满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not every parent looks forward to the da...

Not every parent looks forward to the day when their child goes off to school.In fact some parents are not sending their children to school at all.Instead they are choosing to teach their children at home.This is called homeschooling.Parents,caregivers,or private tutors educate children individually at home instead of sending them off to be formally educated in public or private schools.In the U.S. only about three percent of children are homeschooled.

There are many reasons why some parents choose to homeschool.One reason is that some parents do not feel their children are safe in school because of bullying(恃强凌弱).It is said that bullying is very common in the school. Other parents want their children's education to be based on their religion or moral beliefs.Yet other parents think the education in school is not good enough.Homeschooling is also seen as a choice for families that live in rural areas, and families that move frequently.

There are many different ways to homeschool,and homeschooling allows parents to design lessons based on their children's needs.Families can purchase textbooks to use or create their own materials.Some parents follow a philosophy called unschooling,which allows a child to determine when and how they want to learn based on their natural ability.Some worry that homeschooling means students won't have opportunities to communicate with others.

To solve this problem,some families have created activities,where a group of homeschooled students will learn and play together and participate in activities that would normally happen in school like field trips.

Besides,being homeschooled doesn't mean a student cannot go to college.Most colleges accept homeschooled students.And the homeschooled students can get the same degrees,too.

1.How many American students go to public or private schools?

A. About 3%.    B. About 97%.

C. About 50%.    D. About 70%.

2.Which is the reason that some parents choose homeschooling?

A. School bullying exists in some schools.

B. Some parents cannot afford the education fees in school.

C. Some children want their education to be based on their religion.

D. Some parents think the school is too far away.

3.What will the parents do to help their children communicate?

A. The parents can buy some textbooks.

B. The parents will allow children to choose what to learn.

C. The parents will organize the children to play together.

D. The parents will teach the children by themselves.

4.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A. Homeschooled students cannot get enough chances to go to college.

B. American colleges are fond of the homeschooled students.

C. Homeschooled students find it easy to go to some American colleges.

D. Homeschooled students have the same rights as students who are formally educated in schools.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】在美国,约有3%的孩子选择在家上学。一些家长选择在家上学原因有很多。有的认为他们的孩子是在学校不安全,受欺负;有的因为宗教或道德信仰;或认为学校教育不够好。为了弥补这种不足,在家学习的孩子可参加像在学校的各种活动。但在家上学的孩子和在学校上学的孩子享有同样的上大学的机会。 1.B 推理决断题。第一段最后一句“In the U.S. only about three percent of children are homeschooled.” 只有约百分之三的孩子在家上学,可推断出大约97%的孩子在学校学习。 2.A 细节理解。第二段第二句“One reason is that some parents do not feel their children are safe in school because of bullying ” 有些父母认为他们的孩子在学校因为有恃强凌弱,不安全。故选A项。 3.C 细节理解题。倒数第二段句意:为了解决这个问题,有些家庭创建各种活动,让在家接受家庭教育的学生一起学习和玩耍,通常会去学校进行实地考察。故选C。 4.D 推理判断题。“being homeschooled doesn’t mean a student cannot go to college” 在家上学并不意味着学生不去上大学。故选项D。

Meet big brother Blue and his sisters Meadow and Little Willow,a family of three blind cats that just got adopted by the family Catherine Magno.

Their story starts just before the Christmas of 2014 when the kittens(小猫)were found in an abandoned house in Dubai.By then they had already lost their sight due to a cat flu that was left untreated by their previous(先前的) owner.After that they came to an animal home.At some point,brother Blue almost got adopted by the previous owner's neighbor,but the poor confused cat couldn’t bear living without his sisters and cried all night while searching for them.Soon they were all united in the animal home until the important night of 19 February 2015,when Catherine took them under her wing.

"I had zero experience having adopted my first ever rescue kitten just a couple of months ago,"Catherine said. "But their story touched my heart so much that I couldn't bear the thought of them being put in a cage for a very long time or even worse."

Catherine was worried about the special needs of her new pet friends:“My worry was that it's going to not only be challenging but also require a lot of adjustments on my part,”but apparently it wasn't that much different.“The only adjustment early on was keeping everything where it was but they are soon adaptive(适应的).”And as she wonderfully put it:“Blind pets see through their hearts."

1.What caused the three cats to be blind according to the passage?

A. Because of a certain kind of disease.

B. Because of a serious car accident.

C. Because of some bad persons hurting them.

D. The passage didn't mention it.

2.What does the underlined word " them" mean in Paragraph 2?

A. The owner and his neighbor.

B. Meadow and Little Willow.

C. Catherine Magno and her family.

D. All the other blind pets in the animal home.

3.What kind of person is Catherine?

A. Hard-working.    B. Selfish.

C. Kind.    D. Rude.



A woman's home is her castle.She cleans,cooks,decorates,repairs,works,plays and relaxes within the walls of her home.Sometimes women choose to stay at home to raise their children instead of working outside of the home. So you think she must be bored.I was one of those women.

After finally getting pregnant,and giving birth,I found my home to be the best place.During the nine months I carried my daughter,my body had been broken and back.Being able to relax was just what my weak body needed. Besides,nursing was a rest because I was unhurried and very comfortable.Staying at home certainly cured my broken body.

Watching other families grow one child after the next was a horrible dream,when I didn’t think I would ever be able to have my own child.But after having Alyssa,my own cute little baby girl,I was able to let my heart recover from the wounds.I watched and I valued every small change of her body and personality.Nothing was more exciting than time spent with my child.I loved to stay at home.

Mentally I remained challenged with new opportunities every day.I learned to be perfect and organized. Everything worked like a clock.By 9:00 in the morning,the house was clean—beds made,bathrooms cleaned,house cleaned,and windows cleaned.I enjoyed finishing them quickly so that I could devote most of the day to my daughter. Between nursing,short breaks and staring at her,I thought of ways to improve my home and myself.Even with all the housework,every day was filled with so much fun!

1.Why did the author say home is the best place in Paragraph 2?

A. She could carry her baby for nine months.

B. She could know her baby better.

C. She could have a good rest to cure her weak body.

D. She could make friends with others.

2.Why did the author enjoy staying at home?

A. Because she had a beloved husband.

B. Because she could heal the wounds physically and mentally.

C. Because her daughter had some kind of rare disease.

D. Because she liked to do so much housework with her little daughter.

3.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4?

A. She liked doing work connected with clocks.

B. She was busy but happy when staying at home.

C. She wanted someone to help her with the housework.

D. She preferred to take care of her baby while doing the housework.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. My experience as a mother.

B. How can I deal with my body and my housework?

C. How can a stay-at-home mother be bored?

D. Stay at home.



New York City Tour Guide


With Sam L.

Come to shoot in the Central Park of New York that will allow you to take home digital postcards.This tour is a great introduction to Central Park and combines views of the bridges,lakes and skyline.

At each stop of the photo tour,I will provide you with explanations around photography(摄影),camera settings, etc.You will be able to put these tips to good use immediately.


With Sebastien B.

Love running?Love New York?Do you want to see the sites of the city?Contact me and we'll take a special tour. All you'll need to do is to put on your sports shoes and we'll be off.I'll show you my favorite running spots along the Hudson River or north of Central Park and away from all the tourists.

If you're thinking of training for something,I’ll give you the explanations and tips to make the best of your time training!


With Manhattan W.

Discover unbelievable places to eat.This is the real Greenwich Village gastronomic(美食的)experience.Along the way,find out how the village has kept its unique character throughout the years,from the Dutch and English controlled periods to today.

Tour runs every day from 12:30 PM-2:30 PM.


With Sam L.

We have already prepared NYC for the most unique points for you.During the-hour walking tour,we share these special comers of NYC.

The night tour teaches night photography techniques while discovering the "darker" side of the city that never sleeps: the UN headquarters,42nd street,Grand Central Terminal,the Chrysler Building,Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall.

1.Who will you contact if you want to take pictures of the Central Park?

A. Sam L.    B. Sebastien B.

C. Manhattan W.    D. Rockefeller.

2.How much can you spend running along the Hudson River with Sebastien B?

A. $79.    B. $50.

C. $75.    D. $115.

3.What can you do if you choose Manhattan W as your tour guide?

A. You can shoot some pictures.

B. You can do some sports.

C. You can enjoy some delicious food.

D. You can learn night photography techniques.

4.In which part of a magazine can you read this kind of passage?

A. Advertisement.    B. History.

C. Science.    D. Politics.










3.参考词汇:state of mind 心态


Dear Xiao Wang,

I have received and read your letter, in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.








Li Hua




增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Music plays a important role in my life and listen to music is my favorite activity.  Usually I preferred to express my feeling through music, and I like pop music best. I don’t like rock music because of I think it’s too noisily. When I am tired after studying or when I am nervous before exams, music helps me feel relaxing and fresh. I am not good at singing or I can play the piano and the violin. In addition, I am fond of listening to foreign song in order to learn more about the cultures of different countries as well learning about the world better. Music makes your life more colorful.



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