A。


1. 校友回忆在我校学习的经历;

2. 校友的成功及对母校的感激;

3. 自己听报告后的感想。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加情节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好。

Yesterday we invited Mr. Li, a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school, to give a speech to us Senior 3 students. _________________________________________________________________________________


















Dear John,

I am very sorry to tell you that I unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind for you to invite me to your house. I really look forward to go to your party and sharing your happy experiences abroad. Much to my regret I would be absent from your party because the final exam is just in the corner. What's worst, I have caught a bad cold lately and I am really not me. Anyway, we will have much more chances to get together. I am true sorry. I hope you will forgive me but accept my sincere apology.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



It is sad but true that people die in earthquakes 1.falling furniture and bricks. Earthquake2.(safe) is very important and there is more to it3.just keeping buildings from falling down. So if your home is in an earthquake area, you should prepare carefully before the earthquake4. (come).

First, make sure you buy a house which is earthquake safe. All pipes should be fixed to the walls and all walls should be 5. (especial) thick and strong. Make sure the building has no6.(break) windows and is well repaired.

Second, look at the objects in your house. Objects7. computers, televisions and lamps can be tied to tables or8.(stick) to them so they won’t easily move around. The cupboards, 9. many small things are stored, should have strong doors. Always remember,10. (good) safe than sorry.



Geography is an important tool for learning and understanding history. Geography affects history—just look at the changes in world geography over recent years. Governments change, and _______ countries were born. Many countries no longer have the same names they _______even five years ago. Climate changes _______events such as droughts(干旱) and floods that cause lots of loss of life and the movements of people from one place to another in search of_______. Environmental changes can change the entire _______of a community or region.

As with history, children have a natural interest in_______. Watch a group of children playing in the sand. One child makes streets for his cars, _______ a second child builds houses along the_______. A third scoops out a hole and _______ the dirt to make a hill, then pours water in the ________ to make a lake, using sticks for ________. The children name the streets, and ________ may even use a watering can to make________ that washes away a house. They may not realize it, ________these children are learning some core features(核心特征)of geography—how people interact with the Earth, how climate ________land, and how places ________each other through the movement of things from one place to another. Turning to maps or globes, when we talk with our children about vacation plans, events ________around the world or historical events, we teach them a great deal about geography. Not only can such activities help our children learn how to use key reference tools, ________ over time, they help them form their own mental maps of the world, which allows children to better organize and ________information about other people, places, times and________. Such activities also help our children learn to how to work together in the future.

1.A. new    B. some    C. many    D. old

2.A. did    B. do    C. are    D. have

3.A. bring about    B. come about    C. take place    D. happen

4.A. relative    B. safe    C. help    D. safety

5.A. people    B. history    C. nature    D. housing

6.A. climate    B. building    C. environment    D. geography

7.A. while    B. but    C. and    D. so

8.A. paths    B. streets    C. railway    D. ways

9.A. makes    B. create    C. pull    D. uses

10.A. house    B. street    C. hole    D. hill

11.A. houses    B. bridges    C. streets    D. road

12.A. we    B. he    C. they    D. workers

13.A. cloudy    B. cover    C. snow    D. rain

14.A. but    B. and    C. yet    D. still

15.A. effects    B. affects    C. affect    D. influence

16.A. relate to    B. concerned    C. involving    D. refer to

17.A. to happen    B. happening    C. happen    D. happened

18.A. but    B. and    C. besides    D. so

19.A. write    B. read    C. understand    D. know

20.A. weather    B. history    C. climate    D. events



I just realized that while children are dogs-loyal and affectionate-teenagers are cats.

1. You feed it, train it, and boss it around. It puts its head on your knee and gazes at you as if you were a Rembrandt painting. It bounds indoors with enthusiasm when you call it. However, around age 13, your adoring little puppy(child) turns into a big old cat(teenager). Then when you tell it to come inside, it looks amazed, as if wondering who died. Instead of following your doorsteps, it disappears. 2.

Not realizing that the dog is now a cat, you think something must be desperately wrong within. Since you're the one who raised it, you assume that you did something wrong. Now you're dealing with a cat. Filled with guilt and fear, you redouble your efforts to make your pet behave.  3. Call it, and it runs way. Tell it to sit, and it jumps on the counter.

Instead of continuing to act like a dog owner, you can learn to behave like a cat owner. Put a dish of food near the door, and let it come to you. 4.   You sit still, and it will come, seeking that warm, comforting lap it has not entirely forgotten. Be there to open the door for it. One day your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen, give you a big kiss and say, "You've been working hard all day. Let me get those dishes for you."5.

A. It's so easy to be a dog owner.

B. Children as cats can turn to their parents.

C. You won't see it again until it gets hungry.

D. Then you'll realize your cat is a dog again.

E. Teenagers can understand and appreciate their parents' love.

F. But remember that a cat needs your help and your affection, too.

G. However, all the efforts made before now produce the opposite of the desired result.



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